Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1ividApr 01, 2005 10:15:30 | Hello my friends, Studying my vaste pdf archives, I've stumble dover *Palace of the Silver Princess* aka B3. IIRC, the text says nothing of its exact location. Do you know if it was relocated on Oerth some time later? And if, then where? *Thought about using elements from it as the final encounter of my Erde campaign, and so got more interested in it* Thank you! ![]() Rafael |
#2cwslyclghApr 01, 2005 11:01:48 | it was relocated to Mystarra in B1-9... to my knowledge it has never been linked to Oerth officialy, although to my mind Arik and his "Eyes" just screams Tharzidun. I ran B3 in greyhawk placing it in a valley in the Lortmils. |
#3habronicusApr 01, 2005 11:01:48 | Officially, the Palace of the Silver Princess is located in the Principality of Glantri, which is part of the Basic D&D "Known World" (later Mystara). However, I don't see why you couldn't use it in Greyhawk, with some work. |
#4OleOneEyeApr 01, 2005 23:17:59 | I used it once in the Wild Coast with the god replaced with Gruumsh, what with the whole Eye thing. |
#5ividApr 01, 2005 23:53:24 | Thank you all. That makes things much clearer. ![]() I am sceptical if I am going to use it on Oerth, but maybe I will set it in the *Erdian* Illithrim Forest after my group has gone through Gaxmoor (maybe as an Introduction to *The Malady of Kings, another Erde adventure...). ![]() Rafael |
#6zombiegleemaxApr 05, 2005 16:21:18 | There are two versions of the adventure that are significantly different, with different plots, maps, settings, encounters, etc.... The 'orange' version: This is the one available for download on the WotC site. It was never officially released as a product, being recalled due to "objectionale" art. There are only a couple hundred of these in hard copy floating around out, and it's one of the more collectable items in D&D's history. The 'green' version: This is the version that was mass produced. It's quite common and is the version that 'everybody' was familiar with prior to wotc making the orange version available about 5 years ago. I now find it quite ironic that a number of the newer players are more familiar with the incredibly rare orange version than the green version because of the posting by WotC. Anyway, the orange version was originally put in the Known World's Principalies of Glantri. The green version never specified where it was set, although it was later retro-fit (quite poorly, in my opinion) into the Known World's Karameikos. What does this mean for Greyhawk players... Not much. The orange version is set in an area where 'evil-forces' conquered a country a few generations past, and would probably fit very well in The Pomarj or the Bone March. The green version has the conquerors moving in much more recently and seems to be of a more 'fey' setting. Perhaps some of the bad guys from the Pomarj or the Temple of EE moved into a little section of Celene or the Gnarley Forest. R.A. |
#7ividApr 06, 2005 2:37:59 | Thank you! Although my current idea for PotS is to play it in Erde, once it is printed out, one can use it wherever it promises to be funny... ![]() ![]() |
#8zombiegleemaxApr 06, 2005 2:48:00 | You could say the palace is also known as Zendralda's Tower. It is in the Gnarley Forest on the new Big Greyhawk Map and you could probably use Dyvers or Greyhawk as a base of operations if need be. |
#9ividApr 06, 2005 3:21:42 | :D As you know, my friend, my most problable bases for adventuring in WoG in the near future will be Kalstrand, the Valley of the Mage, and Verbobonc. While I am not sure about the first two, I think one could generate an interesting adventure using the third option. ![]() |
#10YeomanApr 07, 2005 20:43:21 | Hi Ivid, long time no speak.... I have a copy of Gaxmoor winging its way to me from the US. Whats your view of the adventure? BTW I think PoTSP is much better aligned to Greyhawk than 'Mystara', as were most of the early B series mods. I have played B4 using Ratik / Bone march border before with Tharizdun as the underhand protragonist. |
#11ividApr 08, 2005 2:21:41 | Hi Ivid, long time no speak.... I have a copy of Gaxmoor winging its way to me from the US. Whats your view of the adventure? ![]() As to Gaxmoor, in short, it's an awful lot of work to DM it compared to other adventures, especially, if you're DMing with a n00b group... ![]() The adventure itself is promising, because everything is more or less up to you and you just have some sorts of triggers you can pull (or not) as the party proceeds in exploring the city. It has much of a classic 1e adventure, with your party looking for a demon lord who just sits and waits in his palace until the party comes and hopefully butchers it. As to where to set the game, I'd recommend Erde, because *Gaxmoor*, as the first adventure released for the line, is supported by the TRoB DMG with a introductory adventure written by EGG himself. Also, there is a good sequel to it, the much shorter *Malady of Kings*, that leads to the Dreamscape of a long - dead king... Also, the region where Gaxmoor is set on Erde is quite promising, featuring a dwarven fortress, a wood full of Drow and a human city state. *I might play PotSP near that Drow Wood, as an Introduction to Malady of Kings* ![]() Just email me what you think of LCoG when you finished reading. ![]() |
#12YeomanApr 08, 2005 2:43:58 | Ivid, great help :D .... I've had rather an e-bay frenzy of late and had my head buried in the books I've bought..... I'm looking forward to stepping out on the flanness again more regularly (work allowing). I'll keep you posted ![]() |