War of the Lance to War of Souls



Aug 05, 2003 19:15:36
The DLCS hasn't been released in Australia as yet (hopefully next week or so) and I was wondering how I was to incorporate the events of the War of Souls in my older campaign. I wrote the campaign so that my adventurers could feel that they had saved the world just like the Heroes of the Lance but without replaying their story.

The Current campaign is set during the War of the Lance using the premise that Takhisis forsaw a possible problem with finding Berem and the Portal in time for her to enter into Godshome (I think that was what it was called). In our campaign, the night of Takhisis' entry into the world was the 'night of the Eye' an astral conjunction of all three moons and a time of immense magical power on Krynn.

The characters weree all part of refugees fleeing from Palanthus by ships during the blue Dragon Army incursion to the north and the attack on the High Clerist's tower. While fleeing they were beset by blue dragons scouting the coastline of Solamnia and the ships headed south hoping to lose the Dragons in the storm. In true fashion the dragons found the ships and sank them leaving our heroes and almost twenty other refugees stranded amidst the sea. Unbeknownst to the characters they drifted for almost twenty days in the fog and storm-tossed seas before being washed ashore somewhere South-East of Khaorolis Mountains. The characters had no water, food, had lost most of their equipment and had twenty refugees with them.

They found that the land was destoyed during the cataclysm (must like Tarsis), leaving the land devoid of life and freezing cold. THe characters came upon the fallen city of Tariel and discovered a plot to bring Takhesis into the world in by placing her essence into a vessel (a small child). THe idea was that Takhisis would have to grow into her power, which was why the portal was the more alluring plan (and why Tahkisis was more desperate to find the Evergem). In true hero fashion the party discovered the plot, freed the slaves and destoyed two of the three artifacts needed during the ceremony. The grimoire of the three moons, the sunglobe of the great lighthouse of Tariel (it was once a port city) and lastly a fist-sized gem known as the eye of Chemosh which was to draw the life essence from the sacrifices and the goddess and then using the Grimoire of the Three Moons channel it through the Sunglobe artifact and finally into the vessel. Anyway the characters destroyed the Grimoire (said to have been a gift from the three gods of magic to the world of Krynn and believe me it hurt the wizardess who did it) and released a backlash of raw magical energy throughout Krynn (which imbued a bloodline with the ability to spontaneously cast spells, the sorceror class). The eye of chemosh was also destroyed and the backlash killed half of the adventuring party who stormed the ritual chamber.

Anyway that is the background for our 4th age campaign (in a nutshell, sorry about the post it is hard condensing almost 100 sessions into a post). I am planning to use the characters children in the Age of Mortals. Was wondering where to go from here? I have ideas but I thought I would throw it open to others for a fresh perspective...
