More Greyhawk goodness in Dragon magazine



Oct 14, 2005 17:21:51
The latest Dragon, #337, has two articles related to Greyhawk. The first is another Demonomicon article, this one on Zuggtmoy. It gives another great historical summary to one of Greyhawk's most famous villains.

The second article discusses obtaining magic items in the 'Free City', a stand in for your campaign's major city, but coincidentally has detail corresponding exactly to Greyhawk city. For example it gives a possible source for druidic type items in the city. It also lists the heads of all the temples of the 'core' deities in the city. i.e. Pelor, Boccob, Glittergold, etc.


Oct 14, 2005 20:36:53
The Zuggt article looks like a worthy entry in the succession of the series. More Thralls, more updated monsters like the Basidirond and Phycomid. Not bad.

Also, the other article you mention is part of the Age of Worms wormfood additions by Erik Mona, so you know he is gonna slip some Greyhawk goodies in there despite being cuffed with the Free City moniker.


Oct 16, 2005 22:19:08
Free Greyhawk!