The Seven Realms and the Rainbow Bridge
by Francesco DefferrariIn a Koskatep level on Threshold I imagined that fairies used the expression "Seven Kingdoms" to identify seven mega-areas of Mystara where fairies are present: outer world, undersea, air realms above the clouds, shadowdeep underground, hollow world, matera and patera. This make sense as fairies are able to move through magical portals and are immortals, so it stands to reason they know all the regions of Mystara other races do not know, including the Hollow World.
I would connect these "Seven Kingdoms" to the Rainbow Bridge, to the Seven Realms of M3 and also to Inner and Outer planes in this way:
- Scarletland (CM7) connected to Red Realm, Plane of Fire and Patera (highly volcanic according to VotPA)
- Amberland to Yellow Realm, Matera and Astral Plane
- Goldenland to White Realm, Sky realms and Plane of Air
- Jadeland to Green Realm, Outer world and Plane of Earth
- Azureland to Blue Realm, Undersea and Plane of Water
- Violetland to Black Realm, Shadowdeep and Ethereal plane
- Indigoland (not accessible on the Rainbow Brige) to Hollow World, Pandius and Rainbow RealmWhile there are not exact correspondence between CM7 and M3 I think the above could work. It also make sense that the Rainbow Bridge is a fairy magical construct used to connect fairies in the far corners of the world, and temporarily lent to elves in times of need. Also because the Sylvan Realm is so far north in Brun it should be a land kept warmer than normal by fairy magic.
Indigoland should not be normally accessible on the Rainbow Bridge because Immortals would not want anyone, even fairies, to travel easily to the Hollow World, Pandius and the Rainbow Realm, but probably some high ranking fairies are able to do so.
It also makes perfectly sense the rulers of the Seven Realms are indeed high ranking faerie lords.Nabumetis the trickster looks like an Immortal agent to me. He could be a spawn of an important Immortal and an important Fairy Lady/Lord, for this reason chosen to be the guardian of the Rainbow Realm and a sort of connection between Immortals and Fairies
But all the characters of the Realms in M3 definitely could have very interesting backstories and would be a shame to leave them prisoner there.
At the very least they could be important ancestors of Mystara people. For example Ambriel could have been an ancient important queen of Evergrun, while Malkar and Anator could well have been important leaders of the past.I'd like to connect them to Faerie realms too, and to the Rainbow Bridge of CM7 also.
I see Faerie as a parallel plane to the Prime with portals to the seven realms of Mystara and Planes, and connections to Mystaraspace could be added as well, I would add the planets as below (see Guide to Mystaraspace, obviously different correspondences could be chosen instead)
- Scarletland (CM7) connected to Red Realm, Plane of Fire and Patera (highly volcanic according to VotPA) (and Ixion M-Sun and Vaniae M-Mars))
- Amberland to Yellow Realm, Matera and Astral Plane (and Alphatia/Asterius and Valerias, M-Mercury and M-Venus)
- Goldenland to White Realm, Sky realms and Plane of Air (and Tarastia and Khoronus, M-Jupiter and Saturnus)
- Jadeland to Green Realm, Outer world and Plane of Earth (and Ordana i.e. M-Uranus)
- Azureland to Blue Realm, Undersea and Plane of Water (and Protius i.e. M-Neptune)
- Violetland to Black Realm, Shadowdeep and Ethereal plane (and Helae and Charon, M-Pluton and others)
- Indigoland (not accessible on the Rainbow Brige) to Hollow World, Pandius, Outer Planes and Rainbow Realm (and Damocles i.e. M-Asteroid belts)