Kingdoms of Kalamar for 4th Editon



Jan 29, 2008 13:07:45
I don't know about the rest of you but my favorite 3rd editon campaign world for Dungeons and Dragons was the Kingdoms of Kalamar by Kenzer and Co. I have heard that Kenzer and WOTC had a bit of a falling out (though I have been unable to get details - so I hope I won't get into trouble for posting this) but I honestly felt that Kalamar worked well with the 3rd editon rules (I even liked the no Epic levels in Kalamar rule that was there).

Maybe I am the only one but hey its worth talking about.



Jan 29, 2008 18:18:50
I'm not sure that KoK would mesh well with the style and base conceits of the new edition. At any rate, they have no desire to update the setting for the new edition. They are going to use it as the default setting for their Hackmaster game instead.


Jan 29, 2008 18:24:36
I take it Knights of the Dinner Table comic series is no longer part of the Dragon magazine electronic version.