Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxMar 24, 2005 14:23:58 | Could a 30th level male dragon and a 30th female dragon mate and produce dragon off-spring? My guess is they would be born as 21st level dragon, fully self-aware and containing mental and physical traits similar to their parents. |
#2nytcrawlrMar 24, 2005 14:38:11 | Could a 30th level male dragon and a 30th female dragon mate and produce dragon off-spring? I don't see why not, since several of the SMs already do mate with the commoners and others and have produced offspring that way. Me personally I plan to create some sort of template for these offspring which gives them a few inherent racial abilities. |
#3SysaneMar 24, 2005 14:59:25 | I don't know. Abalach-Re had hundreds of children and they just came out as "non-dragon" like. Granted, that was with non-draconic partners. Perhaps being originally human and not born a "true" dragon like other worlds is why its not passed down on a genetic level. A cool theroy would be that the spawn created from the mating of two Dragons would actually spawn a Athasian half-dragon. |
#4lyricMar 24, 2005 17:33:03 | I say make the half dragons like cerebremancers or whatever that other psionic class is.. or grant them sorceror abilities.. and restrict that to half dragons only.. As for 30/30 dragons mating?? Well.. decide.. is the female dragon sterile?? or if she can have kids, odds are they would have the powers of a dragon similar to that of other worlds, with wizardly magic progression as a natural thing, perhaps even psionics also.. but they would be slowly increased as the creature grew.. would they be immortal? that's a question.. a 30th level Dragon is immortal, yet they absorb life energy to complete the transformation to 30th.. but starting at level 21 they are immortal... I'd say the children would be like a red dragon in many ways.. as time goes by, they gain in size and strength, magic and wisdom... |
#5xlorepdarkhelm_dupMar 24, 2005 23:03:40 | Could a 30th level male dragon and a 30th female dragon mate and produce dragon off-spring? Honestly, I generally make dragons sterile to each other (ie: two dragons can't have any offspring together) - mainly as a side-effect of the magics & psionics that have twisted them into what they are. And, in my games, it's the offspring of the Dragons with non-dragons that gave rise to Sorcerers existing (people where arcane magic is an innate "gift") in the world. Any direct offspring of a Dragon is at least Half-Human (as all the Dragons originally were Human). The problem with Sorcerers is they are frequently not trained, and are rapidly shunned. I do have Sorcerers divided between Defiling & Preserving like Wizards. Most quickly take up defiling practices long before any Preserver could teach them how to Preserve. They also are usually distrusted by Wizards, as they can perform the same things Wizards do, without the same rigorous studying. I even have it written up that no matter how thinned the blood gets (the number of generations between Dragon and Progeny) they all could have the potential of becoming a Sorcerer. As some Dragons are more...promiscuous than others (*cough* Abalach-Re *cough*), and all the Dragons are over 2,000 years old, this does tend to mean that virtually anyone of any race could potentially be a Sorcerer. Beyond that, there are the Dray that Dregoth had made, which are draconian in nature. |
#6greyormMar 25, 2005 20:32:17 | No, they can't. Dragon isn't a "race" or "genetic" (whatever that term means in a fantasy world with magic and psionic powers and impossible mutations): it is a state of being achieved when one reaches a certain level of magical and psionic awareness and ability. As such, it cannot be "passed down" to children any more than two high-level preservers can have children together who are born as high-level preservers. That's my take at any rate. |
#7zombiegleemaxMar 25, 2005 21:26:44 | I like the idea of Dragons being able to hatch new dragons. It would be a simple thing to make them just like every other race of Dragons, complete with age progression and such. I see the Defiler Metamorphosis as an evolution, not just a transformation. If the genes didn't change, they wouldn't stay in that form. Once the Dragon rules are released by the Epic Bureau, I'll reverse-engineer them into a Defiler Dragon race and post what I come up with |
#8zombiegleemaxMar 26, 2005 0:25:16 | Maybe I should even include the ability to assume human form like a regular dragon can... As a legacy of their once entirely human heritage. On a related note, I'll probably do the same thing for Avangions, as well. For both, I'll base the final stats on a Wiz3/Psi3/MindMage10/Cerebremancer8/ Fully transformed dragon(or avangion) as the "Great Wyrm" stage, and work my way down from there. It makes sense to me that the offspring would have a more streamlined path to power, and this setup totally prevents having a huge deficit when comparing character level to manifester/caster level, as well as raising DCs to save vs powers ans spells the dragons cast. |
#9zombiegleemaxMar 26, 2005 0:37:27 | Damn, I hope I don't become the recipient of one of GreyOrm's scathing yet eloquent speeches for these posts. I hate disagreeing with that guy, cause he can make you feel dumb as a box of hair with just a couple of paragraphs. |
#10PennarinMar 26, 2005 0:57:31 | Greyorm's reasoning is my kind of reasoning. I think like that and usually end up agreeing with the conclusion (but darn I can't write eloquently for 2 Cps). Sure, I see the attraction in having found a reason to bring the sorcerer class to DS, but I wouldn't allow it in my game. Still, I don't think others are crazy for wanting that; amongst the "out there" ideas, dragon-spawned sorcerers is in the top best. |
#11lyricMar 26, 2005 1:47:04 | Here's a thought, have male dragons be bigger than female, allow them to mate, and have the female killed in the process, her energy being absorbed by the offspring, and of course, if multiple eggs were laid, the first male out could attack the other males, and absorb their energy too.. this keeps a defiler style to the race, and like their parents, they would need to absorb much life energy to grow.. making themselves like all defilers, vampirelike in their hunger.. stealing the energy they need from any source available, and squashing any resistance. A survival of the fittest mentality could arise, with the males being dominant and the females being really tough to get ahold of let alone mate with.. the children would gain intelligence and power through each life they absorb, at first being beastlike in mentality, then later being very cunning and knowledgeable. ![]() |
#12xlorepdarkhelm_dupMar 26, 2005 2:35:13 | Greyorm's reasoning is my kind of reasoning. I think like that and usually end up agreeing with the conclusion (but darn I can't write eloquently for 2 Cps). Sure, I see the attraction in having found a reason to bring the sorcerer class to DS, but I wouldn't allow it in my game. Still, I don't think others are crazy for wanting that; amongst the "out there" ideas, dragon-spawned sorcerers is in the top best. Well, there's important things I have in place that makes the Sorcerer less likely to be recognized as such: 1. Sorcerers, as Arcane spellcasters on Athas, are divided between Defilers & Preservers, just like Wizards - and have exactly the same pitfalls. 2. Honestly, only a Wizard or a Sorcerer could really understand the difference between the two - for most people, it would seem like splitting hairs over the subject. 3. Vast mistrust and a gulf of envy and no small amount of loathing between Wizards and Sorcerers frequently results in many Sorcerers steering clear of Wizards - as a result of this, most Sorcerers are Defilers (since they usually avoid the Veiled Alliance). As a result of that, most Wizards aren't even all that aware of the existence of Sorcerers either. 4. Those Sorcerers who do somehow end up within the Veiled Alliance, call themselves Preservers just like the Wizards within it. So... in the end, the net effect that my adding Sorcerers to the campaign setting was not much. It just provides another option for my players. |
#13zombiegleemaxMar 26, 2005 9:31:38 | I've also been toying with the idea of Warlocks as dragon-spawn. Perhaps the Draconic heritage gives them just the right type of raw connection to magic they need to do those things that Warlocks do. On another note, can avangions reproduce? Could Oronis produce offspring with a human, or maybe even with another Avangion?If they could, perhaps the offspring would inherit the ability to power their own spells like an Avangion and be exactly like PHB sorcerors. Automatically born as preservers in the purest sense! |
#14beyowulfMar 26, 2005 11:09:39 | I've also been toying with the idea of Warlocks as dragon-spawn. Perhaps the Draconic heritage gives them just the right type of raw connection to magic they need to do those things that Warlocks do. Possibly, but I think that if they go too far into the Avangion transformation they'd essentially become genderless. Which doesn't mean they couldn't polymorph into something with a gender, but it may just kill the desire to mate. Not to mention, if they transform into something female, they'd be stuck polymorphed for the next 9 months or so. And how about those randy elementals. You know those air elementals always play hard-to-get. ;) Speaking about elementals, I've briefly toyed with the idea of ritual or perhaps artifact that could transform people into elementals. The catch would be, they'd be reduced to effectively 1 HD. Not sure whether or not the idea is too cheesy. |
#15xlorepdarkhelm_dupMar 26, 2005 13:51:43 | I've also been toying with the idea of Warlocks as dragon-spawn. Perhaps the Draconic heritage gives them just the right type of raw connection to magic they need to do those things that Warlocks do. Considering there is basically 1 surviving Avangion, and he's really not planning on telling anyone else how to undergo the procedure (believing that his teaching the others the process was the most direct cause of them dying at the hands of the Dragons), I haven't even bothered with it. I leave Oronis as a unique individual, and pretty much bar any character in any of my campaigns to even really being able to get Oronis to teach them the process (or anyone else for that matter). Hell, I genuinely get irritated whenever any of my players use any knowledge they have as to what Oronis is, or even, for the most part, that he exists at all (Kurn is one of the "Lost Cities" after all). However, if I was to consider it, I'd most likely place the same kind of limitations on Avangions as I do Dragons in this regard - they are sterile to each other (and for that matter, to Dragons - like that possibility would ever come up), and any offspring from them with other creatures would be considered half-human (as the only Avangion alive is a human, but it would really be half-whatever the original species the Avangion in question was). I do tend to agree strongly with Greyorm on this - the Dragon, Avangion, Spirit of the Land & Elemental metamorphosi are magical and psionic in nature - they do not truly rewrite the individual's DNA - they merely make magical or psuonic modifications to the being. Much like how cosmetic surgery in real life doesn't modify the DNA. It's a permanent effect, and they are the new being, but deep down, in their core, the DNA is still whatever their species of origin was, and that's what they pass onto their offspring. I allow for the Sorcerer ability to exist because the magic infused into the advanced beings is so great, that it does infuse everything of thier bodies - including their reproductive systems. The effect isn't that great in the new child, but it is enough to grant them an innate understanding of how Arcane Magic works. I'm also totally against the idea of any "automatic Preservers" - that's just not working for my own idea as to how Athas works. No automatic "good guys" - Arcane magic has a price, and a temptation with it. I'm not about to allow anything else. Ih, for the record - I also usually play along the lines that anyone whoever has Arcane magic from another world, and comes to Athas, finds themselves completely inept, and inable to use their magic - basically, they lose all their arcane spellcaster levels. They then have to multiclass into an Athasian arcane spellcaster class in order to relearn, from the ground up, how to cast spells. In a similar fashion, my Divine spellcasters from other worlds who somehow arrive on Athas suffer like that as well. Only the Psionic manifesters from other worlds retain their abilities. |
#16sekerMar 26, 2005 15:56:27 | Personally on the idea of dragons breeding a new species..... I have conflicting feelings. There is a point were me and Xlor disagree, I do believe that the metamorphosis does change the advanced beings on a genetic level. However I don't believe that someone should gain levels in the psionic or arcane levels for free just for being born though. Here are my feelings: the child of 2 FULLY evolved dragons would create a dragonlike creature. (possibly the sand dragon from the sandstorm book could be the best stats for it.) This would NOT be the same as a metamorphosised Athasian dragon but would be extremely tough in its own right. HOWEVER as this has never happened in the entire recorded history of Athas, it would be extremely rare occurance. (note also that given Athasian dragon personalities, this would not be a likely occurance to ever happen.) I do however feel there should be a half dragon template for the athasian dragons...... though unlike normal half dragons, it should NOT have as many obviously outwards signs of what they are. I would make it a naturally psionic race, and changes favored class to sorcerer and increases several of the physical stats. Note ANY child where at least one of the parents is a dragon (of any stage of the metamorphosis) but both parents are notcomplete dragons would get this template. (so a fully evolved dragon and a dragon in any other stages child would be a half dragon, with the other part being the dragon who is only partially evolved species. And I feel the same should happen for other advanced beings on the half template. Avangions, by the way they are created, however really would not be able to breed physically after a certain point in the metamorphosis..... that is just from the fact that they become basically a giant butterfly/moth. I agree with xlor that only the descendants of advanced beings (or other magical experiments) should be able to become sorcerers. |
#17zombiegleemaxMar 28, 2005 19:21:47 | Since Dragons are advanced magical beings, they can use their magic to enable reproduction if need be. How the off-spring would turn out, is entirely up to them (from human to non-magical dragons etc.). The imagination is the limit. |
#18zombiegleemaxMar 29, 2005 1:59:49 | alright, this reminds me of a campain I ran loosely based on "Road to Urik" two of our PCs were at Kalak's final stand in his castle. A mysterious character shows up and hands them a baby in swaddling clothes. Within a few months, this baby grows into a young woman very preternaturally smart. She is the secret child of Kalak, a "half-dragon," birthed by a concubine of Kalaks, that has absorbed some of the magic from Kalak's last ritual at the stadium. Of coarse, dad haunts her nightmares. It was a fun campain. And then there was the time I ran a campain where the PCs were the sorcerer kings, but that one will just make you all angry... |