stats for the big baddies



Sep 01, 2005 16:01:25
this strahd character seems to get a lot of publicity, where do you retrieve his statistics...? There seems to be other characters of renowned which i haven't come across as of yet....Perhaps it is because i haven't exactly opened to the domain pages...(which is were they would be as of my guess...) but is there a specific page for the big players...?


Sep 02, 2005 8:09:13
Strahd is statted out in Gazatteer I. There's no 3.5 source for all the Darklords, though the 3rd ed book Secrets of the Dread Realms has several - including another version of Strahd - and the older AD&D book Darklord lists another few. But this is one of the very annoying omissions from the core books.

Your best bet is to buy the relevant Gazatteer for the Lords of the Core. For others, search through this forum, and there'll likely me a writeup of the stats, if not backgrounds.