Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1ruhl-than_sageJun 19, 2005 12:03:48 | I had some ideas for some new Cleric spells, just wanted to see what everybody thought. New Fire Cleric Spells Rising Flame Transmutation [Fire] Level: Cleric (Fire) 1, Cleric (Sun) Components: V, S, DF Casting Time: 1 Swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous Like the rising flame you seek to escape the surface of the earth. Upon casting this spell you immediately rise like a flame regaining your footing. You can cast this spell without penalty from a prone position. You do not provoke any attacks of opportunity for standing up as part of this spell, as you take on the properties of fire for a split second, becoming insubsantial. Inflame Emotions Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Bard 3, Cleric (Fire) 3, Choas 3 Components: V, S, DF Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level) Area of Effect: Creatures in a 20 ft. radius spread Duration: Concentration, up to one round/level (D) Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes This spell agitates creatures. You have no control over the affected creatures, but Inflame Emotions can cause agitated creatures to attack or even rage and joyous creatures to lose themselves in their revelry. Calm creatures are more unpredictable in their responses to this spell, though they are sure to become passionate about something. Inflame Emotions heightens the intensity (or cause one) of the following emotions in all targets who fail their saving throws: Anger, Excitement, Fear, Joy, Passion, and (or) Confusion. If a creature is targeted by a spell or an effect that plays off of the heightened emotion they are expiriencing from the effects of the spell, they receive a -4 penalty on their saving throw. This spell also increases the moral bonuses granted by spells such as Bless, Good Hope, and Rage as well as a Bard’s ability to inspire courage or a Barbarian’s Rage. The bonuses received for any of these or similar effects increase by 1 while under the effects of this spell. This ability cannot stack with itself, just as moral bonuses cannot stack with themselves. Inflame Emotions counters and is countered by Calm Emotions. Arise from the Ashes Conjuration (Healing) Level: Cleric (Fire) 5, Cleric (Magma) 5 Components: V, S, M, DF Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Touch Target: Dead creature touched Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None (see text) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) This spell functions exactly like the spell Raise Dead, except that it can only be used on creatures that have been burnt to death and can even be used on creatures that have been completely immolated as long as some of their ashes remain. The material component for Arise from the Ashes is a obsidian worth at least 5,000 cp. rather than a diamonds of that value. |
#2ruhl-than_sageJun 19, 2005 12:05:22 | The listing for Bard and Choas domains is merely present for completeness sake if anyone wants to use the Inflame Emotions spell in another setting. |
#3kalthandrixJun 19, 2005 15:41:18 | Good job Sage! I love the Arise from the Ashes. I will try and get my new 'puter up and data transported so I can post some of the spells I made. |
#4PennarinJun 19, 2005 15:47:05 | Beautiful! Did you use 3.0's Emotion spell for the text of Inflame Emotions? That text was far more extensive than in 3.5.... |
#5ruhl-than_sageJun 20, 2005 9:19:51 | Beautiful! Did you use 3.0's Emotion spell for the text of Inflame Emotions? That text was far more extensive than in 3.5.... No ![]() |
#6PennarinJun 20, 2005 15:14:42 | Btw, there is no 3.5 emotion spell. It has been broken down into constituent spells.From the 3.0 SRD |
#7ruhl-than_sageJun 20, 2005 20:13:04 | Hmmm... :whatsthis interesting, I didn't send a lot of time with 3.0 because at the time I was playing (a non-spellcaster) rather than running games. By the time I started running games again, I had the 3.5 book to use. Thanks for point that spell out to me ![]() |
#8ruhl-than_sageJun 20, 2005 21:38:42 | New Earth Cleric Spells Earthen Fists Transmutation [Earth] Level: Cleric (Earth) 1 Components: DF Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal Duration: 10 minutes/level Saving Throw: None (Harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless) Your fists harden turning stone-like in appearance and capable of deadly blows. You unarmed attacks deal damage equal to a Heavy Mace appropriate to your size (1d6 for a small creature, 1d8 medium, 1d10 large) for the duration of the spell. This spell does not grant you the effects of the Unarmed Strike feat, your hands and forearms do however have the strength of stone (hardness 8) allowing you to grasp or strike things that might otherwise harm you, such as spiked armor. Seismic Fist Evocation [Earth] Level: Cleric (Earth) 3 Components: V, S, DF Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Short (25+5ft./2 levels) Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Reflex partial Spell Resistance: No This spell empowers your fist so that when you strike the ground a shockwave travels underground emerging at a spot within range, cracking the ground and sending chunks of rock or earth up into the air. As a standard action, you may make one ranged touch attack roll per round against any creature that is standing on solid stone or hard packed earth. If you hit, the spell deals 1d8 +1 damage/2 levels (Max: 1d8+20), and the target must make a successful reflex save or be knocked prone. Creatures that gain a bonus versus trip attempts from size or stability features (such as extra legs) gain that bonus to this save as well. Note: There must be a continuous surface of stone or hard-packed between you and any creature you attack using this spell, though it does not have to be a level surface. You cannot send this effect across a canyon or other similar fissure more than a couple of feet deep. You can use this spell to strike a wall or cliff on which someone is climbing, provided it is made of stone or hard packed earth and at least 1 ft. thick. If the spell hits and the target fails his save he falls taking falling damage as normal. Creatures with a natural climb speed or effected by spells like Spider Climb which grant a climb speed gain a +4 on their saving throws to resist falling. Seismic Stomp Evocation [Earth] Level: Cleric (Earth) 4 Components: V, S, DF Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal Area of Effect: 20ft. radius burst centered on you Effect: Shockwave Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Reflex partial Spell Resistance: No Upon completion of the spell you stomp the ground forcefully sending a shockwave in all directions, cracking the ground and sending chunks of rock and earth up in to the air. All creature within the area of effect must succeed at a reflex save or be knocked prone taking 1d8+1 damage/level. If they succeed at their save they are still put off balance (flat-footed until their next action) and take half damage. Creatures that gain a bonus versus trip attempts from size or stability features (such as extra legs) gain that bonus to this save as well. Note: There must be a continuous surface of stone or hard-packed between you all creatures within the area of effect though it does not have to be a level surface. You cannot send this effect across a canyon or other similar fissure more than a couple of feet deep. |
#9PennarinJun 20, 2005 22:20:49 | Man, make spells like those for every element and para-element and I believe you've got a good chance of seeing them published in DS3. |
#10PennarinJun 20, 2005 22:43:16 | Seismic Fist: The first three phrases of that spell are a bit confusing. You should restructure the text so that its clear you strike the ground next to your target, not the target itslef (right now the spell first says it gives you the ability to strike the ground, but then goes on about making an attack against a target...). |
#11ruhl-than_sageJun 21, 2005 15:23:55 | Seismic Fist: The first three phrases of that spell are a bit confusing. You should restructure the text so that its clear you strike the ground next to your target, not the target itslef (right now the spell first says it gives you the ability to strike the ground, but then goes on about making an attack against a target...). Thanks, I changed the text in the original post. Does it make sense now? |
#12PennarinJun 21, 2005 17:00:59 | Yes, makes sense now! |
#13ruhl-than_sageJun 22, 2005 21:42:14 | New Water Cleric Spells Reveal the Depths Divination [Water] Level: Cleric [Water] 2, Druid 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2 Components: V, M/DF Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 minute/level Upon casting this spell the caster is imbued with the ability to see through any body of water as though it were crystal clear. In fact the normal distortion that water has on light doesn’t even effect the caster while this spell endures, eliminating any penalties or miss chances (do to visibility) that might otherwise apply to striking at a creature underwater. Of course this spells primary benefit is to allow the caster to see the entire contents of a murky body of water including monsters, any drowning companions, or anything of value the may be resting on the bottom. Living water such as Water and Rain elementals/elemental beasts and their like are not effected by this spell, they still retain their ordinary appreance, possibly revealing them when they might otherwise remain hidden. This spell has no effect on your perception of other types of liquids such as blood, acid, magma, or potions and cannot overcome effects like Darkness or ambient lighting condition that might affect the visibiltiy. Material Component: A gallon of Clear Water Fluid Form Transmutation [Water] Level: Cleric [Water] 6, Cleric [Rain] 6, Sorcerer/Wizard 7 Components: V, S, M/DF Casting Time: 1 full-round action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 10 minutes/level Your body becomes fluid and gracefull taking on many of the properties of water, but roughly maintaining your shape. You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity, a +20 competance bonus to your Escape Artist checks (allowing you to fit through very small spaces, see p. 73 PHB) , and immunity to acid & poisons. Additionally non-magical weapons cannot hurt you, as they simply pass through your body harmlessly. As a full-round action you can turn your self and all your equipment into a puddle. While in puddle form you can move across any relatively flat surface, slight upward inclines, or any downward incline. You movement rate for moving across flat surfaces remains the same, for moving up slight inclines halve your normal movement, and for moving down an incline multiply your movement rate by 3. While in puddle form you can only make one move action per round, or you can spend your action to reform. Note: Because of the water-like nature of your form., while under the effects of this spell, you cannot deal any damage with a natural attack, unarmed strike, or grapple. You do not get anything wet when it touches you, cannot be absorbed into anything (like a cloth or sponge), or be evaporated while under the effects of this spell. Material Component: A potion of Cat's Grace, the effects of which are subsuned by the casting of the spell. |
#14kalthandrixJun 23, 2005 7:28:50 | Good work once again Sage :D Here is another ![]() Have you thought to make a spell simular to Reveal the Debths, but for the Silt or Air Clerics- like the King's Eye from the PP books that allowed sailors on the Silt Sea to, well, see through the flying silt. |
#15ruhl-than_sageJun 23, 2005 9:08:01 | Good work once again Sage :D Here is another :D Yes, but one of them was actually going to be for Rain clerics. You'd think seeing through Fog wouldn't be that powerfull in DS (except in the Jungle maybe), but considering low-level spells can conjure fog.... ![]() Oh, and stop taking bites from the cookies you give me ![]() |
#16lyricJun 25, 2005 12:37:12 | I like these a lot, in fact, I have always wanted those seismic fist and stomp powers to be part of an earth based PrC for a kinetic psion similar to the pyrokinetic. I've been toying with the idea of making a new PrC for each element and para-element to assist in a Cleric's advancement to becoming an Elemental AB. Course, I've kind of had two problems in that area.. one being time, the other being I don't know the rules in 3e as well as I should, so class crafting is a touch difficult for me. ;) One day though, one day ;) till then, keep up the good work, I think its very fitting. ![]() Tell me though, would there be any use of making a few clerical spells and saying.. they have such and such an effect, but become of a 'type' according to the element worshiped.. so, in effect.. a spell that lets you see through earth, or fog, or water or silt.. and depending on the element you worship, it becomes that type of spell... kind of like when summoning.. a spell becomes lawful or evil or whatever depending on what type of creature is summoned.. am I making any sense?? I'm just wondering if that would make it any easier to craft spells for multiple elements at once.. it would of course, be nice to have the sphere of cosmos back again, then it would be easy to tell what the spell belonged to. ![]() |
#17ruhl-than_sageJun 25, 2005 14:12:54 | I like these a lot, in fact, I have always wanted those seismic fist and stomp powers to be part of an earth based PrC for a kinetic psion similar to the pyrokinetic. I've been toying with the idea of making a new PrC for each element and para-element to assist in a Cleric's advancement to becoming an Elemental AB. Thank you ![]() Tell me though, would there be any use of making a few clerical spells and saying.. they have such and such an effect, but become of a 'type' according to the element worshiped.. so, in effect.. a spell that lets you see through earth, or fog, or water or silt.. and depending on the element you worship, it becomes that type of spell... kind of like when summoning.. a spell becomes lawful or evil or whatever depending on what type of creature is summoned.. am I making any sense?? I'm just wondering if that would make it any easier to craft spells for multiple elements at once.. it would of course, be nice to have the sphere of cosmos back again, then it would be easy to tell what the spell belonged to. Yes definately, it would be more efficient for space and organizational purposes to have similar spells for the elements joined together in that fashion. Some of my spells might end up being complied later into that format, but for right now I am concentratring on making individual spells, because it is easier on ME to handle the initial creation that way. Another consideration is that some spells with very similar effects (for different elements), might be more or less powerfull then others meaning that they would deserve a different level. I think that complicates the idea of putting them all under one heading. For instance, if the Elemental Strike spell used Sonic energy for the Air clerics instead of Electricity; it would have to either be a level higher for them or use a reduced damage die. The reason being the almost nothing has sonic resistance including PC. There are a number of subtle considerations like that. As for the Sphere of Cosmos comment, that basically what I am proposing in having a list of general cleric spells and seperate lists for all the different elments. Thanks for the comments and questions ![]() |
#18lyricJun 25, 2005 15:26:23 | Thank you hey anytime ![]() Do you think it would be useful to have domain spells and element specific lists?? Example : Fire cleric gains access to Fire domain spells, special spells that are very potent.. Earth cleric comes along and uses some of the generic fire spells, or generic water spells. He doesn't have access to the more powerful/potent fire domain spells, but does have access to the others.. (personally I'd restrict that access to something like level 4 or less or level 6 or less)... Perhaps this idea would work better with druids ? 2e also had a thing of using say, an earth cleric and a fire cleric to cast a magma paraelementalist spell... they'd both memorize it, and together cast it. Otherwise, they'd need an actual magma para-elementalist cleric to use the spell... Could something like that be reinstated?? |
#19ruhl-than_sageJun 26, 2005 1:13:04 | Do you think it would be useful to have domain spells and element specific lists?? Example : Fire cleric gains access to Fire domain spells, special spells that are very potent.. Earth cleric comes along and uses some of the generic fire spells, or generic water spells. He doesn't have access to the more powerful/potent fire domain spells, but does have access to the others.. (personally I'd restrict that access to something like level 4 or less or level 6 or less)... Perhaps this idea would work better with druids ? I do, but for a different reason. I think that some spells have a more specific feel to them (or are more powerful), and shouldn't just be available to all clerics of an element. That is why I want to seperate the spells into a general element list for each element and leave certain other spells domain specific. I haven't done that yet though because its a complicated decision and kind of depends on the domains available. My personal take on the elemental clerics differs greatly from some of the other takes I've seen. If you want to understand better you need to read the thread: Elemental Clerics and Druids. Personal I think that the elemental clerics should ONLY be granted spells from their patron element and the general cleric spells (My intial lists are posted in the thread mentioned above). I think that command of all the elements is more properly the realm of druids. If you are interested in a system that allows for an elemental cleric to cast all clerical spells that specifical aren't opposed to their element you should really check out Shei-Nead's system. here's the link: There is a lot of other valuable material downloadable in PDF on this site also, including alternate rules for the races and classes. It's all very well done. 2e also had a thing of using say, an earth cleric and a fire cleric to cast a magma paraelementalist spell... they'd both memorize it, and together cast it. Otherwise, they'd need an actual magma para-elementalist cleric to use the spell... Could something like that be reinstated?? I don't see why not, although I question your use of the word reinstated. I don't have any authority with the Templarate. I could easily come up with some rules for that. Something similar to the Cooperate Magic feat could work, and it could just be made into a special rule without requiring a feat. I guess it depends on how well the effect works. Even if it didn't take a feat to do it, it could require a feat to do it well. |
#20kalthandrixJun 26, 2005 19:26:46 | Yo Sage! Got anything more to throw to us? Please, please, please, please, please!!! :bounce: |
#21PennarinSep 23, 2005 0:16:03 | Sage, why does arise from the ashes even exist if it has the same effect, level, and cost as raise dead? I found it a great spell because I thought it was one level lower than raise dead. Maybe you should change that, since it requires the target to die while burning, a pretty select circumstance. In a sense, every element and paraelement could have such a spell: when you drown, when you choke from silt inhalation, etc... |
#22ruhl-than_sageSep 23, 2005 1:36:10 | Sage, why does arise from the ashes even exist if it has the same effect, level, and cost as raise dead? Good question, and there is an answer. Its because with a Raise Dead spell and I quote: "While the spell closes mortal wounds and repairs leathal damage of most kinds, the body of the creature must be whole. Otherwise, missing parts are still missing when the creature is brought back to life." The spell arise from the ashes allows you to raise someone who has completely imolated as long as some of their ashes remain and are available to cast the spell on. That is the power of the spell and the reason it exists. It can only be used on people who died from being burnt, but it can raise anyone who died in that fashion even if their body is no longer intact. As for the spells for the other elements :D, thats a great idea, but unless we can come up with some really good ideas I would prefer not to. I'm trying to avoid forced symmetry. There is an idea for an Air Cleric spell in this vein that I call Breath of Life. This is a rough draft of the idea. If you want to take a stab at a Water or Earth based one be my guest. ;) Breath of Life Conjuration (Healing) Level: Air 6th Components: V, S, XP Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch Target: Dead Creature Touched Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None (Harmless) Spell Resistance: No This spell can be used on any formerly living, though not undead, creature with 1 minute of their death. The creature must be one capable of breathing air, because the caster must breath into their mouth or other breathing orafice in order to cast the spell. When the spell is cast the cleric transfers some of their own life essence into the fallen creature in order to heal its most grevious wounds and restore life to its body inviting the recently departed spirit to return to its body before it passes into the grey. At the end of casting the target is brought back to life at Zero hit points but is unconscious. This spell doesn't replace any body parts that might have been lost by the creature and will not work if the creatures head has been severed from its body or similar massive truama has occured. 500 XP are expended in the casting of this spell representing the life energy that the caster gives up. |
#23xlorepdarkhelm_dupSep 23, 2005 16:27:46 | I like the idea of elemental-specific resurrections/raise deads. I'd love to see some that are more focused on elemental effects with cure/inflicts as well. Like fire/sun/magma cures also causing significant pain (burning) - maybe half of the healing actually is replaced with subdual damage or something. |
#24PennarinSep 23, 2005 16:34:27 | Yeah, Caelum's healing spells always inflicted searing pain. |
#25xlorepdarkhelm_dupSep 23, 2005 16:49:25 | Well, I'll see about getting the rules mechanics I have done up for my Cleric variation on my site, so people can check it out. I think it fits perfectly with the direction Rhul Thaun has been going with the spells, and together, they make for a 3.5E version of what there was in 2E. |
#26ruhl-than_sageSep 24, 2005 0:49:56 | Well, I'll see about getting the rules mechanics I have done up for my Cleric variation on my site, so people can check it out. I think it fits perfectly with the direction Rhul Thaun has been going with the spells, and together, they make for a 3.5E version of what there was in 2E. It does go very well :D |
#27zombiegleemaxSep 25, 2005 10:06:56 | Ruhl-Than Sage, does your spell lists account for spells in the clerics domains and have you though of making like a universal spells list that all clerics can cast from because right now the spell pickings are pretty slim for most of the cleric classes in you list if that is all they can cast. Here is another question! Have you thought of using your spell lists to kind of replace the very small list that clerics get for their two domains, so instead of only being able to choose a spell from one domain or the other, you could take a spell from your elements list. I think that would be pretty sweet. |
#28ruhl-than_sageSep 25, 2005 10:31:19 | Ruhl-Than Sage, does your spell lists account for spells in the clerics domains and have you though of making like a universal spells list that all clerics can cast from because right now the spell pickings are pretty slim for most of the cleric classes in you list if that is all they can cast. Here is another question! Have you thought of using your spell lists to kind of replace the very small list that clerics get for their two domains, so instead of only being able to choose a spell from one domain or the other, you could take a spell from your elements list. I think that would be pretty sweet. I do have a general list of spells for clerics, Its the first thing I posted in my elemental cleric spell lists. Yes I've thought of that, but its still to limiting to be only able to cast a few elemental spells. Take a look at Sysane's alternate cleric class, its more in fitting with how the spell lists should be used. Whats posted on this thread is just a few new spells, the actual spell lists (still in progress are on another thread linked to in my signiture). When I am done with this project the spell lists will be reorganized and complied and additional information about their useage and the possible useage of domains and a new cleric class will be available all in a PDF format. |
#29zombiegleemaxSep 25, 2005 15:43:03 | Cool. |