Game of Thrones-Style



Nov 30, 2014 16:16:23

Thinking of running a D&D Basic style game in which the players play a character from each of the five box-sets (Basic, Expert, Companion, Master and Immortal), each game session.  For instance, the first game the players will create 1st-level characters and play a simple basic-game.  Next, game session, they will create expert-characters and play that game.  Next session, they will create companion-characters and play that. They will begin to realize there is a larger-plot going on that will be revealed when they start playing immortals.  The plot of the immortals game will determine the events of the master's game and therefor the companion game.  The basic and expert game will not be too effected by the events of the immortals game, but will experience some of the effects.



May 19, 2015 11:13:38

Definately a very cool concept, I just doubt I'd be able to pull it off as a DM, myself. As a player I'd be all in!


Did you ever get this game off and running?