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#1kalthandrixMay 03, 2005 22:33:31 | Here is something I think you will like. The Silencer of Bodach Crafted by Rajaat during the first days of the Cleansing Wars to counter the growing Preserver threat and given to Irikos, the leader of Rajaat’s personal hosts and called “the left hand of Rajaat’, this blade is quite possibly the most fearsome weapon on Athas. The Silencer is an awesome weapon to behold. The blade is crafted from an unknown red alloy that is stronger than dwarf steel. The blade is even more unusual in that it has the shape of a diamond that has been cross-sectioned and the blade is about as wide as two human hands at the hilt. The total length of the weapon is just shy of seven feet and looks so large that it would take the strength of a half-giant to wield properly, when in fact it is so light and well balanced that it can be wielded as easily as one would a steel longsword. The hilt is made from a black steel of unusual origin and is wrapped in braxat hide. The only decorations on the Silencer is a pommel in the shape of a serpent’s skull, made of the same black metal as the hilt and cross-guard, and a strange red glowing rune engraved on the face of the cross-guard. The meaning of the rune is unknown. The last known location of this mighty weapon was in the Sorcerer King Kalak’s armory, but it disappeared when he was killed, but it was thought to have been taken by one his templars as they fled Try. Constant Powers • The Silencer of Bodach is a eager keen *deep cutting fullblade+10, but due to it’s light and well-balanced construction the Silencer may be wielded as if it were a greatsword. Feats such as Weapon Focus (greatsword), Weapon Specialization (greatsword), ect… may be applied while using this blade in combat. * See below • The blade is incredibly sharp and ignores the hardness and armor bonuses of all non-metal items. This means that armor bonuses are ignored if the source of the AC bonus is a non-metal armor (i.e. hide, chitin, bone, wood, obsidian, ect…). Any magical enhancement bonuses, Dex, deflection, luck, insight, or circumstance bonuses to armor class still function normally. Example: a fighter with a Dex of 17, wearing hide armor+1, a heavy wood shield, and ring of protection+1 would normally have an AC of 20 (base 10 +3 ability modifier, +3 armor bonus, +1 enhancement bonus, +2 shield bonus, and +1 deflection bonus). Against the Silencer that same fighter only has an AC of 15 (base 10 +3 ability modifier, +1 enhancement bonus, and +1 deflection bonus). • When used in battle, the Silencer provides the wielder with several potent abilities • +4 insight bonus to the wielder’s armor class and all saves. • Acts as a ring of evasion, allowing the blade-bearer to escape harm in situations where all others parish from large area attack spells or effects. • Grants the wielder the ability to deflect any ranged attack as though they had the Exceptional Deflection [Epic] feat. Invoked Powers • The Silencer grants its wielder a modified version of the feat Whirlwind Attack, even if they do not meet the prerequisites for the feat. By swinging the blade around in a large sweeping arc, the wielder can use a full attack action to roll a single attack roll using their highest base attack bonus. That roll is used as an attack roll against every creature, friend or foe, within a 10’ radius of the sword bearer. This reckless attack incurs a –4 penalty due to its wide and relatively uncontrolled nature. • Three times a day, the Silencer can be used to deliver a cone-shaped Earthquake (8th level spell modified with the feat Sculpt Spell [Metamagic]). The shape of the cone is 5’ at the base and is 40’ long. Activating this power is a standard action. The all other aspects of this spell are then same as those printed in the 3.5 Player’s Handbook. • At will, this weapon was created at the height of psionic power and can provide a potent defense against the forces of the Way. Three times a day, the Silencer can generate a Tower of Iron Will augmented as though manifested by a 20th level psion. Everyone within the 10’ radius of this power is protected against all mind-effecting powers with a power resistance of 30 that lasts for 20 rounds. • The wielder of the Silencer can unleash the reckless fury of the blade as they charge into the heart of the battle. Once per day, the weapon allows the wielder to charge as if they had the Dire Change [Epic] feat, which enables the wielder to make a full attack action at the end of the charge. Spell-like Abilities All spells may be activated three times per day and function as though cast by a 20th level wizard. • Dispel Magic • Greater Heroism • Globe of Invulnerability The Curse The saying that “those who live by the sword, die by the sword” holds very true for those whom take up the Silencer of Bodach. While this weapon will allow one to carve out a kingdom or to topple nations, its aid comes at a terrible price. The Silencer craves battle and it will drive it’s possessor to greater and greater heights of conquest until one day, with a brief moment of clarity, the sword-bearer will see all of those deeds come to an abrupt, bloody end. Each week that the Silencer is in a characters possession, they must make a Will save (DC 20) or lose 1 point of Wisdom permanently. The sword is imbued with a low, evil sentience that is blindly driven to fulfill the purpose that was instilled into it by Rajaat. The Silencer has a neutral/evil alignment with the following scores and capabilities: Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12, empathy, 30’vision and hearing, and an ego is 35. The sword will attempt to dominate any wielder that it feels is not attempting to fulfill it’s need for conquest and violence. Anyone not matching the alignment requirement of the blade is automatically subject to a domination attempt by the blade, if the contest of wills falls in favor of the character, they gain two negative levels. Those under the influence of the Silencer make an automatic alignment shift to neutral/evil and develop a fanatical hatred of those who would defy the will of Rajaat or force his imprisonment. *Deep Cutting This ability increases the critical multiplier by one. For example, if it was place on a long sword, which normally has a critical multiplier of x2, a deep cutting long sword would have a critical multiplier of x3. This ability may only be placed on piercing and slashing weapons. Moderate transmutation; CL 13th; Craft Magical Arms and Armor; Mordenkain’s sword; Price +3 |
#2SysaneMay 04, 2005 8:12:38 | Looks pretty good. Just curious though. Did you take a look at the ELHB at all when you converted? |
#3kalthandrixMay 04, 2005 8:20:30 | No. I have it, but did not break it out! D0 you have a suggestion on anything from the ELHB that I could add or modify. My main goal was to try to stay as close to the original version as I could, but still give it some new flavor. I am also currently working on another weapon called "Slayer of Races". I think that I might have it fleshed out by next week. |
#4SysaneMay 04, 2005 8:44:13 | No. I have it, but did not break it out! D0 you have a suggestion on anything from the ELHB that I could add or modify. My main goal was to try to stay as close to the original version as I could, but still give it some new flavor. I don't have anything specific in mind, but do think its a great source to reference. Especially when its comes to epic level weapons like the ones Rajaat created. I'd give it a once over if I were you. Otherwise, good job on your conversion. ![]() |
#5zombiegleemaxMay 04, 2005 9:13:35 | Just wanna point out one little nitpick that the Silencer was created prior to the Cleansing Wars during the start of the Preserver Jihad, together with the Scorcher, before Myron became a Cleansing War Champion and when he and Irikos were the Right and Left Hands of Rajaat, specifically. |
#6PennarinMay 04, 2005 9:25:32 | Cap'n Nick is quite right. The weapons were made to be used in the Preserver Jihad. They were only used later in the Cleansing Wars. |
#7kalthandrixMay 04, 2005 18:07:14 | Just wanna point out one little nitpick that the Silencer was created prior to the Cleansing Wars during the start of the Preserver Jihad, together with the Scorcher, before Myron became a Cleansing War Champion and when he and Irikos were the Right and Left Hands of Rajaat, specifically. According to the timeline in the "Wanderer's Chronicle", there was no specific war that was waged against preservers. Rajaat taught the art of magic to everyone, but selected a few to teach the defiling arts to (this was the Time of Magic). This era came to an end when Rajaat used the Pristine Tower and the Dark Lens to increase the level of power that his selected Champions possessed. Also, if you read the entry in the 2e Book of Artifacts, it clearly states that Irikos had already completed his task of eliminating the race of orcs when he was directed by Rajaat to take Bodach, which suggests to me that the Cleansing War was already in full bloom. It took 1,500 years for Rajaat's Champions to come to the brink of success and realize that their dream of returning the world to the Blue Age was the product of a mad man. I looked through all of the books and could find no reference to a Preserver War, though I will admit that I could have overlooked it. |
#8pringlesMay 04, 2005 18:20:15 | There no preserver jihad. Its something invented by DS fan during the 90'. Official cannon never made mention of it, and I'm sure if you ask Tim Brown or Troy Denning about the Preserver Jihad, he will tell you he dont know what you are talking about. The term Jihad doesnt even apply to Dark sun and even less to an extermination war against mage since Jihad in Arabic mean ``Holy war to defend the country``. Of course, the term troughout history as been used in every situation to justify any war, but it simply doesnt fit in Dark sun universe unless you apply to a bunch of cleric defending there homeland, since Holy is related to godlike spirituality. Maybe Abalach-re could ask her templar to wage a Jihad against the non-beleiver or the invading force on Raam, but logicly, Rajaat would have never called an Holy war against preserver, just an extermination war. |
#9KamelionMay 04, 2005 18:33:39 | There no preserver jihad. Its something invented by DS fan during the 90'. Official cannon never made mention of it, and I'm sure if you ask Tim Brown or Troy Denning about the Preserver Jihad, he will tell you he dont know what you are talking about. Although "jihad" is probably not the best term for it, a war was waged against the preservers and it is mentioned in official canon. Psionic Artifacts of Athas has this reference on p26, under the entry describing the Scorcher: With the Silencer lost following Irikos' death, Rajaat relied heavily on Myron during his war with the preservers of Athas, and with the help of the Scorcher, Rajaat succeeded. Next came the Cleansing Wars. The Book of Artifacts entry on the Silencer also mentions it (referring to wars between the defilers and the preservers) and it comes up in the official timeline too: 134th King's Age (-4,312) (Edited for clarity.) |
#10pringlesMay 04, 2005 18:41:19 | Well, that dumb,,,but hey, what you can do, it's come from the same people placing surfing druid and space invading halfling, so.... :D |
#11KamelionMay 04, 2005 18:45:13 | Jedi hobbits from Mars want our women!! |
#12PennarinMay 04, 2005 19:17:28 | The term Jihad doesnt even apply to Dark sun and even less to an extermination war against mage since Jihad in Arabic mean ``Holy war to defend the country``. Of course, the term troughout history as been used in every situation to justify any war, but it simply doesnt fit in Dark sun universe unless you apply to a bunch of cleric defending there homeland, since Holy is related to godlike spirituality. Maybe Abalach-re could ask her templar to wage a Jihad against the non-beleiver or the invading force on Raam, but logicly, Rajaat would have never called an Holy war against preserver, just an extermination war. I swear Pringles, you have a special love in your heart for that word... Firstly, the term is already in use in DS. Secondly, 9/10 people don't care about the real meaning of the word, only its global usage, that of a war based on some principles other than land aquisition and the likes. |
#13PennarinMay 04, 2005 19:24:23 | Also, if you read the entry in the 2e Book of Artifacts, it clearly states that Irikos had already completed his task of eliminating the race of orcs when he was directed by Rajaat to take Bodach, which suggests to me that the Cleansing War was already in full bloom. The defiler warlords, mentionned in many books, fought against the preservers in that jihad, then a few of them were made into Champions (as well as others who had not been defiler warlords) and the Cleansing Wars started. Other references, such as Irikos in BoA, and Dragon's Crown, clearly show a defiler warlord persecuting a bunch of preservers and taking orders from a far away Hamanu, and also a Champion, Irikos, waging war against preservers after having cleansed his race. From this we conclude that the jihad continued throughout the Cleansing Wars. It was fought with defiler warlords and retiree Champions. |
#14kalthandrixMay 04, 2005 20:03:24 | So perhaps this "jihad" against perseveres was being conducted during and along side the Cleansing Wars- the preservers being a niche group that posed a specific threat to Rajaat's long range plans of returning Athas to the halflings and the Blue Age. There seems to be conflicting stories, but that would be normal, I guess, for a war that raged for about 15 centuries. |
#15kalthandrixJun 11, 2005 12:36:06 | Just edited my original post with the stats and abilities of the Silencer. I have added some Epic abilities for all of you power junkies out there (well I guess I am one too). Check it out and let me know what you think!! |
#16kalthandrixJun 11, 2005 21:19:35 | Maybe it was too hard to look back at the top of the thread :rolleye2: so I decided to post the weapon at the bottom. Don't make me apologize to Pringles too :D The Silencer of Bodach |
#17squidfur-Jun 12, 2005 1:05:05 | § The Silencer grants its wielder a modified version of the feat Whirlwind Attack, even if they do not meet the prerequisites for the feat. By swinging the blade around in a large sweeping arc, the wielder can use a full attack action to roll a single attack roll using their highest base attack bonus. That roll is used as an attack roll against every creature, friend or foe, within a 10’ radius of the sword bearer. This reckless attack incurs a –4 penalty due to its wide and relatively uncontrolled nature. seems like it'd make for a cool aural display if in initiating these abilities all sound ceased for a few seconds then exploded outward again - something akin to the sonic charges Jango Fett uses in Ep. 2 but less mechanical sounding. just my 2 bits |
#18kalthandrixJun 12, 2005 6:56:04 | seems like it'd make for a cool aural display if in initiating these abilities all sound ceased for a few seconds then exploded outward again - something akin to the sonic charges Jango Fett uses in Ep. 2 but less mechanical sounding. So the sound of people screaming as their armor and flesh are carved through by a seven foot blade is not enough for you? Well you can never please some people :D |
#19nytcrawlrNov 03, 2005 19:17:49 | Yeah, definately needs tweaking. I dunno, don't think I will be happy till I just do my own damn conversion again (one of these days!), though I must say that what Penn and I have worked on (for months?) is getting close to what I think the Silencer should be all about. |
#20kalthandrixNov 03, 2005 19:36:19 | Well like I said before:Well you can never please some people :D I have been planning to go over all of my old material and do some fixes, but that will be after the Obsidian Man and Galdra. |
#21nytcrawlrNov 03, 2005 21:43:33 | Well like I said before: Indeed. With the Man I like what you are doing so far and wasn't too attached that I think someone could pull it off. With the Silencer it's different. There is something specfic I want to see and I can't put my finger on it, so hopefully it comes to when I do it myself again. Not that the ones that have already been produced are bad it's just not what I want to see. I have been planning to go over all of my old material and do some fixes, but that will be after the Obsidian Man and Galdra. Yeah, same here. That will be awhile though. I need a new domain name, need to get a website set up again, and before that get my rules done for my upcoming game in Febish. |
#22kalthandrixNov 03, 2005 21:54:43 | I think that my over-all version could have been better- but I did not get much in the way of feedback (I think mainly because it is an item of huge importance to the setting that people did not want to do there). there we were with the monkeys, hookers, and the spaghetti... |
#23cnahumckNov 03, 2005 22:12:24 | i think one of the reasons that we don't have much response is becuase we have little background on the weapon. if we knew more about it's weilder, or about how it was used, it may be helpful. one thing to consider would be what was done with the scorcher. you could have a trigger that would unlock special powers that are not otherwise available. just a thought. not sure what direction to take it in, but something that would protect against magic and psionics more so, or something that would bring out the "silence" in it's name. maybe granting the auto silent spell epic feat and the auto still spell epic feat so the wielder can use the blade and cast at the same time (something Irikos should have done anyway) maybe more siege based powers, or possibly necromantic abilities (if you buy that Irikos is to blame for all the undead in Bodach) |
#24zombiegleemaxNov 04, 2005 0:36:45 | Kalthandrix, I really like the idea that the "left hand of Rajaat" was a UNIT of warriors and defilers, and not a single person. I also like how you posited Irikos at the head of that unit. It seems to resolve a lot of questions about Irikos and his role without disrupting the Dark Sun canon (e.g. Kalak is a genuine Champion.) I too would like to see more "Silence" in the silencer. It could be a magical silence (such as a silence spell) or it could simply be a term to describe what happens when the Silencer lays waste to an entire city. So far, it looks good. Good work! itf |
#25kalthandrixNov 04, 2005 6:14:03 | cnahumck & inix toenail filth- I would first like to thank you for your interest in this weapon and your comments- feedback is always good. Have you two read the write up in the 2e Book of Artifacts on this weapon. The reason for the name Silencer is IMO because it can kill darn near anything- effectivly Silencing those who spoke out against Rajaat. As for the whole trigger thing done with the Scorcher- well that was's method of controlling the weapon. I have no specific problem with the idea, but it was never part of the original design of the weapon. As a DM, it is within your rights to adapt materials in any manner you see fit, but the overall write up that I did was for the community as a whole. Thanks again- I will be going over this weapon and the Scourge again in the near furture and I will keep your comments in mind. |