Campaign Journal 2



Apr 09, 2008 5:00:31
Got to play last weekend finally beng busy with work, life etc. Anyway.

The PCs were escaping form Balic as slaves and heading toward Tyr. They had recently reached Alturak and were about to depart for Tyr. Campaign is set in FY 1015.

Ree and her 2 elven friends were running acros the desert when they were ambushed by a small group of Kreen (4 1st level fighters). They had heard rumors of a Kreen migration north. Ree a Ranger with favoured eneny monstrous humanoid got unlucky and took 3 critial hits quickly dropping her to negatives. Her companions an elvel water cleric, and and elven psion were in trouble as she was their main combat wombat (PCs were level 4). Justarius the NPC "scribe" they were escorting to Tyr let off a lightning bolt and fried one of the Kreen.

The Cleric managed to heal Ree up to positive hitpoints but the PCs were in trouble as the Psion was being engaged in melee and the cleric was flanked by the 2 remaining Kreen. Disaster struck and both were reduced to below negative 10 hit points. Ree and Justarius narrowly defeated the remaing Kreen and saw a dust cloud kicked up by more Kreen approaching rapidly. Ree decided a tactical manuevre in the opposite direction was caled for and her and Justarius abanded their dead comrades figuring the Kreen may at least eat them first or have enough food now and not need to hunt any more.

A couple of days later and no encounters they eventually arrived in Tyr and had to pay a small bribe to get past the Templars of Sadira at the gate of the city. They noticed stautes to the legendary heroes of Tyr (Rikus, Neeva, and the good King Tithian) and the Rite of Renewal ceremonu was due to be performed in 2 days time by the rain goddess Sadira. Justarius escorted them to the Templar quarters where he payed them their reward for escorting him safely to Tyr. Ree was particuly upset that she had to collect her fallen comrades rewards as well.

As it turned out Justarius had another job for her. The Templars had been getting reports about migrating Kreen raiding farms near Tyr. Can Ree please investigate. She was assigned a junior Templar companion and his body guard a surly Dwarven fighter (replacement PCs that were rolled up while the was talking to Justarius ad co).

I was quite happy to see a PC choose a Templar as I spent a few weeks tweaking a revised one and wanted to see how it would work mechanically. I also made a revised Fighter that was selected.

The PCs investigated a bit and started asking questions. Realsiing something was wrong in Tyr they paid a Templar to find out when good King Tithian freed the slaves. They were kinda shocked to find out it was 1015 years ago. It would seem some mean DM neglected to mention the date and my last campaign was set in FY11.

The PCs sallied forth to bravely scout the surrounding area and headed south after stocking up on water and a couple of inixes. After a few days they encountered another band of Kreen but the PCs had a bit more combat oomph and the Kreen were beaten down via a Dwarven waraxe and a Templar wading into melee with a Flameblade spell.

To be continued.....