Arsenic and old Spellbooks is a massive project that I had in my mind for many years, and finally I properly began working on its realization. As a big campaign, it is made of different books that the Players and the Master will need to play. The Campaign is set in the Principalities of Glantri, and because of the peculiarities of the setting, some rules have been changed from the original ones and adapted.

The titles in the list below are the books and accessories that make up this Campaign. Some are essential to use to be able to play, while some others are optional, as specified in their description.

Campaign Book

This book includes all of the basic rules, the DM basic procedures and a description of the setting for the players. This book is essential to play Arsenic and old Spellbooks.

Character Handbooks (CH)

The Character Handbooks describe in deep detail the classes of the game with all of their options in the given setting. They also have the descriptions of all the spells used in the game and explain the special abilities of the characters. These books are also essential to play the campaign. The Fighter, The Thief, The Magic-User, The Mystic, Mystic Technique Cards, The Elf, The Nagpa, The Shadow Elf, The Shubani and the Mornei Gypsies, The Half-Ogre

Character Sheet

The character sheets used to record the features of the character and its changes. This particular character sheet has been designed expressly to be used in this campaign. It is also an essential item to play Arsenic and old Spellbooks.

Folks Cards (FC)

Made in packs of 20, these cards come with a booklet. They are an amazing addition for the DMs who have a thief in their group and may be used to determine random people around the town, but also people that the thieves can rob. 1 to 20, 21 to 40, 41 to 60

Dungeon Tiles (DT)

Sets of 20 each, made with Dungeonographer. These tiles may be used to build personalized dungeons, for mini-adventures and connective adventures between books of the Campaign. DT01: Countryside Hideout, DT02: Thyatian Villa, DT03: Lost Mines, DT04: Mysterious Caves, DT05: Elven Stronghold, DT06: Mountain Fortress, DT07: School of Magic – Final Exam and hi-res full exam map, DT08: School of Magic, DT09: School of Magic II

Adventure Books (AB)

Adventure books are sets of 5 adventures connected by a common setting and story. Each of them provides a detailed description of the area, the descriptions of all the monsters and magic items found in the adventures, some extra adventure ideas for the DM, and a set of 8 pre-rolled characters. AB01: Of Wine and Snow, AB01 - posters maps