The Wallara



Nov 10, 2012 21:38:42
Its hard to get information on indigenous Australian Cultures but here is an opportunity to come up with some.

The Language is a root of protoindoeuropean so the Mystaran Equivelent would be a Post Neathar Language. Root words are set in place to form sentances and words commonly used by the indigenous peoples. Neathar could understand the Wallara Language but Wallara lacks numerous Neathar root words due to geographical reasons.

The Story of the Red Cloud

A long time ago, a hunter called Inetina was spearing fish on this large reef beside which we now fished, and as he walked between the deep coral pools he heard an angry voice call his name.
Turning quickly, in an attitude of defense, he beheld a large open clam shell, and within its depths was the angry face of a human being. As Inetina looked upon it in amazement the thing spoke angrily.
'I am the head-man of your tribe, yet you stabbed at my shell with your spear as you went are a fool to act as only a woman would do.'
At that terrible insult of being classed as a woman, Inetina picked up a large stone and hurling it with all his might he drove it into the creature's mouth, and and as it died a great red cloud came out of the sea and closed in upon the land.
'Everywhere sickness,' explained my narrator. 'Everybody died in their camps and on the hunt; their bones lay white over the land as does the dried coral on the reefs of the shores...
'And when drifted away only two people were alive of all the tribe...a young man and his sister...By law they cannot marry, but a spirit came to the pair in the night and told them for the tribe they must have a that brother and sister became man and wife and their children formed our present Udwadja tribe.'

Source: 'Tales from the Aborigines' by Bill Harney

Note to the DM looking to develop the Aboriginal Cultures of the Wallara: I believe the Story of the Red Cloud describes the real world event of the Toba Eruption as recorded into the story of the Udwadja people - an event that reduced the global population of the world to a few thousand humans ( This fits in with the Mystaran Timeline in which a huge Volcanic Eruption in the South (Vulcania) almost wipes out the Region around 2500BC? So the Wallaran Population would have been effected by the disaster (The red cloud being the Tremendous release of Sulphur Dioxide - a haze in the atmosphere changing climate - and a leathal cloud at ground level) if they had originally lived further south somewhere in Southern Davinia. 



Nov 11, 2012 8:24:18
That's very interesting.  I'll keep the allusion in mind.  Sounds like a good idea to save the option of such a cataclysm for the really olden times of Mystara.  It might explain how Wallara got as far as they did in the Savage Coast.


Nov 11, 2012 22:44:50
It would be a Mystaran Neathar Period tale. So as a Cataclysmic event it may predate the Rise of Blackmoor and the Rain of Fire.


Nov 15, 2012 1:54:50
Indigenous Names

Male Names

  1. Piero

  2. Billarra

  3. Mirawong 

  4. Kadjali

  5. Bul-bul

  6. Dingle

  7. Manbuk

  8. Dunia

  9. Nartu

  10. Numeuk

  11. Lumberlilli

  12. Lobor

  13. Marmuk

  14. Nymeuk

  15. Maran

  16. Bandar

  17. Mitjarra

  18. Kununjun

  19. Kunduk

  20. Minyinderri

  21. Mamru

  22. Jalnuk

  23. Badju

  24. Yaba

  25. Marlu

  26. Tulu

  27. Djarapa

  28. Mahlindj

  29. Bulla

  30. Bilemu

  31. Bema

  32. Pompey

  33. Dalmaru

  34. Jumalumpowa

  35. Iramatu

  36. Kuparunni

  37. Windjedda

  38. Kumbolo

  39. Muradja

  40. Inetina

Female Names

  1. Milajun

  2. Ninual

  3. Mardinya

  4. Beminin

  5. Bulya

  6. Ditzi

  7. Cananda

  8. Kudjerdi

  9. Wungala

  10. Jalna

  11. Yama

  12. Mamarduru

  13. Maratdji

  14. Kulama

  15. Ikeikginni

  16. Ngulwun

  17. Gumajun

  18. Nymil

  19. Yemma

Wallara Name Generator

Common Prefix

  1. Ku-

  2. Mar-

  3. Ya-

  4. B-

  5. M-

  6. N-

  7. K-

  8. J-

mid affix 
This designates some ancient tribal origin. ex. Ul means Wulgaru who are now considered a giant race who live in caves and are notorious for taking members of the wallara tribes as food - the chief wulgaru is guardian of the dead; Dj refers to a little people known as the Podji-Podji (size of children/babies) who live in trees behind doors of Bark and teach children about bush-tucker. Roll for mid affix twice.

  1. ul

  2. n

  3. ma

  4. em

  5. dj

  6. ar

Suffix (female)

  1. -ma

  2. -un

  3. -ya

  4. -i 



Dec 01, 2012 9:35:45

How Djarapa made Wulgaru

'First time everybody in our tribe were happy; happy until an old fool called Djarapa tried to make magic songs over wood, stone and red ocre paint.'
Tula went on to explain how old Djarapa cut a piece of wood from a green tree and this he trimmed to look like the body of a human being. Next he made the legs and arms from pieces of wood and for knee and arm joints he used rounded stones that he had gathered up in a riverbed.After putting them together with red-ochred string he painted ears, nose and eyes in the thing and as he painted he chanted a very magic song that had been taught to him by a now dead tribal medicine man.
'Good song-man.' said Tula, and when I asked did he know the chant he looked horrified and explained that it was, 'proper danger song...suppose wrong man get that song then straight-away him kill everybody, one time...all-a-same lightning.
All day and night Djarapa chanted, and beat his tap-sticks over the lifelessbits of wood and stone. he chanted till his throat became dry and hoarse, and at last, in despair, he gathered up his hunting weapons and went his way.
And as he walked along Djarapa heard a loud clanking sound with the crashing of many trees behind him, and looking around he beheld the terrible monster of wood and stone shambling along on his trail. Its arms twisited and beat the air and he noticed that these flailing arms were the things that beat down the trees as it moved along. The creaking noises he heard ame from the creatures knees and arm joints, and every now and then the monster opened its mouth and snapped its jaws togwther that the white cockatoos that followed overhead screeched a warning to the other animals and birds of the bush. When this happened the newly created thing opened its eyes so that they all blazed, 'all-a-same stars'.
'Djarapa dead-fright now when that devil-devil big-eye been come close up alonga his track,' Tula explained, 'but when Djarapa stop then that Wulgaru thing stop too and when him run that devil-devil run too. Djarapa can't lose it.'
Trembling with fear Djarapa noticed that the thing of his creation was only following him by sight, so he leapt behind dark-green bush, then doubling back on his trail, he stood behind a large salmon-gum tree as the shuffling monster went on, finally to enter a big lagoon. Watching that spot in amazement the terrified creator of monsters beheld it emerge from the opposite bank and move off into the jungle beyond.
'Proper fool that Djarapa. Man make he cant kill it...make trouble for everybody,' bitterly commented Tula.

Source: 'Tales from the Aborigines' by Bill Harney

An excellent tale of the perils of enchanting Automatons. 

For the DM: They have Song-Magic for many spells and even magic item enchantment. This is a Bardic Culture. So Bard seems an ideal class for leaders and elders of the tribe.



Dec 21, 2012 3:53:53

Aboriginal Food Animals


EMU (i-mu): Food

Long Neck Turtle

LONG NECK TURTLE (i-mu-mu-ndu): Food - Underneath

For the DM: The words are basically protoindoeuropean roots. so if you create names for animals consider whether they are a source of food.