Greyhawk knowledge: Hook Hill



Jun 24, 2007 23:53:44
What do people know about Hook Hill and where is the most info on this city?


Jun 25, 2007 16:06:18
If you head over to, Anced Math has been working on a Gran March gazetteer. If you ask him, he'll probably provide you with a link to the site where he keeps drafts of various sections of his gazetteer, including awesome maps of Hookhill (designed by Yabusama, I believe). It's all semi-canon, but top quality stuff all the same.

I also run a campaign in the Gran March, and have an introductory powerpoint presentation I use for my players. The Hookhill portion of the presentation is very limited. I used photographs of Carcassonne in France to illustrate Hookhill, and relied heavily on the 2nd AD&D accessory Bastion of Faith to flesh out a Heironean cathedral I set there.

The greatest thing about Hookhill is that, as you pointed out yourself, there is so little canon about the place... so make it your own!


Jun 25, 2007 16:09:45
The Zavodex cites the following references to Hookhill:

Hookhill (Pop 4,500)(Pop 7,500)[TWN][CAP]
DRG#241 - 76
FTAA - 26
LGG - 32,49,50,65,160
LGJ#1 - 16
LGJ#2 - 29
LGJ#4 - 29
N1 - IBC,2,13,19,20
PGTG - 48
SAF - 47
WGA4 - 48
WGG - 10
WOGA - 22

If I recall correctly, all of those sources only mention Hookhill in passing, they don't describe the city or events occurring therein in any detail...

Good luck!