What's the story in Sanction?



Sep 22, 2003 12:20:40
I was a little suprised to see Sanction all but ignored in the new campaign setting. It's been awhile since I read anything Dragonlance, not since they stopped releasing 5th Age products. I've found most of the mysteries they set up in the 5th Age have been solved in the new Campaign Setting book. The Tower of Palanthas, the darkness surrounding Nightlund, the Silvanesti shield among others. Sanction however was conspicuously abscent. It didn't even get an entry in the Geography section.

It does get mentioned in the 'Other Eras of Play' section under the Taman Busk entry, but only to say it's covered seperatly. Only it's not.

So, anyway, if anyone can tell me if there is any information on Sanction in the books, and maybe fill me in, that'd be great. I'd like to know, who is Hogan Bight? What did he have to do with Sanction anyway? Why did he leave Sanction and what's his connection with Linsha? And, finally, why isn't Sanction covered? Is there something going on there now? Or have things been pretty quiet?


Sep 22, 2003 13:28:42
In and Effort not to spoil it for you, read the novels all your questions are answered there.

War of Souls Trilogy,
City of the Lost (about Linsha and friends)

The is several pages and a map about Saction in the Age of Mortals book, be careful it contains spoilers for City of the Lost amoung others


Sep 22, 2003 15:45:17
Sanction is covered in the Age Of Mortals book =)


Sep 22, 2003 16:33:47
The Clandestine Circle (which is a warm up to City of the Lost) takes place in Sanction and follows Linsha Majere. This book will give you a good idea of events in the city a few years before the War of Souls.


Sep 24, 2003 8:38:37
Please spoil it for me. I may read the WoS trilogy some day but I doubt I'll ever read any of the other books. So, if possible give me a quick run down of Hogan Bight. Who he is. What he wants. Who he sleeps with. That sort of thing.


Sep 24, 2003 14:05:18
Hogan Bight is a powerful Sorcerer who is the dragon Crucible in disguise. He's a tall, bronze-haired, hazel eyed bearded man, who likes to wear gauntlets.

Currently he's hard up, but would appearantly like to sleep with Linsha Majere.


Sep 24, 2003 14:35:38
And Linsha doesn't know that Hogan Bight and the Bronze Dragon Crucible are one and the same. Her owl knows though.


Sep 27, 2003 19:46:18
Uhm, so what's the bronze dragon crucible, exactly?


Sep 27, 2003 21:25:51
Lol, its the Bronze dragon, Crucible. As in a dragon by the name Crucible not some kind of odd Crucible used in the making of Bronze Dragons! :D


Sep 27, 2003 21:32:30
Crucible is the bronze dragon's name. Hogan Bight is his human alter ego. He is the leader of the city of Sanction, and as Crucible, he is the Dragon Protector of the city of Sanction. Obviously, silver dragons aren't the only ones with a weakness for falling in love with mortals.

I think on another thread someone said that the rules for creating half dragons is the mother must be the non dragon parent, so linsha and hogan are probably more likely to do it than d'argent and gilthanas. No real pertinence to this thread though.