Strengh of the Forces of E-V-I-L!



Apr 21, 2005 11:09:02
I'm curious on the military strengh concering many of the E-V-I-L forces that exist in Dragonlance during the Age of Mortals. For instance.

1. How powerful is the Nekaran forces that occupy the Qualenesti Forest?

2. How large is the Nekaran forces that exit in their homeland of Tarsk (and to an extent the cities of Sanction and other territories that are their centerpoint of operations)?

3. How strong are the Ogre forces of Blode?

4. How powerful an army does the White Dragon Overlord wield in icereach?

5. How powerful an army does the Black Dragon Overlord command?

6. How strong is Mina's army of "Beloved of Chemosh"?

(Don't need to ask about the Minotaurs, they give their numbers in the Age of Mortals book)

Secondly, what ideal does the Knights of Nekara serve now that their Goddess is dead?


Apr 22, 2005 10:39:06
3. How strong are the Ogre forces of Blode?


I can only guess that they are so few that they are struggling to survive considering war of the souls kicked their asses