


Jul 28, 2003 22:50:53
How is tinkering done in the DLCS?


Jul 28, 2003 23:10:14
it isnt.


Jul 28, 2003 23:33:21
Damn. :/


Jul 28, 2003 23:50:55
Originally posted by talinthas
it isnt.

Sure it is.

A gnome in a Craft Guild gets a +2 bonus on Craft checks, and a gnome in a Technical Guild gets a +2 bonus on Profession checks.

Gnome player: "I want to build a device which cleans floors."
DM: "Roll on Profession (engineering), DC 16." (Pulls number out of his head)
Gnome player: "18, plus my Guild bonus of +2 is 20."
DM: "OK, you build that without a problem and it takes a day or two. Describe how weird it looks for the other players, and ways in which it doesn't quite work."

I know this is winging it a lot, but honestly that should be enough to get you by without the invention rules. Gnomes build mundane items with extraordinary appearances using bizarre components, but they're still mundane items.



Jul 29, 2003 6:31:20
The nexus sight has a 3.0 conversion of the gnomish creation table from the 1st ed DLA book. It shouldn't take much to use that until we get the official new rules.