Money Advice



Jan 30, 2007 17:49:39
Hello all,

I'm new to the forum but not new to Dark Sun...

Looking for some advice on DS3 equipment and money. I'm starting up a near-epic campaign using the DS3 rules, and I am trying to come up with an equipment buy plan for the players that keeps in line with the relatively magic-poor Dark Sun feel.

Here's what I'm thinking so far:

380,000 cp (normal 20th starting cash is 760K gp)
Magic Items (except potion fruits): DMG cost x2
Psi Items: EPH cost x1

Obviously, there's a conversion factor for magic metal vs magic bone (etc) weapons and so on.

Any advice for further options/restrictions?

Dave :D


Jan 31, 2007 5:57:46
You could use the DMG tables that have average treasure by character level, giving instead treasure as they were X levels lower, using the equipment rules in DS3.
Or give them treasure as they were NPCs of the same level, if you feel particularly mean...


Jan 31, 2007 9:31:42
Thanks, I'll check that out...

Another question I have is, besides metal weapons, what kinds of other items would run at the PHB/DMG gold price vs the ceramic conversion?