Greyhawk climate . . .



May 06, 2006 13:44:44

Anyone know what the winter climate is like in the city of Greyhawk? Does it snow, how much, etc?
Iron Melf


May 06, 2006 14:29:21
12 to 54 °F
sky clear to cloudy
about 43% chance of precipitation
snow possible, up to blizzard (not heavy though)

Many GH accessories (the boxed sets mainly) have climate tables


May 06, 2006 23:56:28

Many thanks!
Iron Melf


May 07, 2006 6:11:43
Scroll of Weather Forecast

The Weather on the World of Greyhawk, based on the 83 Boxed Set Rules and Tables (Zipped Excel 97 Book - version 3.41US - 81,4 kb). US Version. An explicative notice goes with the file.

Geography of Greyhawk including pictures and weather details! (Great though incomplete)

A picture of the weather zones.

These are based on this Dragon article which predated the 83 boxed set:

Dragon #68, p.42
Weather in the World of Greyhawk, by David Axler
Very detailed weather system for the Greyhawk campaign setting, including a gatefold screen with charts and tables


May 08, 2006 10:52:39
That's what I use too. I modified the temperature charts slightly so that each latitude degree change only changes the tempurature by 1 degree (as opposed to two in the rules). I also use a modified chart from Birthright to determine wind direction.