Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1xlorepdarkhelm_dupApr 28, 2005 14:00:14 | Ok, I've had a number of requests to go into more detail about the variant rules I have mentioned in other threads. Rather than answering each one individually, I'm just going to list it here. Understand - these are in no way related to - these are my own personal alterations to the setting, with a list of what rules variants I have pulled from books like Unearthed Arcana. I understand some people might disagree with me on things like allowing Sorcerers and Paladins into the world, but I've done my best to integrate them the way I envision they would be in the setting. These are the actual rules and things I have for my own campaigns, and my players have enjoyed them all. Comments, suggestions, etc. are welcome, but please do try to refrain from deconstructive flames. If you really don't like what you see, I'm not in any way forcing this down anyone's throat. Really. (I'll just hook up an i.v. later in your sleep). Edit: Please bear with me on spelling mistakes. I never ran this stuff through any spellchecker. First: Variant classes The Athasian Paladin The Athasian Sorcerer The Athasian Monk The Athasian Cleric (alternative) |
#2xlorepdarkhelm_dupApr 28, 2005 14:09:23 | Replaced with link in above message. |
#3xlorepdarkhelm_dupApr 28, 2005 14:15:18 | Replaced with link in above message. |
#4xlorepdarkhelm_dupApr 28, 2005 14:32:39 | Brute Variant The Brute recieves all the class features as normal (found in the DS3 Core Rules), as well as the following: Rage Variant: Whirling Frenzy As found in Unearthed Arcana. Druid Variant The Druid class is identical to the one found in the Dark Sun 3 core rules, except as noted below: Class Skills: Add Intimidate to the Druid's list of class skills. Class Features: Animal Companion: A Druid in this campaign does not gain the service of an animal companion. Fast Movement (Ex): A Druid's base land speed is faster than the norm for his race by 10 feet. This ability is identical to the Barbarian (as in the SRD, also called a Brute in DS3) ability of the same name. Rage (Ex): A Druid can enter a furious rage, identical to that of a Brute. A Druid can use this ability once per day at 1st level, and one additional time per day for every five levels above 1st. A Druid does not gain the greater rage, indominatable will, or mighty rage abilities that a Brute would normally have. Spontaneous Casting: A Druid cannot channel stored spell energy into summoning spells. Tireless Rage (Ex): At 17th level and higher, a Druid no longer becomes fatigued at the end of his rage. Wild Empathy: A Druid takes a -4 penalty on wild empathy checks. Wild Shape: Aspect of Nature - As found in Unearthed Arcana Ranger Variant The ranger gains all the normal class features of the ranger (as found in the DS3 core rules), with the following changes and additions. Spells: The ranger does not gain the ability to cast divine spells. Fast Movement (Ex): At 6th level, the ranger's base land speed increases by 10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor and not carrying a heavy load. Nature's Blessing (Su): At 11th level and higher, the ranger can use a standard action to add a +4 bonus to his Constitution, Dexterity or Wisdom score. This ability may be used once per day, and its effect lasts for 1 minute per class level. Healing Touch (Sp): Once per day, a ranger of 13th level or higher can use either 'neutralize poison' or 'remove disease', as a caster whose level is equal to one-half the ranger's class level. Freedom of Movement (Sp): A ranger of 16th level or higher can use 'freedom of movement' on himself once per day, as a caster whose level is equal to one-half the ranger's class level. Templar Variant As per the rules found in the DS3 core rules document, except as follows: Allegiences: Most Templars have their Sorcerer-King as one of their Allegiences. Also, Templars must have at least one moral or ethical philosophical allegience shared with their Sorcerer-King. So Templars of Lawful Evil Sorcerer-Kings (or Evil Lawful Sorcerer-Kings) must have one Allegience that is Lawful and/or one that is Evil. Other Classes: Templars tend to be at odds with Clerics and Druids, and I tend to limit players from having both a Templar and a Cleric or Druid in a group - because of the animosity between the classes. Any player desiring to have a Templar in a group with Druids and Clerics needs to provide a very complete, and rich background, for their character, as well as defining the motivations of their character for this. Further, Templars or Paladins of different Sorcerer-Kings also conflict with each other, and the same requirement for the character's background & motivations will be required. Rebuke/Control Undead: All templars rebuke or control undead, which is based off of the moral allegience of their Sorcerer-King (all Sorcerer-Kings are evil), regardless of the allegience of the templar. Note: I do not reference Oronis in this or really reference Daskinor. The "Lost Cities" are unknown in my setting - until the characters discover them. Wizard Variant As per the rules found in the DS3 core rules document, except as follows: Allegiences: There are no such thing as good defilers. The act of defiling is a corrupting and inherently evil action, regardless of the intention of the character performing it. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and all, and defiling - the ripping if life energy from plants enough to kill them, as well as ruin the section of land from being even remotely fertile, is vile. Defilers do not necessarily need to be evil, but any character who is a defiler who has "good" as an allegience will lose that allegience immediately. |
#5xlorepdarkhelm_dupApr 28, 2005 14:48:25 | Part Two: Variant Rules Mostly taken from Unearthed Arcana, or Star Wars: Roleplaying Game, or d20 Modern. Allegiances: Replaces Alignment, as per the rules in d20 Modern. Vitality & Wound Points: Replaces Hit Points, as found in both Star Wars: Roleplaying Game or Unearthed Arcana. Taint: Taint is a corruption so deep it warps the very plane of reality. A weapon used to slaughter thousands of innocents, the effects of casting defiling magic, and gaining power provided from the Sorcerer-Kings are all sources of taint. Taint is used in addition to ones allegience. While characters with a minor amount of taint aren't necessarily evil they probably are. The more taint they acquire, the more evil they become. The DM monitors taint carefully and secretively, and provides warnings when characters disregard its effect, through representing the effects based on NPC and monster reactions to the character, as well as descriptions of what the character's actions have done to the world around him. Taint is a representation of the unnatural qualities of the character, how far they have separated from the "natural" effects of the world around them. Elemental Clerics and Druids, due to their tie to the elemental powers and natural balance of the world, gain a spell "detect taint" that works just like any "detect evil" spell, except it gives a rough gauge to the target's level of taint. Paladins and Templars, who themselves are tainted by their Sorcerer-King masters, do not have a direct connection to the elemental powers, and cannot see taint directly. Paraelemental Clerics as well, due to how their respective paraelements have lost focus on the natural balance and order of things, are blinded from being able to detect taint, and do not have access to the 1st-level spell as the Elemental Clerics and Druids have. Simply having an evil allegience is no defense against taint - it is too profound an effect for personal beliefs or moral codes to ward it off. Only undead and creatures with the evil subtype can ignore taint. Taint is also awarded to characters who become more and more two-dimentional - as a consiquence for metagaming (playing the game rules, but not roleplaying) or powergaming (attempting to make a super-powered character by making him more-or-less two-dimentional). This is a judgement call on the DM's part. Abusing or misusing rules to exploit them also results in an increase in Taint. There are ways to reduce taint, however, the characters must discover these from within the game. (Rules for taint are found in Unearthed Arcana - I intentionally leave how it's aquired vague, so that my players don't know how they acquire it, or what the rules behind it is.) Reputation: As found in Unearthed Arcana. Point-buy Method: I require my characters to use the Point-buy method of ability generation. I give them 35 points, mostly to compensate for the significant lack of magical equipment that my Dark Sun campaigns have (compared to other D&D settings). I require the point-buy method, because I've ran across toomany people who can "miraculously" roll high for every stat, consistantly. Limited Wishes: (I borrowed this idea from a good friend of mine, who also is a long-term DM/GM for games.) From the beginning of the campaign, until it ends, I have a special "limited wish" policy for players. Once on christmas, and another time on their birthday, the player gets a single "limited wish" to ask for on their character. This can be used at any time after the "limited wish" was accrued (so, you don't *need* to use it on your birthday or christmas, but you gotta have one "saved up"). And they do not stack up or accrue (no saving 2 or 3 different limited wishes to use at the same time). The wish can be anything - from extra skill points, to an ability score change, to a new feat, or whatever. Bigger things are possible - but they come with a price - I make something in the campaign to balance against a big wish. Like, let's say you have a Druid who has the ability to sort of do a radar "ping" to locate any defiler within a certian range (like, 1 mile) of your character. This could be very useful in tracking them down and eliminating the threats to your land. However, I might feel it's overpowered, and thus make an NPC opponent who is slowly tracking you down, hunting you like an animal, and alway seems to be one step ahead of you. Generally speaking, your character's life expectancy might be significantly reduced by this. Addendum: All players start with 1 limited wish in the campaign. This can be used during character generation or later. Action Points: As found in Unearthed Arcana. Bell Curve Rolls & Variable Modifiers: As found in Unearthed Arcana. Armor as Damage Reduction & Defense Bonus: Derived from Star Wars: Roleplaying Game, prefered over the version found in Unearthed Arcana. Starting Level: All my characters, at the beginning of a Campaign, start with a total ECL of 4. This means that Thri-Kreen and Half-Giants start as monsters without any class levels. Psionic Races Variant: All races on Athas are considered "psionic". This means the races all have the abilities described within the DS3 Core Rules, as well as the following:
The exception to this rule is Thri-Kreen. They recieve the Bonus Feat as listed above, and use the rules presented in the SRD (or Expanded Psionics Handbook page 14). Thri-Kreen are already defined as naturally psionic, and have a couple psi-like abilities, as a result, their Level Adjustment increases from what is presented in the DS3 Core Rules from a +1 to a +2. Starting Money/Social Class: Characters by default, start as Slaves and have no material possessions (beyond the minimum necessary for their class - IE Wizard spellbooks, for instance). Characters who choose to be something other than a Slave, must take the Freeman Background Feat (and can also take the Noble Background Feat for even more prestige/money). Magic & Psionic Items: Magic items are extraordinarily scarce on Athas. Even worse, possession of such items is a criminal offense in City-States which have a Sorcerer-King. When entering a City-State, the Templar Gate Guard will search all individuals for magic items, and confiscate, as well as potentially fine (or imprison) those who are carrying said items. However, the Templar doing the search, can possibly be bribed to ignore such an offense. Further - Magic Items are not openly crafted or created, and anyone will be hard-pressed to find a Magic Item shop in any City-State, or even outlying Villiages. Psionic Items, however, are more common, as Psionics is an accepted norm of Athasian life. However, in City-States with a Sorcerer-King, Psionic Item trade is strongly regulated, and an psionic item that is equivalent to any power of 5th level or higher, is also restricted, and wil be confiscated by the Templar at the Gate. Psionic Item shops are a bit more common, and can be found within most City-States. |
#6xlorepdarkhelm_dupApr 28, 2005 14:51:54 | Part Three: Racial Variants Half-Giant Variant As per this link: Basically, the following changes to the DS3 Core Half-Giant from apply:
#7xlorepdarkhelm_dupApr 28, 2005 15:00:17 | Part Four: New Feats FREEMAN (Background) This feat is selected at character generation, and basically ensures that the character is not initially a slave. Citizens of Tyr, Templars, Paladins, and anyone else who desires to be free must take this feat (Elves from the tribes, Thri-Kreen from the roaming clutches, etc). Benefit: A character who takes this feat is not initially a slave. Further, the character can recieve a starting amount of money equal to a 1st level character of one of the character's classes (the first selected class). Starting money (by class - or race in the case of Thri-Kreen and Half-Giants) is as follows: Brute: 4d4 x 10 Cp Bard: 4d4 x 10 Cp Cleric: 5d4 + 10 Cp Druid: 2d4 x 10 Cp Fighter: 6d4 x 10 Cp Monk: 5d4 Cp Paladin: 6d4 x 10 Cp Ranger: 6d4 x 10 Cp Rogue: 5d4 x 10 Cp Sorcerer: 3d4 x 10 Cp Wizard: 3d4 x 10 Cp Templar: 5d4 x 10 Cp Gladiator: 4d4 x 10 Cp Psion: 3d4 x 10 Cp Wilder: 4d4 x 10 Cp Psychic Warrior: 5d4 x 10 Cp Soulblade: 5d4 x 10 Cp Thri-Kreen: 2d4 x 10 Cp Half-Giant: 4d4 x 10 Cp NOBLE (Background) Prerequisite: Must have already taken the Freeman feat This feat is selected at character generation, and makes the character not only merely free, but a part of his city-state's aristocracy. Any non-human who takes this feat, must provide a completed background and history of the character, the character's modivations Benefit: The character with this feat is among the upper class of their city-state. Possibly a member of a merchant house, or some long line of nobility that has remained within the city for centuries. As a result, the character starts with more money. All Noble characters start with 900 Cp. LOW PROFILE (General) As found in Unearthed Arcana. RENOWN (General) As found in Unearthed Arcana. |
#8xlorepdarkhelm_dupApr 28, 2005 15:13:02 | Part Five: Experience Point Awards Characters recieve an amount of Experience Points based on two primary things, as well as a third at the end of each adventure. Periodically throughout the adventure, they recieve Per-monster XP Awards plus Roleplaying XP Awards. At the end of an adventure, they also recieve Adventure XP Awards (and the bonus Roleplaying XP awards for completing the Adventure). Characters increase in level based on the Table: Experience Needed to reach each Effective Character Level included in the group database. This overrides the table found on page 22 of the Player's Handbook (and is not included at all in the SRD). These numbers are higher, but characters also recieve a higher number of XP points through my campaigns than normal, and this helps keep things more "in line". As a result, the following modifications are to be added to Magic & Psionic Item XP Costs: Any Magic or Psionic Item created that is worth 2,000 Cp or less costs as per the normal rules. From 2,001 - 20,000 Cp, the cost is doubled (x2). From 20,001 - 200,000 Cp, the cost is quadrupled (x4). And from 200,001 Cp or more, the cost is ten times the original value (x10). This helps better reflect the necessary xp costs and makes the creation of magic and psionic items be roughly as "costly" as the normal XP system would allow. Per-monster XP Awards: Characters are awarded encounter/combat XP awards based on the amount of XP each monster is worth, divided by the number of characters in the group. All characters recieve this total, regardless of level. You get XP for each monster (or Challenge) that you have actively assisted with (so, in an encounter where 1 character is fighting a specific creature, while the rest of the group is fighting something else, they'd get XP awarded to them accordingly.) However, as they are all present during the encounter, the total XP each character gains is divided by all the player character participants present in the encounter. This can result in different characters ending up with different amounts of XP. Based on a review of the encounter's message logs. See the Table: Per Monster XP Awards to get the list of XP awards that individual monsters are valued at, based on their Challenge Ratings. Adventure XP Awards: The entire group is awarded XP at the end of an adventure based on the length and difficulty of the adventure, multiplied by the average level of the group's characters, and divided by the number of characters in the group. Short adventures are worth abase of 500 XP. Medium are 1,000, and Long are worth 2,000. Easy adventures are worth 25% of the base, "average" difficulty adventures are worth 75% of the base, challenging" adventures are worth 125% of the base, and "difficult/near impossible" adventures are worth 175% of the base. Roleplaying XP Awards: These awards for XP are based on the actions of the character interacting with the game world, and how well the player is judged to be roleplaying their character. I have derived this list from the White Wolf storyteller series of games (Vampire, Mage, Werewolf) and transformed it into a tool useable for this game system. 100 points - Learning Curve: For those characters who truly learned something shocking, inspirit or new, they are awarded an additional 100 points to reflect the new vistas opening in their minds. The Player should have reflected this with their character in the messages. 150 points - Roleplaying: A player who went bove and beyond the call of normal roleplaying to portray a particular role, expecially delving into the quirks and indrances of the character, may gain bonus points as a reward for enhancing everyone's game experience. The standards for such a reward should get successively higher. 200 points - Heroism: A player whose character bravely and selflessly puts life and enlightenment on the line may come out stronger from the experience. That which does not kill us, is worth extra experience points. At the end of each adventure, the following extra bonuses apply as well: 300 points - Danger: If the adventure was particularly harrowing and the characters were forced to stay on their toes constantly, they may learn quicker than just by surviving. 200 points - Wisdom: If a player came up with a brilliant plan that saved the day in mid-adventure, adapted to the circumstances, adjusted for a new and clever use of the character's capabilities, or just plain rocked, give bonus points to that character for sudden thought. The DM can always award more or less points, as dictated by the needs of the campaign and group. Once the Roleplaying Experience Points are tallied, then the character recieves a number of points as listed multiplied by his level (ECL). Character Log XP Awards: These are tallied, based upon the players turning in a sheet, tallying what they felt their character did that was noteworthy in a session. Turning in a sheet is not required, however this is a way to help increase the amount of Experience Points that your character obtains, and thus is strongly encouraged. What is generally looked for in this is more roleplaying aspects that you feel your character did - overcoming a specific limitation your character has, and so forth. Do note that events which would reward your character with the Roleplaying Awards listed above, will recieve that bonus, rather than the little XP that this sheet could provide (as the bonus for Roleplaying XP Awards above will be greater). |
#9brun01Apr 28, 2005 15:13:42 | ![]() That's just great! Even more than I was hoping! Thanks, xlor!!! |
#10xlorepdarkhelm_dupApr 28, 2005 15:23:21 | No problem. There's just been, over the past few weeks, a number of people inquiring about my "special set" of rules. Many of these rules variants have found their way into my own Homebrew setting, and it does make my Dark Sun diverge a bit away from the standard. However, I tend to try and focus on making the rules fit what I feel is the flavor of the setting, and (in the case of the Bell Curve Rolls & Variable Modifiers) from suggestions I've had from players who disliked certian elements in the d20 System. You'll notice that I do tend to award a lot of Experience Points for roleplaying - as I tend to wish to stress that in my campaigns. I also use the Experience Point table variant from Unearthed Arcana, which has much higher values for Experience Points needed for each level than the standard. |
#11jobooApr 28, 2005 16:57:42 | Nice work! Looks like you had many long hours in front of the computer. Well... I have a suggestion for your Paladin (ignore it if it doesn't suit your campaign) how about Smite Chaos instead of good? Since they are out to protect law this seems to make more sense to me. Keep up the good work! |
#12ruhl-than_sageApr 28, 2005 22:44:44 | Thanks for sharing your house rules and personal varients.... It is really interesting to see how other DM's run things ![]() ![]() |
#13xlorepdarkhelm_dupApr 28, 2005 23:39:32 | Thanks for sharing your house rules and personal varients.... It is really interesting to see how other DM's run things The Half-Giant, basically because I was looking to balance the Half-Giant with the Thri-Kreen. Before the Expanded Psionics Handbook (XPH), Thri-Kreen were ECL 3 creatures, after, they became ECL 4. I had all my characters, prior to the XPH start at level 3, making Thri-Kreen and Half-Giants playable - however they'd start without any class levels. I had mentioned this to Nytcrawler, when the XPH was out, and I was kinda annoyed by it, as I'd be adjusting my starting level to 4 now. He showed me what was on his website, I liked it for the Half-Giants, and took it. This also elevated the Half-Giant to an ECL of 4. And the feat thing. All my characters start with an extra feat, as I explain above. I decided to handle the class someone starts in, based on the feats. However, a character could start with Hidden Talent rather than Freeman, and have more psionic potential (plus, handling things like a bonus starting power, to compensate for functionality that was in 2nd Edition). Basically - the character who takes the Freeman feat, has no real noticeable effect from the "norm" or "status quo". What I provide is that at character creation, the individual can opt to sacrifice their freedom, in order to have a little psionic advantage. Another thing to notice with the feats - the Freeman feat starts players (note: 4th level players) with the cash of a level 1 character. I do this to represent how poor things really are there. To get the "normal" cash as listed in the DMG for a level 4 character, the individual must also take the Noble feat. And of course, a character who doesn't take Freeman, starts with no material possessions to speak of. I play my Dark Sun where the people have significantly less wealth than characters of other worlds, usually comparing the relative wealth level for a character to what a character would have on another world that was 3 levels lower than them. So, a level 15 character would have somewher around the total wealth of an individual on the DMG table who is level 12. This restriction, I've found, actually makes my characters feel that their money is even more precious, and they also effectively have significantly less amount of items and equipment as a result. |
#14xlorepdarkhelm_dupApr 28, 2005 23:43:00 | Nice work! Looks like you had many long hours in front of the computer. Not as much as you think, I type about 80 words per minute. But yea, I oriuginally wrote these up to provide textual information to a play-by-email campaign that has significantly floundered. However, I also find them useful to have printed and handy, to show to players alongside the stuff from Plus, I provide my slightly modified version of the fluff from the Wanderer's Journal, where I omitted several details I felt the players shouldn't be privy to, and then let them read that as well, to get a feel for the setting. Well... I have a suggestion for your Paladin (ignore it if it doesn't suit your campaign) how about Smite Chaos instead of good? Since they are out to protect law this seems to make more sense to me. Keep up the good work! Interesting idea. I might take that into consideration - the only problem would be Daskinor's Paladins, which I might just leave them as "Smite Good" (since his Paladins are Chaotic Evil). |
#15kmfdmApr 29, 2005 10:45:23 | Thanks for the House Rules, now I've got to find a copy of the Star Wars rule for the DR armor. I do like the idea of the caste feats and the small variations on classes. I'll definitely think about using them. |
#16xlorepdarkhelm_dupApr 29, 2005 13:47:49 | Thanks for the House Rules, now I've got to find a copy of the Star Wars rule for the DR armor. The Starwars rules for DR armor is simple wough to apply to D&D. The AC of the armor becomes DR. Now, what can get through it, that's up to your imagination (as DR in Star Wars doesn't have any way to get past it). I've tried things like sharp weapons can penetrate softer armors, and blunt weapons can penetrate harder armors, but that seemed a bit oversimplified. |
#17jobooMay 01, 2005 14:26:50 | This is an older post that I thought this would be a good time to break it out again: While there are many things I like about the conversion there are a few things I would like some to consider. 1. I would like to see the Mul scaled down a bit, he seems too powerful. I do love the subdual damage reduction idea though. Maybe changing his ability score modifiers to a +2 strength -2 charisma it may make him mor balanced. In addition, by giving him a subdual damage reduction of 3 he will be able to handle the heat well. this would also simplify excessive rules and details about the forced march or endurance, because fatigue damage is subdual damage.The rule would take care of itself. 2. Action points rule! Using the action point system from Ebberon, Darksun characters could be even greater heroes. Some rules variations I have developed from the action points system are listed below. a) Dwarves focus replaced as a more concrete game mechanic- When Dwarves spend an action point they may roll a D4 in addition to the action dice they would normally roll. (This would show that Dwarves are more detemined than other races) b) The Elf run ability and increased movement rate replaced with a versitile yet concrete game mechanic- Elves may spend an action point to increase their speed as with the spell expedious retreat. The caster level would equal their level + the level of other elves participating in the Elf run at that time. [ A feat at a higher level could be included to allow an elf to spend 5 action points to grant an increadible burst of speed- as with the spell haste caster level equal to class level] I always thought the Darksun elves could have been improved, simply being devious wasn't enough for me. (What's with all that running? It seemed goofy to see a group of seven foot tall elves running though the desert. I am trying to accept it, in my own way.) c) Arcane magic can be altered by spending action points- When applying a Metamagic feat to a spell a Wizard has to put the spell into a higher spell slot. A wizard may negate this penalty if he pays action points equal to the total spell level (spell level + spell slot modification) The Wizard must have the metamagic feat to use it in this way. When spending action points in this way the wizard doesn't have to prepare the Metamagic feat to use it. Example- 1st level wizard Haran, has the Metamagic feat quicken spell, which uses a spell slot four levels higher than the actual spell. To use this feat it must also be prepared with another spell in advance. As a first level character Haran has five action points. Haran has the spells prepared, 3 zero level spells- Resistance, Acid splash, Dancing lights, 2 first level spells cause fear, color spray Normally Haran cannot prepare his metamagic feat beacause he does not have access to fourth and fifth level spells. Haran can spend four action points to modify a zero level spell as it is being cast, with no penelties. He could spend five action points to modify a 1st level spell. Haran is in immeadiate danger of being apprehended, he spends 5 action points (total spell level= 1st+ 4 spell slots) and applies quicken spell to color spray. Instantly the spell is modified while it is cast. The soldiers get a blast of color in their face and Haran escapes using his full action to double move. Now that Haran has spent all of his Action points he has to wait until next level before he recieves more. This is a house rule I have used when we started playing in Ebberon. We have also used the rule for divine magic as well. I recommend it more for arcane magic users when playing Darksun. Mostly because I think wizards are under powered anyways and the high level of persecution in Darksun makes wizards even less playable. At higher levels wizards can combine metamagic feats to be used in very helpful ways. In a world where Psionics is the norm and powers can be scaled or augmented, this rule is a welcomed by mages everywhere. Divine magic users should be able to use this ability as a feat at fifth level. Wizards get it for free at first level. Some of these ideas, like the use of the action point system will be used in my own Darksun Campaign. These are optional rules or changes that a DM may implement as house rules. __________________ |
#18xlorepdarkhelm_dupMay 04, 2005 18:01:04 | This is an older post that I thought this would be a good time to break it out again: It's not that much older of a post. It's just a bunch of posts sprung up after it to push it onto the 2nd page quickly. While there are many things I like about the conversion there are a few things I would like some to consider. Ok. 1. I would like to see the Mul scaled down a bit, he seems too powerful. I do love the subdual damage reduction idea though. Maybe changing his ability score modifiers to a +2 strength -2 charisma it may make him mor balanced. In addition, by giving him a subdual damage reduction of 3 he will be able to handle the heat well. this would also simplify excessive rules and details about the forced march or endurance, because fatigue damage is subdual damage.The rule would take care of itself. Not really feeling you here. The Mul should be a bit more powerful than other races. Honestly, I'm sticking to what has. 2. Action points rule! Using the action point system from Ebberon, Darksun characters could be even greater heroes. Some rules variations I have developed from the action points system are listed below. Actyion Points were introduced in d20 Modern, as a replacement for the Force Point system from Star Wars d20 RPG, from which d20 Modern borrowed a lot if mechanics. Then, they were put into Unearthed Arcana, and I wasn't aware that they were also to be found in Eberron, as I have never had even the remote desire to look at the books for that game (too much hype, IMO). a) Dwarves focus replaced as a more concrete game mechanic- When Dwarves spend an action point they may roll a D4 in addition to the action dice they would normally roll. (This would show that Dwarves are more detemined than other races) Interesting take on it. I might check it out, and see how this all works. Honestly tho, I didn't see the Dwarven Focus being broken in the slightest. b) The Elf run ability and increased movement rate replaced with a versitile yet concrete game mechanic- Elves may spend an action point to increase their speed as with the spell expedious retreat. The caster level would equal their level + the level of other elves participating in the Elf run at that time. I'm not really feeling you on this. Honestly, the Dark Sun elves are impressive as they are, and the improved running speed is exactly wehat they need, not some integration into action points here. c) Arcane magic can be altered by spending action points- When applying a Metamagic feat to a spell a Wizard has to put the spell into a higher spell slot. A wizard may negate this penalty if he pays action points equal to the total spell level (spell level + spell slot modification) The Wizard must have the metamagic feat to use it in this way. When spending action points in this way the wizard doesn't have to prepare the Metamagic feat to use it. Once again, not wanting to go this direction, personally. Action Points should be, in my eye, something that augments or boosts the mechanics of something, not replacing it. There's a lot of additional complexities to Athasian Arcane magic, that I'd not want to load it down with anything else along these lines. This is a house rule I have used when we started playing in Ebberon. We have also used the rule for divine magic as well. I recommend it more for arcane magic users when playing Darksun. Mostly because I think wizards are under powered anyways and the high level of persecution in Darksun makes wizards even less playable. At higher levels wizards can combine metamagic feats to be used in very helpful ways. In a world where Psionics is the norm and powers can be scaled or augmented, this rule is a welcomed by mages everywhere. Divine magic users should be able to use this ability as a feat at fifth level. Wizards get it for free at first level. Interesting rules, and if they work for you, so be it. Honestly, I am getting a sort of "overpower" feeling from them - in that characters become relative badasses in short order. That's just now how I run Dark Sun, especially since most of my players go through a character every 3 to 4 game sessions, for Dark Sun. My list of rules modifications above, are finding their way into my own homebrew campaign setting, which I do hope to one day get all together and released somehow - online or offline. |
#19the_peacebringerMay 05, 2005 12:30:51 | Just wanted to say that you have won me over with the Sorcerers, Xlor. They are now officially in my campaign... whenever I get the players to get it started, that is. ![]() Nice work. PB |
#20xlorepdarkhelm_dupMay 05, 2005 14:19:50 | Just wanted to say that you have won me over with the Sorcerers, Xlor. They are now officially in my campaign... whenever I get the players to get it started, that is. ![]() |
#21brun01May 11, 2005 7:24:11 | I was re-reading the post (there's a LOT of stuff here, thanks again) and i was wondering, how does non-human became nobles, since you have to spend two feats to become one? |
#22xlorepdarkhelm_dupMay 11, 2005 15:44:35 | I was re-reading the post (there's a LOT of stuff here, thanks again) and i was wondering, how does non-human became nobles, since you have to spend two feats to become one? You apparently missed that I have all my characters start with an extra feat - they can choose to have it be for Freeman, Hidden Talent, or Psionic Schooling. Further, all my characters start at ECL 4, so for most races, this means they will have another feat, as they have at least 3 hit dice. I added the extra feat, because I like the idea of characters having Hidden Talent (for that bonus power they can pick, to help replace the wild talents from 2E a bit), but also, for non-Humans, it allows for them to get the Freeman *and* Noble feats. |
#23zombiegleemaxJul 18, 2005 1:20:28 | How about the Gladiator and the Weapon Group feats in relation to his bonus exotic weapon proficiencies? What would be a good way to integrate that into the class? |
#24nytcrawlrJul 18, 2005 1:39:44 | The Athasian Monk Too bad my website is down and out for awhile. :P I will check the yahoo group and see if the writeup is still there. I know you plan to post this stuff to your own site, but have you considered the multiply group we have going for Dark Sun as well? |
#25xlorepdarkhelm_dupJul 18, 2005 1:54:43 | How about the Gladiator and the Weapon Group feats in relation to his bonus exotic weapon proficiencies? What would be a good way to integrate that into the class? I dunno, maybe. I have exactly 0 experience with Gladiators, in any edition. |
#26xlorepdarkhelm_dupJul 18, 2005 1:55:46 | Too bad my website is down and out for awhile. :P I might check that, I don't do multiply much :P Something about redundancy with my own website now that makes me even less excited about it. Oh well.... It seems like a cool enough system. |
#27xlorepdarkhelm_dupJul 18, 2005 2:00:27 | I have begin to write my rules modifications into my site. I have an article on the Paladin written up, but it is basically what you see above in this thread verbatim. I am going to finish filling it out, and make it a stand-alone class that doesn't have constant references to other material rather than being a complete process (the footnotes at the end will handle any references to the original works that my modified Paladin comes from). I might also include write-ups for both Daskinor's and for Oronis' paladins -- and possibly go into more detail with suggestions for how the Paladins are used by each Sorcerer-King. |
#28xlorepdarkhelm_dupAug 03, 2005 1:34:30 | As I make articles for the rules in my site, I will take out the old message in this thread, and replace it with a link direct link to the article. Rather than referencing other works, these new articles list the rules (for things like the classes) verbatim within the articles themselves. |
#29zombiegleemaxAug 03, 2005 3:09:10 | I will check the yahoo group and see if the writeup is still there. yahoo group???? what yahoo group? |
#30xlorepdarkhelm_dupAug 03, 2005 3:20:55 | yahoo group???? what yahoo group? The one I had started for a Play-by-eMail campaign I wanted to do, however it more or less fell through. That group is long since gone, and it was where I had these rules modifications I have listed here originally. |
#31xlorepdarkhelm_dupAug 03, 2005 18:39:06 | Ok, the Monk write-up is now an article on my site. |
#321bent1Aug 11, 2005 1:35:22 | I have a question regarding the ds monk, it seems that by tying her pyshic foccus to most of her core abilities (flurry, quivering palm, psi-surge). Wouldn't she lose her unarmored ac, evasion, movement and then she would on the silt sea with out a skift if you get my drift. It leaves her screwed once she uses it, for not only the rest of her turn, but aslo till she spend a full round action to regain it all the time taking attac of oportuity to regain it, thats a long time to be with out these much depend upon abilities is an eterity. Is this to discourage the use of those abilities? that would be my only objection, nice rule set otherwise. ps. where is the spell check on these boards?? |
#33xlorepdarkhelm_dupAug 11, 2005 2:52:33 | Umm.... Ask Nytcrawlr about the monk, it's his idea. And basically, that was kinda the point -- the monk, as it stands in the PHB, is a bit overpowered for Dark Sun -- as the monk's abilities are configured to being balanced against characters with magical weapons of certian power at certian levels. This monk is balanced with the idea that characters don't have access to that kind of funding. |
#34nytcrawlrAug 11, 2005 8:23:56 | And basically, that was kinda the point -- the monk, as it stands in the PHB, is a bit overpowered for Dark Sun -- as the monk's abilities are configured to being balanced against characters with magical weapons of certian power at certian levels. This monk is balanced with the idea that characters don't have access to that kind of funding. That's pretty much what I was striving for. Plus you have core races like Thri-kreen and Half-giant that can make killer combos with this class, so it needed to be modified some. Go ahead and playtest away and let me know how it turns out. Maybe she needs adjusting, but I need hard playtesting data to look at in order to see whether or not she's underpowered. |
#35ruhl-than_sageAug 12, 2005 19:11:57 | That problem can be overcome partially with the feat Psionic Meditation (turning psionically focusing into a move action). I can be resolved the rest of the way by aquiring a psicrystal and the Psicrystal Containment feat (allowing you to have a second psionic focus at the same time). Admitedly this is expensive, but psicrystals do have other benefits attached to them and so does having two psionic focuses, plus the skill boosts can allow a psionic monk to do some things that a normal monk wouldn't be capable of. Also, for more fun at getting around the issue of psionically focusing. If you have the power Hustle and the feat Psionic Meditation, you can essentially psionically focus as a swift action allowing you to either do a full-round action in which you expend you focus and then obtain your focus again, or even focus both your psicrystal and yourself in one round and still have a standard action left. And as psychic warrior it only costs 3 pp to activate that power. |
#36brun01Aug 14, 2005 18:06:16 | Xlorep, is anything wrong with your site? I keep getting this "header already sent" error everytime I try to enter it. |
#37xlorepdarkhelm_dupAug 14, 2005 20:15:42 | Xlorep, is anything wrong with your site? Not to my knowledge. my hosting provider occasionally seems to hiccup a bit. Also, I cannot guarentee that the site works for people using Internet Exploder, as it is [should be] 100% XHTML 1.1, and CSS 2.1 compliant (Internet Explorer does not conform to the international standards). My suggestion -- get Firefox if you have Internet Exploder. Firefox is all and all a better product than anything Microsloth can dream up. Not saying you have IE, brun, just I can't guarentee the success of the site if you use it. --- Oh - there's a few other classes I modified for Dark Sun I want to drop as Articles on my site, hopefully I'll get to them soon enough. I've modified the Cleric, Ranger, and Druid. |
#38ruhl-than_sageAug 14, 2005 20:35:41 | ![]() |
#39brun01Aug 14, 2005 20:49:04 | Not to my knowledge. my hosting provider occasionally seems to hiccup a bit. Also, I cannot guarentee that the site works for people using Internet Exploder, as it is [should be] 100% XHTML 1.1, and CSS 2.1 compliant (Internet Explorer does not conform to the international standards). My suggestion -- get Firefox if you have Internet Exploder. Firefox is all and all a better product than anything Microsloth can dream up. I was originally using firefox. The error shows up both for firefox and IE. It's probably the hosting provider, let's see if tomorrow it returns to normal. |
#40xlorepdarkhelm_dupAug 14, 2005 20:51:06 |
#41xlorepdarkhelm_dupAug 14, 2005 20:52:22 | I was originally using firefox. The error shows up both for firefox and IE. Hmm.... I just checked it today, and wasn't having problems. Maybe you have some cached file in your browser that was from a past hosting provider error? |
#42nytcrawlrAug 14, 2005 20:53:14 | I was originally using firefox. The error shows up both for firefox and IE. Pulling up fine for me in both, maybe it was a momentary glitch. |