Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxJun 14, 2005 16:27:36 | Just wanted to get an idea of what class(es) and levels you think some of original NPCs from DS are in a 3.5 format. Assume these are post PP and in regards to any dead characters these would be their stats at the time of their death. Agis: Human, Psion 16 / Psychic Warrior 7 Rikus: Mul, Gladiator 22 / Fighter 4 Neeva: Human, Gladiator 20 Tithian: Human, Psion 10 / Wizard 3 / Cerebremancer 10 Magnus: Cleric 14 / New Race?? Cealum (sp?): Dwarf, Cleric (fire) 16 Rkard: Mul, Cleric (fire) 3 / Fighter 2 Sadira: Half-Elf, Wizard (preserver) 10/ Arcane Trickster 10 / Shadow Wizard 7 Nok: Halfling, Druid 8 / Wizard 10 Fenaeyon: Elf, Fighter 11 / Rogue 7 Dokjatt (or however you spell it, Nibenay's son) ?? / Sorcerer 7 These are just some interpretations and I am sure I missed a few people. Also, I don't have access to the PrC.doc (firewall). Regarding the SKs I would probably say each one is in the level range of 35-55. |
#2SysaneJun 14, 2005 16:31:10 | Here comes the "were they epic level or weren't they" debate again ;) |
#3zombiegleemaxJun 14, 2005 16:46:46 | Here comes the "were they epic level or weren't they" debate again ;) lol, I wasn't around for the first one :P The only reason I see them as being epic was simply as a DM tool. The DS setting is somewhat lacking in epic characters and I think it might not be a bad idea to have the heroes/villains of the PP series reflect the move to 3.5 and the addition of epic campaigning. If you would like remove the levels. I was more interested in opinions on what classes they were. |
#4PennarinJun 14, 2005 16:57:55 | Tithian was a high-ranking templar, and used the king's magic when he was drunk one night to kill his brother. Caelum and Rkard are sun clerics. Sadira was a tainted preserver and has the sun wizard PrC or template. Nok: I've been working on Nok with Seker, and we've created a build that allows him to do all he could do in PP1 and PP2, including besting a young Agis (in CSoT Agis is described as a 16th level psionicist, so when he met Nok he would have been even lower in levels). He also has a few psionic items. Wizard 10/Leech 4/Wilder 11 Dhojakt: I already created him a few years ago... Some people have been developping Pristine Tower mutation rules that would account for his abilities, but failing that I gave him an ability I called Tower-shaped that does the same. Consider that I forgot to give him the spells he used against Sadira in the novel... ![]() « He seemed to be part human and part cilops. From the knees down, he resembled a giant centipede, with a flat body divided into twelve segments. Each section was supported by a pair of slender legs ending in hooked claws. From the knees up, he was remotely human, with his torso swaddled in a silk sarami and a black skullcap covering his shaved head. He had tiny ears located at the base of his jaw, bulbous eyes resembling those of a cilops, and a muzzle with cavernous nostrils that flared every time he drew a breath. » ― The Amber Enchantress, Troy Denning Dhojakt, Prince of Nibenay: Male tauric human-cilops fighter 5/wizard 6/royal defiler 5; CR 25; Large monstrous humanoid (augmented humanoid); HD 16d8+64; hp 144; Init +8; Spd 40 ft./climb 20 ft.; AC 27, touch 14, flat-footed 23; Atk +20 melee (1d8+10 plus poison/19-20, bite); Full Atk +20/+15 melee (1d4+10/19-20, unarmed strike); Space/Reach 10 ft./5 ft.; SA fear, poison, psi-like abilities; SQ damage reduction 5/magic, king’s library, scent, secular authority, immunity to spell effects; SV Fort +16, Ref +11, Will +14; AL LE; Str 30, Dex 19, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 17. Skills and Feats: Bluff 7 (+10), Climb 5 (+23), Concentration 17 (+22), Diplomacy 17 (+24; add +11 in contests of Secular Authority), Gather Information 3 (+6), Intimidate 17 (+22; add +4 for every size category you are larger than your target), Knowledge (arcana) 7 (+10), Literacy (Common, Nibenese), Sense Motive 9 (+12), Spellcraft 7 (+12), Spot 7 (+16), Survival 7 (+8; +20 when tracking by scent); Brew Potion, Combat Reflexes, Efficient Raze, Eschew Materials, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Scent, Improved Unarmed Strike(B), Negotiator, Scribe Scroll(B), Still Spell, Stunning Fist, Track(B), Uncanny Scent, Virulent Poison. Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude DC 13, initial and secondary damage 1d4 Dex. Prince of Nibenay: His privileged position as the son of the Shadow King gives him a +8 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks in contests of Secular Authority. Tower-shaped (Su): Magicaly prepared in advance by his father, Dhojakt was heavily transformed by the influence of the Pristine Tower. His half-human, half-cilops state is extraordinarily strong, giving him a +10 inherent bonus to Strength and the use of the Improved Unarmed Strike feat. His hard skin and exoskeleton confer damage reduction 5/magic and an immunity to spell-like effects from items, spells and spell-like abilities of 3rd level or lower. But the protection does not extend beneath the skin, making him still susceptible to gaseous spell effects. Skills: As part Cilops, Dhojakt has a +8 racial bonus on Climb and Spot checks (already figured into the statistics given above) and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. When tracking by scent, Dhojakt receives a +12 racial bonus on Survival checks. Psi-like Abilities: At will―attraction (+6 interaction bonus, DC 13*), cloud mind (DC 12), danger sense, detect psionics, eradicate invisibility, read thoughts (DC 12), sensitivity to psychic impressions. Manifester level 6th. The save DCs are Charisma-based. *Includes augmentation for Dhojakt’s manifester level. Wizard Spells Prepared (caster level 11th): 0―arcane mark, detect magic, read magic, slave scent; 1st―comprehend languages, identify x2, true strike, unseen servant; 2nd―knock, shatter (DC 15), see invisibility, wakefulness, whispering wind; 3rd―boneclaw’s cut, dedication, dispel magic, haste, hold person; 4th―bestow curse (DC 17), claws of the tembo (DC 17), sand spray (DC 17); 5th―passwall, transmute rock to mud; 6th―tenser’s transformation. Equipment: arcanamach’s miter (black skullcap), bracers of armor +6, potion-orb of eagle’s splendor, spellbook (scrolls). Background/Description: The son of the Shadow King, Dhojakt is the custodian of his father’s interests within Nibenay’s realm of influence. He exists solely to be entrusted with the tasks Nibenay would not trust his bare-breasted templars with; his chief concern is the protection of the child Siemhouk, his father’s greatest resource. Representing his father in the political realm during periods of fugue in the Naggaramakam, Dhojakt is a dangerous enemy to make. Miter, Arcanamarch’s: This religious headress is worn exclusively by royal defilers delegated with civic duties appoaching those of a templar. A miter varies greatly in form and size among the cities, but each population has learned to recognize on sight the lawful power of a miter’s wearer. The headress is nearly always a tall and showy contraption; one noticeable exception to this rule is in Nibenay where it takes the form of a black skullcap. This religious cap functions only for defilers in the service of a sorcerer-monarch. The wizard can use arcane mark at will by simply touching the item he wishes to mark and concentrating for a full round. As a badge of office for the position of royal defiler, the miter confers a +3 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks made in contests of Secular Authority. Twice per day, the wizard can activate the main function of the miter by speaking aloud the name of the sorcerer-monarch he has pledged fealthy to, therefore gaining the effects of a wisdom of the sorcerer-king spell. Moderate evocation; CL 12th; Craft Universal Item, arcane mark, wisdom of the sorcerer-king; Price 40,500 Cp. |
#5zombiegleemaxJun 14, 2005 17:06:44 | Tithian was a high-ranking templar, and used the king's magic when he was drunk one night to kill his brother. Caelum and Rkard: They were part of a dwarven culture who worhiped the sun, but I thought in a 2e workup they actually pulled their power from the plane of fire? In regards to Sadira I meant Sun wizard not shadow ![]() Nok: I've been working on Nok with Seker, and we've created a build that allows him to do all he could do in PP1 and PP2, including besting a young Agis (in CSoT Agis is described as a 16th level psionicist, so when he met Nok he would have been even lower in levels). He also has a few psionic items. Nice work on both of these. |