Where are the Athalids?



Jun 02, 2005 17:21:36
Does anyone remember the name of the thread that contained the Athalids info? I can't remember who posted it. It may have been Grummore or someone else. I tried searching for it with google but I am not getting any hits.


Jun 02, 2005 20:34:37
athasian illithids(The Athilids)


Jun 02, 2005 21:07:48
Thanks Pen!


Jun 07, 2005 22:32:45
Hey Penn, didn't you have a write-up of athasian illithids yourself. Would you mind sending a copy to me if you I'm remembering correctly? Or maybe you can just post it?


Jun 07, 2005 22:39:20
It is on page 19.

Pennarin's Illithid Project: Community Involvement


Jun 07, 2005 23:59:46
It was a huge undertaking, but i may never touch it again. Maybe one day i can do something with it with the help of someone. Kam seemed to love it.


Jun 08, 2005 0:20:04
It was a huge undertaking, but i may never touch it again. Maybe one day i can do something with it with the help of someone. Kam seemed to love it.

Yes, me too. Extremely. Especially the history part. Thanx for sharing


Jun 08, 2005 0:57:36
Undertyr is a future project. When I eventually pull it up, I'll drag you on board?


Jun 08, 2005 7:21:51
Undertyr is a future project. When I eventually pull it up, I'll drag you on board?

Pull up Undertyr?

You're going to wedgie Tyr?

(probably with assistance from the dwelfs)


Jun 08, 2005 18:47:18
Undertyr is a future project. When I eventually pull it up, I'll drag you on board?

Who are you asking this of, Dawn?


Jun 08, 2005 19:33:00
You, but pretty much anyone else who wants to help/toss in their two cents.


Jun 08, 2005 20:51:55
You, but pretty much anyone else who wants to help/toss in their two cents.

Tell me what you would like to see. Are you looking for maps, creatures, locations. I have some good notes on areas I build up that need typing (and finding) but I will throw my carrots into the pot.


Jun 08, 2005 22:48:49
Dawn, this is my schedule:

- Art coordination for Dregoth Ascending Part 2; Part 3 will likely be done by someone else
- Finish the Equipment Guide

Then I have two projects (if I have ideas about Undertyr at that point I could work on them then):

- Athasian hivemind rules with Elonarc and Kamelion
- Damite and Teluri ruins*, and remnants of their civilizations, with Kamelion: PrCs, items, locations, maybe an adventure or adventure hooks, a narration from a Teluri meorty, ..... i.e. fun stuff

* Small entry in Hawke's second novel; unrelated to the rest of the novels