


Nov 01, 2010 16:06:20

Hey folks, I'm deeply into the prep for a 4E Mystara campaign after being away for the better part of 20 years. What I'd like from the forum users is one bit of advice that you'd use in a campaign to make it quintessentially Mystaran.
Thanks for any help and suggestions!



Nov 02, 2010 9:29:27
Unfortunately, I haven't any experience with 4E, but you may find some useful info here.


Nov 07, 2010 5:51:27
I'd use the Essentials classes, for one, and the Human, Elf, Dwarf, and Halfling races. You could use also the two Shifter races, renaming them Rakasta and Lupin, and use the Eladrin and Gnome for Sidhe and Brownies (optional). You could make up a more appropriate Gnome race, if you want, but Gnomes are not too common in Mystara.

Elves could use the Hexblade class, at the moment, until an armored, Essentials Swordmage comes out. Beside the Essentials classes, I'd keep the Monk to represent the Mystic, and maybe the Shaman if you want to play in regions such as Atruaghin or Ethengar.

Storm Warpriests worship an Immortal chosen among the following list: Thor, Tahkati Stormtamer, Gorm or Bartziluth; Sun Warpriests worship Ixion or Rathanos; and Earth Warpriests worship Kagyar, Terra or Djaea. Dwarf Warpriests should therefore take the Earth Domain. You should make up more domains to cover for other Immortals, or adapt the existing domains to the region where your campaign takes place.

Humans, Rakasta and Lupins can take any class. Elves and Sidhe should be Fey Hexblades. Brownies should be Thieves, Dwarves should be Knights, Slayers or Warpriests, and Halflings could be Knights, Slayers or Masters (=Druids).

Note that using the Essentials classes should make avoiding the Character Builder easier, which in turn would make it much easier to use custom races (a  trademark of Mystara are the many monstrous races, and I don't see Shark-kin or Werewolves coming any soon) and classes (a better solution for the Elf/Forester class, for example, as well as custom domains for Warpriests).



Dec 13, 2010 16:12:12
Thankyou for your suggestions...


Aug 01, 2011 19:03:25
Way Late on this Thread, but Cynedecians.  Those Crazies from the Lost City.  Even later on at higher levels having a group of them in a City, looking for Sacrifices for Zargon.