The Blank Rune?



Oct 08, 2003 4:51:32
What is it? What's the prophecy surrounding it?
I couldn't find anything online about it..except vague references. If anyone is in the know, please help me out.


Oct 08, 2003 19:55:24
Where did you get that from? What blank Rune?


Oct 09, 2003 1:24:29
mentioned here---->

Judyth and L'indasha Yman are both cited as keepers of this rune...

if anyone has any'd be great. (even as far as saying that it's a kender tale)


Oct 10, 2003 9:40:42
It's all in the novel "Before the mask" in the Villains series about Verminaard.
The blank rune is an artefact of power completing the Amarach Runes and therefore hidden, especially from Takhisis, by devout immortalized guardian druids of Paladine.
In fact it depicts the true face and the mask.


Amarach runes is in fact a method of reading old nordic rune in a cast, so you'll stumble acroos if you're interested in rune divination sooner or later.

Besides, they're not important but in this novel. Later there is a short story of the first guardian released from duty, replaced by a new one, who leads a normal life in the wake of Chaos and the early age of mortals in one of the antholgies.

M's Claw