Names, Pantheons, & New Immortals



Apr 06, 2006 11:07:11
I was looking at the Vaults today for inspiration, and I got an idea for my project...

I would like to include two tables...
Table 1 is a list of the major immortals vs their alternative names in various regions...
Table 2 would be a list of regional pantheons.
Please post your suggestions for these tables.

Also, If anyone has homebrew Immortals, I would like to use them, listing them as "future" Immortals--giving them a short one-paragraph description (with the canon Immortals having full-page entries).

So, if you would like to volunteer your Immortal characters, please post it here in the following format:

[Name, Rank/Sphere]
The Immortal patron of [primary profile], is [align]. He was sponsored by [sponsor] and ascended in [Year (must be post 1000)]. His/Her title(s) is/are [title]. His interests/He Promotes/He cares about [detailed profile]. The domains he is associated with are [Alignment domains, Sphere domain, 3 others]. His favored weapon is [fav wpn], and he is worshipped by/in [classes/races/cultures worshipped]. [One or 2-sentence descriptive text.]

Also when you post, please title your post as follows: Immortal Names, Immortal Pantheons, or New Immortals.

Thank you all for your help,


Apr 06, 2006 12:06:44
Table 2 would be a list of regional pantheons.
Please post your suggestions for these tables.


DM has a great list going for regonal pantheons in his Complete List of Mystara Immortals thread. They should be contained in the latter pages.

What am I thinking?! Obviously, the best place to find this information would be on the Vaults, on this page.

I am also looking into these topics and it may produce something, but I can't guarantee anything.