Greyhawk Report - Magic of Incarnum



Mar 15, 2006 10:06:10
A lot of folks discount 3X D&D accessories as not developing GH in any meaningful sense. Too often this is true, but every so often you get some interesting stuff. A case in point would be the Magic of Incarnum accessory.

As an idea, incarnum is interesting. Incarnum is essentially raw life-force. Those who use incarnum, and it can be used for good or ill, channel it in either a raw form or in a more refined form called essentia. Incarnum may be channeled to create a variety of magical effects, most of which are manifested as “items” crafted with incarnum. A character’s incarnum/essentia is a pool of points that is not dissipated by use such that you can “reallocate” your incarnum to create different abilities on the fly (within limits), allowing for a great deal of flexibility. The problem with the book is that, while mechanically interesting, it has almost no flavor, being very bland. What flavor is there, however, is often tied to Greyhawk.

Three new base classes are introduced in Magic of Incarnum. The mage-like Incarnate is linked to worshippers of Pelor, Nerull, St. Cuthbert and Olidammara, despite the Incarnate not being clerical in the least. The Soulborn, being akin to a fighter or paladin, is similarly linked to Heironeous, Kord, Hextor and Erythnul. The Totemist, similar to a druid or shaman, is linked to Obad-hai’s worship.

As per most 3X books a range of Prestige Classes are presented, several with interesting GH connections. The Totem Rager is noted as having found a place in the Amedio Jungle and in fact, to have seen a Totem Rager uniting the Olman clans. The sinister Umbral Disciples are said to be opposed by the churches of both Pelor and St. Cuthbert, while the Witchborn Binders are supported by St. Cuthbert’s Church.

Two new GH locations are revealed. The Temple of the Saphire Eidolon is located in the Sulhaut mountains, the Eidolon being an extreme lawful entity of nearly pure incarnuum, who is served by the Sapphire Heirarchs, another Prestige Class, crusaders against chaos. A map of the temple and an extensive discussion is provided. The other location is The Wellspring, a font of incarnum located in the area of the Sea of Dust and Dry Steppes. It too is described.

Coming in for more limited discussion are Grazzt, who never met a power source he did not try to corrupt, and Demogorgon, his eternal nemesis, looking to even the odds. WeeJas and the Seekers are also discussed as they are involved with incarnum.

Not bad for a 3X accessory. While I cannot recommend Magic of Incarnum as a D&D accessory, I can and do recommend it for its GH content, which is both interesting and not inconsiderable. YMMV.