Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1dawnstealerApr 12, 2005 23:16:50 | Can't seem to get your email at crimsonsun to work. Any chance you could shoot me an email? As for everyone else working on the project, let me know if that last email went through. Didn't get a response from anyone, so I'm wondering if it even got sent out. |
#2lyricApr 13, 2005 1:01:59 | sorry, that last e-mail didn't make it to me, and as for my contribution on things, its in the works, I've been behind schedule, hopefully by this friday at the latest we'll have some words from me, down side is, I've never read the planescape stuff, but I do have a vivid imagination and may be able to give things an Athasian feel.. I'll do my best.. |
#3elonarcApr 13, 2005 1:11:00 | Didn't get the email, too. |
#4terminus_vortexaApr 13, 2005 7:04:15 | I got nuthin. I'll hit you back soon! |
#5dawnstealerApr 13, 2005 10:11:31 | Ah HA!! Okay, everyone on this project shoot me an email at [email][/email] and I'll resend the email. I was sending it to the emails on this board, so they might be out of date. |
#6GrummoreApr 14, 2005 20:34:38 | What happened to your web site Nyt? It's gone? Email me please dude. Thanks. |
#7lyricApr 14, 2005 23:26:37 | so.... did my e-mails reach ya? just wanna make sure... |
#8terminus_vortexaApr 15, 2005 8:34:39 | I got yours, Lyric |
#9jon_oracle_of_athasApr 15, 2005 15:38:06 | Nyt's site will be back up in a while. In the meantime you can reach him on [email][/email]. He will answer sporadically. |
#10nytcrawlrApr 18, 2005 11:10:13 | Can't seem to get your email at crimsonsun to work. Any chance you could shoot me an email? Yeah, lost my job, and the company I was working for was hosting my site for free. Don't get much time on this thing these days, so email me for a quicker response. My email address until I can get the site back up is in my board profile info, or should be. Got work coming in, just contract work for now though, so playing that game till I can just get an admin or a decent helpdesk job and get out of the call center business, know way too much to be paid what I'm worth and just deal with Tier I calls all day, heh. Anyways email me at my addie in the my profile now, dont want to post it here and get spammed to death, only get an hour online via the library and just don't have that much free time for the net right now until I can get settled. Sorry I didnt respond earlier, just going nuts and trying to get settled again. Later... P.S. Still want to work on the projects I was on, just be patient and give me time to get settled again. Thanks. |
#11dawnstealerApr 18, 2005 11:14:08 | That sucks, dude: move to Seattle! I'll be there in two weeks. Microsoft's always hiring. |
#12nytcrawlrApr 18, 2005 11:21:10 | That sucks, dude: move to Seattle! I'll be there in two weeks. Microsoft's always hiring. If I could I would, trust me. I love Seattle! Oh and my gmail email addie is in my profile btw, changed that a few days ago. Later. |
#13dawnstealerApr 18, 2005 11:59:21 | Sweet. Will use that one instead. Say, you wouldn't have worked up the Jazst at any time, have you? If not, I'll just do my own conversion, but if someone's beaten me to it, it'll save me some time with this NPC I'm putting together. I was thinking they would have some sort of "sapping strike" that would lower their opponent's Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, instead of inflicting standard damage. Still mulling it over. |
#14nytcrawlrApr 19, 2005 10:02:25 | Say, you wouldn't have worked up the Jazst at any time, have you? If not, I'll just do my own conversion, but if someone's beaten me to it, it'll save me some time with this NPC I'm putting together. I sent the one version I had on my site to Jon. I revamped it some, but not sure of all the changes I did to it. If I find it, I will send it your way if I have time, or Jon can, either way. That sounds like a cool ability, I wanted to totally rewrite it and do something entirely new with it, but couldn't get past the brainstorming part, ah well, maybe Jon will do something with it. |
#15dawnstealerApr 19, 2005 14:08:52 | I went and made my own, but I think it's a little overpowered: HD: d8 Requirements: Base Attack Bonus +6; Feats: Weapon Finesse, Acrobatic, Dodge; Skills: Balance 4, Jump 5, Perform 5, Tumble 4; Alignment: Any non-good. Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Intimidate, Jump, Perform, Sense Motive, Tumble. Skill points per level: Int Modifier +4. Class Features: Level---Bonuses 1-------BAB: +1; Fort: +2; Ref: +2; Will: +0; AC: +1; Principle of the Blade, Mobility. 2-------BAB: +2; Fort: +3; Ref: +3; Will: +0; AC: +1; Bonus Feat. 3-------BAB: +3; Fort: +3; Ref: +3; Will: +1; AC: +1; Principle of the Blade +1. 4-------BAB: +4; Fort: +4; Ref: +4; Will: +1; AC: +1; Spring Attack, Dance of Whirling Blades. 5-------BAB: +5; Fort: +4; Ref: +4; Will: +1; AC: +2; Principle of the Blade +2, Bonus Feat. 6-------BAB: +6/+1; Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +2; AC: +2. 7-------BAB: +7/+2; Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +2; AC: +2; Principle of the Blade +3. 8-------BAB: +8/+3; Fort: +6; Ref: +6; Will: +2; AC: +3; Dance of Whirling Blades 2/rnd, Bonus Feat. 9-------BAB: +9/+4; Fort: +6; Ref: +6; Will: +3; AC: +3; Principle of the Blade +4. 10------BAB: +10/+5; Fort: +7; Ref: +7; Will: +3; AC: +4; Master of the Blade. Principle of the Blade: The Jazst can elect to inflict one point of damage on Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution of a target instead of their standard weapon damage. This ability only works on humanoid targets. Roll randomly: 1-2: Str, 3-4 : Dex, 5-6: Con. As they advance, they can inflict more damage (POTB+2, for example, inflicts 3 points of ability damage), although each point is distributed randomly. Dance of the Whirling Blades: The Jazst, for a cost, can double their attacks for the round. Their AC suffers a -2 penalty while performing this difficult trick. Once it is over, the Jazst must make a DC15 check to both their Dex and Con. If Dex is failed, they are dizzy and can perfom no other actions that round; they are treated as if "Flat-footed." If the Con is failed, they are exhausted and can perform no other physical actions that round; they have a -2 Strength penalty for the remainder of that round. Master of the Blade: Like Principle of the Blade, but the Jazst can choose which abilities to affect (Str, Dex, Con). That's all I have now. I had a list of bonus feats, but can't find it (prolly packed). |
#16nytcrawlrApr 20, 2005 12:11:20 | I like everything but the randomness of the PotR, not sure what to do there yet, but that randomness definately needs to go (don't like that sort of randomness in 3e). It's definately simpler than my idea that's for sure. More later... |
#17dawnstealerApr 20, 2005 12:30:55 | It could go in sequence: First time it's used, it affects Strength. Second time, Dex. Third time, Con. The "Master of the Blade" could control which one. Either that, or you could go the route that the person being attacked, on a successful hit, would decide which ability to lower. Again, Masters of the Blade would be able to choose for themselves. |