So how many genies can a shair keep around?



May 23, 2008 15:42:41
You can clearly keep several on those 1/week tasks.. the trick is just to extend their services to say a month or two.
Then the "personal servant".. several there too, depending on negotiations.. or just one.. ?

Then ofcourse getting as many rings of genie summoning as ever possible.
Easily 3-5 i suppose.

Realistic to keep a entourage of say 4 djinnis, 3 efreti, 2 dao, a marid, 1 slayer, and a harimguard for a 12th level shair? (and a modest 30 furrowed mountain blonde chicks as harem girls :D )
Decievers and builders when you get your genie crafted fortress. Djinnis to furnish it.. and a regular entourage from then on.
Havent quite figured out how to turn those negotiations into diplomacy skillchecks. Guess knowlegde: genies would come useful too as synergy.