An Athasian Zodiak



Apr 30, 2006 16:31:23
Reading over the calender stuff in the box set rule book it occurred to me that it would be fairly simple, though time consuming, to write a zodiak based on the 77 year king's age. The book even notes that each year has a portent associated with it and I recall reading somewhere that the Athasians are superstitious and like fortunetelling. I think that this could be a very useful tool for destiny style storylines or serve as a further basis for some feats.

In addition to the kings age cycle, I think it would be easy to develop a modifying list of portents associated with the phase of the sun. I think six of them; high sun, sun descending, sun ascending, plus mid phases. Including other major astronomical events, like the arrival of the Messenger, would be cool too.

Just as an example say a character is born in the year of Silt's Reverence near High Sun.
Silt's Reverence is a year of ill portent with great suffering and death expected. A person born in the year of Silt's Reverence is known as a treancor, a small desert dwelling lizard able to run across the silt sea on it's large webbed feet. They are said to be able trackers and natural desert dwellers. The nomadic tribes celebrate births during this period.
High sun is a time associated with innactivity and great heat as the sun burns away in the sky. Persons born at this time of year are said to weather heat better than their fellows, though they are also said to be lazy.

Anybody interested in working on this project? Has it already been done? We'd only have to come up with about 83 entries. And if the above example were expanded slightly it could serve as two.


May 01, 2006 1:35:40
You should take a look at the merchants calander in the Ivory Triangle box set. Astrology is supposed to be a big thing in Nibenay, hence the Astrologer regional feat in DS3.5. Also the names of the years correlated with events in the novels and adventures released for the setting in more then a few places. I'm actually using Astrology in my own game as part of the plot right now and have been using the years names as inspiration for events in my games. We're in the year of Winds Reverence right now and the characters are working with an Elven Air Cleric to retrieve an ancient lost artifact of his people.