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#1zombiegleemaxJun 27, 2005 5:47:42 | Just a few new domains and spells to fill them out. One of my player's wanted to play an earth cleric with the Earth and Retribution (out of Forgotten Realms) domains before I decided to go with's rules (with modifications) over the Dragon/Dungeon stuff. To make a long story short, I decided to work with him a custom design a DS3 compatible domain similar to the Retribution domain since his goal was to play an earth cleric bent on taking revenge against those that despoiled Athas. The Vengeance of the Land domain (see below) is what we came up with (he loves it). The other domains are just random ideas we came up with along the way. Enjoy. (An asterisk indicates a new spell described below.) Echoes of Stone Worshippers: Earth Class Skill: Psicraft (Int) Weapons: Ba’rhe, kukri Armor: None Granted Power: You gain the Hidden Talent feat as a bonus feat. Echoes of Stone Domain Spells 1. Pass without Trace: One subject/level leaves no tracks. 2. Fist of Stone: Gain +6 Str and a natural slam attack. 3. Meld into Stone: You and your gear merge with stone. 4. Stone Skin: Ignore 10 points of damage per attack. 5. Earth Stride*: Step through one rock to another far away. 6. Stone Tell: Talk to natural or worked stone. 7. Statue: Subject can become a statue at will. 8. Reverse Gravity: Objects and creatures fall upward. 9. Elemental Swarm: Summon multiple earth elementals or magma paraelementals. Inferno’s Blessing Worshippers: Fire, Magma Class Skill: Intimidate (Cha) Weapons: Kukri, scimitar Armor: None Granted Power: Once per day, you can step into a fire of campfire size or larger and be healed of 2d4 damage +1 point per class level. This process takes 1d4+1 rounds. Inferno’s Blessing Domain Spells 1. Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments 2. Produce Flame: 1d6 damage +1 per level, touch or thrown 3. Scorching Ray: Ranged touch deals 4d6 fire damage, +1 ray/4 levels (max 3). 4. Fireball: 1d6 damage per level, 20ft. radius. 5. Fire Shield: Creatures attacking you take fire damage. You are protected from heat or cold. 6. Flame’s Embrace*: Touch attack incinerates target. 7. Firestorm: Deals 1d6/level fire damage. 8. Incendiary Cloud: Cloud deals 4d6 fire damage/round. 9. Meteor Swarm: Four exploding spheres each deal 6d6 fire damage. Shadows & Dust Worshippers: Silt Class Skills: Hide (Dex), Move Silently (Dex) Weapons: Bard’s friend, garrote, short sword Armor: None Granted Power: You may use a death touch once per day. Death touch is a supernatural ability that produces a death effect. You must make a successful melee touch attack on a living creature to use this ability. When you touch, roll 1d6 per cleric level you possess. If the total is equal to or greater than the creature’s current hit points, it dies (no save) and its body dissolves into silt over the course of 1d4 days. Shadows & Dust Domain Spells 1. Obscuring Dust*: Dust surrounds you. 2. Silt Cloud*: Airborne silt obscures vision and chokes creatures. 3. Animate Dead: Creates undead skeletons and zombies. 4. Contagion: Infects subject with chosen disease. 5. Shadow Conjuration: Mimics conjuration below 4th level, but only 20% real. 6. Disintegrate: Makes one creature or object vanish. 7. Shadow Conjuration, Greater: As shadow conjuration, but up to 6th level and 60% real. 8. Horrid Wilting: Deals 1d6/level damage within 30ft. 9. Energy Drain: Subject gains 2d4 negative levels. Vengeance of the Land Worshippers: Earth Class Skill: Survival (Wis) Weapons: Battle axe, carrikal, maul, warhammer Armor: Medium armor and all shields (except tower shields) Granted Power: You gain the smite power, the supernatural ability to make a single melee attack with a +4 bonus to attack rolls and a bonus to damage rolls equal to your cleric level (if you hit). You must declare the smite before making the attack. This ability is usable once per day. Vengeance of the Land Domain Spells 1. Detect Defiler: Detects defilers within 60ft (see Dragon #315). 2. Spike Growth: Creatures in area take 1d4 damage, may be slowed. 3. Rage: Subjects gain +2 to Str and Con, +1 to Will saves, -1 to AC. 4. Turn Pebble to Boulder*: Boulders deals 4d10 damage, +1 boulder/3 levels (max 5). 5. Revenge of the Land: Deal 1d8 damage per level to one or more defilers (see Dragon #315). 6. Flesh to Stone: Turns creature into statue. 7. Defiler’s Bane*: Damages arcane casters who defile within a 250 ft/level radius. 8. Earthquake: Intense tremors shake 5ft/level radius. 9. Imprisonment: Entombs subject beneath the earth. New Spells Defiler’s Bane Transmutation Level: Drd 7, Vengeance of the Land 7 Components: V, S, M, DF Casting Time: Three hours Range: Touch Area: 250 ft/level radius imitating from the touched point Duration: 3 days/level Saving Throw: See text Spell Resistance: No Defiler’s bane strengthens and empowers the life force of the area it is cast on, enabling the land to defend itself from defiling magic. Any time an arcane caster tries to cast a spell that creates a defiling radius within the area warded by this spell, he must make a Will save or suffer 1d6 points of damage per level of the spell he is casting (including modifications for metamagic feats). If the defiler makes the save, he suffers only half damage, but the spell he was casting is lost and the land is not defiled. If the defiler fails the save, he takes full damage, but can continue casting his spell normally (without a Concentration check being necessary). Material Component: An uncut diamond of at least 250 cp value, one galleon of pure water, and three drops of the caster’s blood. Earth Stride Conjuration (Teleportation) Level: Echoes of Stone 5 This spell functions like the tree stride spell, except that you can move into and through rocks instead of trees. The kind of rock or stone surface entered in irrelevant, but it must be large enough to accommodate your mass. The transport range of the spell varies depending on whether the stone moved into is natural or worked, with a natural rock providing a range of 2,000 ft while a worked surface only provides a range of 1,000 ft. When transporting using this spell, you are limited to the transport range of the stone you are currently in, but you can sense the location of all other rocks or stone surfaces of suitable size to accommodate you within that distance. Flame’s Embrace Evocation [Death, Fire] Level: Inferno’s Blessing 6 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Target: Creature or object touched Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude partial Spell Resistance: Yes You can incinerate a person or object with a touch. You must succeed in a melee touch attack to touch the subject, and the subject can make a Fortitude save to avoid death. If it succeeds, it instead takes 3d6 points of fire damage +2 points per caster level. Creatures and objects that fail the saving throw are reduced to nothing more than fine ash and glowing embers by the blaze of this spell, and any flammable materials touching them when the spell is cast are set aflame. Obscuring Dust Conjuration (Creation) Level: Shadows & Dust 1 As the obscuring mist spell, but the dust cloud created by this spell will not be burned away by fire spells. Silt Cloud Conjuration (Creation) Level: Shadows & Dust 2 Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 rounds/level Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: No As the fog cloud spell, but any creature that must breath (except the caster) who inhales the airborne silt this spell creates must make a Fortitude save each round or suffer 1d4 points of nonlethal damage that round. Creatures subject to this effect can protect themselves by covering their airways with cloth, however, negating the damaging effects of the spell. Material Component: A handful of silt. Turn Pebble to Boulder Transmutation Level: Vengeance of the Land 4, Wiz 4 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Long (400ft + 40ft/level) Target: One or more boulders Duration: 2 rounds/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes You can hurl pebbles at your enemies, transmuting them into 5ft diameter boulders in mid-flight. You can transmute one pebble in this fashion, plus one additional pebble per every three levels beyond 7th (to a maximum of five at 19th level). Each boulder requires a ranged attack roll to hit and deals 4d10 damage. The pebbles may be thrown at the same or different targets, but they must all be used before the spell’s duration elapses or the remaining boulders (if any) are lost. The boulders created by this spell revert to pebbles 1d4 rounds after the spell’s duration has elapsed. Material Component: One pebble for each boulder to be formed by the spell. New Weapon Ba'rhe: A larger version of the kukri, a ba'rhe can also be used as a throwing weapon similar to a boomerang. Ba'rhe return to the wielder when thrown in the same fashion as a chatkcha. A ba'rhe is an exotic one-handed melee weapon. They are commonly made of obsidian, and are favored by some renegade halflings and judaga as well as several tribes of gith. Cost: 13 cp; Damage: (S) 1d4 (M) 1d6; Critical: 18-20/x2; Range Increment: 25 ft; Weight: 3lbs; Type: Slashing |
#2kalthandrixJun 27, 2005 6:18:51 | All I have to say after giving the material a once over is "Good job!" Here is a ![]() |
#3zombiegleemaxJun 27, 2005 7:59:26 | All I have to say after giving the material a once over is "Good job!" COOKIE! (grab) munch, munch, gobble! [Elvis voice] Uh, thank yuh, thank yuh very much! [/Elvis voice] ![]() |
#4ruhl-than_sageJun 27, 2005 9:23:38 | I have some critiques of some of the domains coming, but great job! :D Your spell contributions are especially appreciated, nice spells. The Vengance of the land domain is definately a winner too ;) . |
#5zombiegleemaxJun 28, 2005 1:08:49 | I have some critiques of some of the domains coming, but great job! :D Your spell contributions are especially appreciated, nice spells. The Vengance of the land domain is definately a winner too ;) . Thanx ![]() ![]() |
#6xlorepdarkhelm_dupJun 28, 2005 2:16:36 | Quick scan of them, they look cool. Haven't done more than a quick scan of them, however. I am always looking for more colorful Domains to be available for my Clerics, especially as I totally axed out, and removed the "Dance of Decay" domain from my campaigns. |
#7zombiegleemaxJun 28, 2005 3:11:32 | Quick scan of them, they look cool. Haven't done more than a quick scan of them, however. I am always looking for more colorful Domains to be available for my Clerics, especially as I totally axed out, and removed the "Dance of Decay" domain from my campaigns. Thanx ![]() On a related note, in my new campaign I'm instituting a custom domain option. This basically means that if a player isn't satistfied with existing DS clerical domains, the DM (me at the moment, but I hope to have someone else DM too after I break them in a bit) will assist them in creating a domain to their liking as long as it maintains a cohesive theme. Just thought I'd mention it as long as we're on the topic. |
#8ruhl-than_sageJun 28, 2005 9:25:54 | As far as I can tell the Domain: Echos of Stone has nothing to do with magma, except for maybe the poison in the granted power. You consider should changing the granted power and making the domain an earth exclusive one. It would be nice if the name made sense too :P . The Shadows and Dust domain has some great powers, but I think that two different exotic weapons two martial weapons and a Death Touch is a bit much to give for one domain. As for Inferno's Blessing I only have one thing to say:?? ![]() |
#9xlorepdarkhelm_dupJun 28, 2005 10:30:18 | Thanx Well, I'm just against the idea of Clerics who follow Elements (or even Paraelements) having anything to do with Undead, other than destroying them. I feel that only Templars should be summoning/creating/controlling undead. |
#10PennarinJun 28, 2005 10:41:47 | I feel that only Templars should be summoning/creating/controlling undead. Green Age meorties could be created without the help of templars or wizards, and might on the contrary have required the help of an elemental cleric, although the process has never been explained. |
#11ruhl-than_sageJun 28, 2005 15:28:56 | I have no problem with any evil cleric summoning and controling undead that are evil, or with any good cleric summon and controling undead that are good. There have been both varieties in DS adventures. Even if you don't want Elemental clerics to have anything to do with creating undead, I find it hard to understand why paraelements shouldn't. They are described as being basically unprincipled and merely seeking to expand the sheer quantity of their elements, not caring for the quality. Besides :P I think Silt and Magma clerics with undead are great combos, though Sun runs counter to may instincts (if you are wondering why think of Vampires and look at the Sun domain in the PHB) |
#12zombiegleemaxJun 30, 2005 1:04:46 | As far as I can tell the Domain: Echos of Stone has nothing to do with magma, except for maybe the poison in the granted power. You consider should changing the granted power and making the domain an earth exclusive one. It would be nice if the name made sense too :P . The Shadows and Dust domain has some great powers, but I think that two different exotic weapons two martial weapons and a Death Touch is a bit much to give for one domain. As for Inferno's Blessing I only have one thing to say:?? Echoes of Stone - Yeah, I'm in agreement that this version has nothing to do with Magma. I had the original version giving Stone Venom (a new spell, something like prevenom weapon but only usable on stone weapons, the idea being that the spell creates a mineral based poison) as a 1st level spell, with Hidden Talent (any power) as the granted power. The idea behind giving it to Magma as well basically came down to magma = liquid obsidian = stone (not too well thought out). The domain's name comes from the possessing-earth-spirit-as-baskseat-driver that I mentioned above, the elemental spirit being a metphorical echo of the stone in the natural world. I'll probably end up changing the granted power back to just Hidden Talent, and changing the 2nd-4th level spells. Shadows & Dust - Yeah, it does receive a lot of weapons, but the bard's friend and garotte are really crappy for anything other than assassinations. I'll probably get rid of the scimitar but keep the short sword, putting the domain on par with Blossom of the Sky and Dance of Decay in terms of relative power. Inferno's Blessing - ;) We were kinda on a kukri kick that night, but weren't satisfied with the way the kukri is presented in the PH, so we ended up making the ba'rhe too. Combine that with the twisted idea I have that elemental Fire is somehow associated with unusual bladed weapons (don't ask where that idea came from though, cause I don't even know), and their you go. Can't really give any more explanation than that ![]() |
#13zombiegleemaxJun 30, 2005 1:09:04 | Well, I'm just against the idea of Clerics who follow Elements (or even Paraelements) having anything to do with Undead, other than destroying them. I feel that only Templars should be summoning/creating/controlling undead. Hate to burst your bubble, but Dance of Decay has nothing to do with undead. At least the past two PDF versions haven't, don't know about previous versions. Maybe you're thinking of the Dead Heart domain? |
#14xlorepdarkhelm_dupJun 30, 2005 3:05:04 | Hate to burst your bubble, but Dance of Decay has nothing to do with undead. At least the past two PDF versions haven't, don't know about previous versions. Maybe you're thinking of the Dead Heart domain? Maybe. |
#15ruhl-than_sageJun 30, 2005 21:46:45 | Inferno's Blessing - :D .... you're wierd. |
#16zombiegleemaxJul 01, 2005 1:15:58 | :D .... you're wierd. Thanx! ![]() Btw, the revised versions of Echoes of Stone and Shadows & Dust are at the top ![]() |