Oriental Adventures in Oerth?



Sep 22, 2006 5:41:13
Does Oerth officially have an oriental culture/region? Forgotten Realms have Kara-Tur to the east, does Flanaess have something like that?


Sep 22, 2006 10:55:49
The "Celestial Imperium" to the west of the Baklunish lands. Called Suhfang in Gygax's post-TSR book, Nights Errant.

It seems to be a pseudo-China.


Sep 24, 2006 21:23:18
Does Oerth officially have an oriental culture/region? Forgotten Realms have Kara-Tur to the east, does Flanaess have something like that?

Uh, yeah. It's called Kara-Tur. It was created for Greyhawk and dropped into the Realms, not unlike the Underdark and every other original idea that the Realms "claims."


Sep 25, 2006 14:27:43
The Baklunish lands themselves have a somewhat Oriental flavor, though mid-Oriental cultures (Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Mongol) dominate.


Oct 04, 2006 3:54:47
Uh, yeah. It's called Kara-Tur. It was created for Greyhawk and dropped into the Realms, not unlike the Underdark and every other original idea that the Realms "claims."

Yea, FR just stole everything from GH! Elminster was Greyhawkian. Bet you didn't know that, eh? And Drizz't came from Erelhei-Cinlu. Never would have guessed that wouldja? And did you know Mystra is really just Boccob post-op? He took up weaving to try to be more "feminine." [/silly sarcastic bitterness]