How do you get to Krynn?



Jul 12, 2007 11:29:58
I just saw a post by Cam and it kinda shocked me (In a good way.). I thought that a person could got from Sigil to Krynn via a portal. In a post Cam said that the only way to get to Krynn is through the plane of Shadow. So now I'm kinda confused. In my game, I had my players go from Sigil to Krynn. I did this becasue I thought Sigil was the city of doors and it lead everywhere.

Could someone trace me a route from Faerun to Krynn?

I want to know legally how you would get there.


Here is the post I was talking about.


Jul 12, 2007 11:48:24
In your campaign, you can get them there any way you like.

"Officially," however, Krynn is not part of the Great Wheel cosmology, so you'll need to have your heroes find some way to pass through the Plane of Shadow and what is known in Dragonlance cosmology as the Gray. The Gray is the term Krynnish scholars call the collective transitive planes (astral, ethereal, and shadow) since they are all combined and are basically just different aspects of a single transitive plane.



Jul 12, 2007 13:26:16
Guess I need to go bone up on my Dragonlance knowledge. I like to do things officially, so I need to research more into the Cosmology of Dragonlance.

Thanks Cam!


Jul 12, 2007 21:36:29
First star to the right and straight on til morning...:D


Jul 12, 2007 23:33:53
First star to the right and straight on til morning...:D

Second star. ;)

If you're looking for officially official for 3.5 Dragonlance, Cam's got your answer above. Then there's officially official from prior editions, wherein you could get there from Sigil or through Spelljamming. Or, make it up.

I dunno, I guess I've seen the official viewpoint on these things change enough that I rightly don't care much any more. *shrugs*


Jul 13, 2007 7:14:44
Doesnt that contradict the article that Cam wrote a few months or so ago about Sigil and Dragonlance?


Jul 13, 2007 8:37:19
Doesnt that contradict the article that Cam wrote a few months or so ago about Sigil and Dragonlance?

I wrote an article in Dragon magazine a few months ago on the World Serpent Inn and Dragonlance, and it doesn't contradict with anything I said above.



Jul 13, 2007 17:24:23
Second star. ;)

No, no, that goes to Neverland :P


Jul 14, 2007 22:10:54
It is over the river and through the woods.


Jul 16, 2007 13:05:33

Everyone has it completely wrong; it's...........

Turn off the paved road... HAHAHAHA


Jul 16, 2007 14:46:24
Strange. I was pretty sure you could reach it via the District Line in London. Just get off at Richmond Station and you're almost there. I'd recommend using a day pass if you don't have an Oyster Card.


Jul 17, 2007 8:50:09
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.....


Jul 17, 2007 17:10:43
Is it up up and away?


Jul 17, 2007 23:11:52
Nah, it's past da weird and haunted shoals at World's End.