Palin and Dalamar stats?



Sep 08, 2003 12:32:34
Ok, since I can't get a copy of AoM around here. No, I don't know why, the local game's shop, Borders, and Barnes and Noble all don't have it. Can I get the stats for Palin and Dalamar? I'm curious to see how they portrayed them. What do you do with a WoHS once they've maxed their prestige class out, and are still a couple levels away from 20?


Sep 08, 2003 12:36:30
Wizard, man, more Wizard.


Sep 08, 2003 12:41:33
Do you allow the Archmage prestige class in your Dragonlance? It would seem to fit in flavor for what Dalamar or Raistlin did. I'm not sure I'd let it in, as I haven't seen the 3.5 version of it yet, and the 3.0 version was pretty nasty.


Sep 08, 2003 12:47:21
Palin is not a wizards anymore. He may still have some sorc lvls but that is probally about it.


Sep 08, 2003 13:10:53
if anything, Palin gets more levels of Master Ambassador.


Sep 08, 2003 14:01:24
I highly doubt Palin is a wizard. I think it's more likely that he had an epiphany and turned all of his wizard levels into sorcerer levels. So, maybe (LG male human Sorcerer 6/Academy Sorcerer 10).
As for Dalamar, I think he might be a multiclasses wizard/mystic.
However, this is all speculation because their stats do not appear in the DLCS.
Someone who has Age of Mortals might be able to answer whether Palin appears in there.


Sep 08, 2003 14:20:40
palin is a sorc 7/academy sorc 10/master ambassador 1
dalamar is a wizard 7/ black robe 10.