Getting inebriated on Athas



Apr 28, 2005 12:05:02
What types of alcoholic drinks do you include in your version of Dark Sun?

As of this moment, kank nectar mead ("Anudder round o' kank, woman!" :D ) and a few offshoots are probably the only drinks that I can see existing on Athas.

What's your poison? ;)


Apr 28, 2005 12:17:00
You could use whatever furit or plant you wanted to use. As long as they have "fermentables" (sugars) in them you can make alcohol out of them.


Apr 28, 2005 12:18:58
You could use whatever furit or plant you wanted to use. As long as they have "fermentables" (sugars) in them you can make alcohol out of them.

Don't halflings have some kind of Bloodwine?

No sense in wasting all that red liquid goodness...


Apr 28, 2005 12:31:54
You could use whatever furit or plant you wanted to use. As long as they have "fermentables" (sugars) in them you can make alcohol out of them.

Fruits and plants are rare in most civilised regions, are they not? What types of alcoholic drinks would they consume/abuse?


Apr 28, 2005 12:46:20
I just thought of one...It does use some fruit though.

The British (I think) make this stuff called scrumpy. Basically a cider with a hunk of raw meat in it.


The Halfling bloodwine sounds like a good one as well.


Apr 28, 2005 13:35:22
Other than Bory, I haven't really introduced any "name brand" drinks.


Apr 28, 2005 15:46:13
Agis had his wine.


Apr 28, 2005 18:15:49
I think they brew Schiltz in Balic.


Apr 28, 2005 18:44:04
These are the most common alcoholic drinks in my game:
Broy: A mead made from fermented kank nectar. It is sometimes spiced and other times left unspiced.
Water-Broy: A watered down broy, which helps to slake one's thirst a bit more than thicker, sweeter broy.
Blue Cactus Ale: This cheap, heavy ale is made from the fruit of the grall cactus.
Beer: Various common beers made from fermented grains.
Scuppernong: Thick, bitter, and silvery-coloured, scuppernong is the favoured drink among elves.
Bulis Wine: Made from fermented bulis berries, bulis wine has a bluish-purple colour.
Asticles Wine This tart, dry wine is favoured among the nobility. It is a very fine drink and as such is very expensive.


Apr 28, 2005 21:47:48
The Half-Giant character in my game drinks 'Krazy Jakar'. I have no idea what it's made out of though, becuase it hasn't come up. :D


Apr 29, 2005 0:58:36
There's pulque in Draj, based on fermented cactus juice.


Apr 29, 2005 9:16:13
Water-Broy: A watered down broy, which helps to slake one's thirst a bit more than thicker, sweeter broy.

That must make it horribly expensive. Probably something only a noble would drink. :P