Campaign Report: 9.16.07 Lost Athas



Sep 17, 2007 19:10:46
I just started a DS3.5 campaign with some friends here in the Northern Virginia area and I figured that you guys would like to hear about their accomplishments.

The campaign starts with the characters at 1st level being called upon by an odoriferous eccentric recluse in Tyr. Over the course of an afternoon, they each have a meeting with the old coot, Crom, in his cramped two room apartment in the trade district where he gives them the following speech:

[INDENT]"Hrummm, welcome. I have asked you here today to see if you wouldn't, hmmmm, perchance be willing to undertake a somewhat arduous task for me. I am an old man, you see, and have not the strength and endurance of the...cough... young. I, you see, this is quite embarrassing, I study history. Not as the false-god Kalak spewed forth from his foul forked tongue, but true history! Since the death of His Vileness - may Fire burn him forever - I have been more free than ever to indulge in my peculiar...mmmmmm... pursuit. You see, I am a scholar. That's a word for one who studies books and other such artifacts. Don't look at me like that! Once scholarship was a noble lot to have in life!

"I am willing to pay you the princely sum of 100 new ceramics if you will perchance travel not far from here, to a town in the wastes known as Lakeside. No there is no lake there, but apparently once, there was, if you believe the locals. Just outside the town is an old ruin, a castle once owned by a now defunct noble family of Tyr. In the crypts below, you will find an inscription on a wall, I know not exactly where, but you hrummm... will know it when you see it, I am sure! My sources tell me that it is surrounded by carvings of strange, vile creatures with tusks growing out of their mouths like common boars. You are to copy this down with the greatest fidelity!

"If I have still failed to interest you, rest assured that I am not interested in anything else you may find there and may keep it for yourself. Go, now...hrummm... to the western end of the city and meet your companions for this journey, and take this simple map, which will guide you to the town of Lakeside."


Sep 17, 2007 19:11:23
Reserved for Part 2: Lakeside!


Sep 17, 2007 19:12:00
Reserved for Part 3: Castle Churo!