Icursion on Dyvers



Nov 13, 2003 14:00:52
I have an idea I wanted to run by the "experts" of Greyhawk. Here is some background. My party has completed RttToEE and is based out of the Verbobonc area. They are now approaching 20th level, with a cleric and paladin to Pelor, Holy Liberator to Tritherion, elf Loremaster and half elf rogue. As you can imagine they have quiet a bit of prestige in the area.

I am considering using the Incursion campaign from the Dragon and Dungeon mags to add some chaos into the world (can never enough chaos). The plan was to have them start by capturing the city of Dyvers so they would have a foothold before they launch an assualt on the city of Greyhawk. The party would get involved is some of the battles, but would ultimately take the fight to the lich queen on the astral plain.

What sort of ramifications do you think this would cause with the various powers of the world, such as the circle of eight and others?

What difficulties would the giths have in capturing Dyvers? Either with or w/out suprise? What high level NPC's could hinder them at the start?

In general what do you think?


Nov 14, 2003 11:11:20
Well - I'm no expert on Dyvers - but if the city fell, especially to a surprise assault, I imagine it would have a lot of repercussions for the Nyr Dyv and it's surrounds.
For one Dyvers stands at one end of the trade routes that run along the Velverdyva to Perrenland and the Bakluni west. It's also one of the biggest ports on the Nyr Dvy. So taking Dyvers would bring the Gith into conflict with Furyondy and Veluna (and probably Verbobonc and Highfolk). The exent of the response that Furyondy could muster would depend on how aggressive Iuz is in the north in your campaign. Still the southern nobles of Furyondy are pretty wealthy - and a portion of that wealth comes from trade. So, even without the threat of maurauding Gith on their marches, they'd be keen to get involved.
There's also the Knights of the Hart/Knights of Furyondy to be considered. They've made the ambition to reintegrate Dyvers into Furyondy plain in the past and a Gith assault might give them the pretext they need to liberate the city and then "absent-mindedly forget" to withdraw their forces, putting a Furyondi noble in charge and de facto annexing the city.

The City of Greyhawk probably wouldn't be too bothered - except to defend its borders and its shipping. It'd try to steal all the trade that once flowed into Dyvers, taking the opporunity to kick the City of Sails while it was down (that's the Greyhawk way! ;P).
That said - if Nerof Gasgal were really ambitious, he might bankroll an attempt to liberate the city, provided the Directing Oligarchy got influence in any government installed in Dyvers afterwards, so gaining the whip-hand over Greyhawk's biggest commercial rival.

Obviously the surviving Gentry of Dyvers would be none too pleased to have any one else running their city. If you PCs are as important in your campaign world as their levels suggest - they might be beset by offers from the various factions to lead the liberation.

NPCs? I see the great and good of Furyondy getting stuck in. The Circle of Eight would probably react to such an extra planar threat (perhaps Bigby or Jelarzi - as that part of the world seems to be their "beat").


Nov 14, 2003 11:38:55
I think Iuz would see this as his opportunity to attack Furyondy. He would expect Furyondian resources to be stretched thin, being suddenly confronted with a second front to defend.

I would also expect the Circle of Eight to get involved, as this would seriously mess up the balance of power in the world.

Originally posted by Dragon Mage:
What high level NPC's could hinder them at the start?

Forget NPCs - how about putting your PCs on the front line at the start of the invasion. Heck, put them in Dyvers. They probably won't be able to single-handedly save the city, so they'll be forced to withdraw to fight another day.


Nov 14, 2003 12:40:22
I would only add that Larrisa Hunter would not let Dyvers fall without a serious fight. No doubt, you might have elves pouring out of the Gnarley Forest to aid the Free Marines and infantry of Dyvers. And, like the Living Greyhawk Gazeteer reads, "...Dyvers is located on perhaps the most lucrative trading nexus in all of the Flanaess..." (pg. 40). So I imagine the City of Greyhawk would get involved a split second.

But who knows? With Turrosh Mak brooding in the south, a reticent Celene, and, as noted above, the ever-scheming Iuz and a weary Furyondy/Veluna in the west, the possibilities are myriad.

Dang, I love the World of Greyhawk setting. That's good stuff.


Nov 14, 2003 15:21:23
Originally posted by Brom Blackforge
Forget NPCs - how about putting your PCs on the front line at the start of the invasion. Heck, put them in Dyvers. They probably won't be able to single-handedly save the city, so they'll be forced to withdraw to fight another day.

The Gith plan to attack with overwhelming forces consisting of 1000's of troops, a dozen or so red dragons and others. With this sort of attack I think the city will fall very fast considering it is unprepared. Unless the PC's are visiting the city on the day the attack is scheduled they will not even become aware of the situation until after the city is taken.

The same holds true for the Elves and the Rangers of the gnarley forest. Once they see the slaughter they will retreat into the woods to defend their homes until help arrives.

All this will undoubtly start a chain reaction. Iuz will take advantage of the situation if Furyondy pulls 1 troop away from their border. Little does he know that the Gith plan to conquring him also. As for Turrosh Mak he may wait to see what direction the Gith move after taking Dyvers. Their plan is to then move on the city of Greyhawk. Then the chain of events can be endless.

The battle for Greyhawk will be much different. Forces will be prepared but the gith will have more reinforments also. Depending on the situation here I may see if any of the circle of eight are killed in this battle. Hopefully the party can defeat the lich queen before greyhawk falls.

Once the Gith retreat it will be a land grab for what is left of Dyvers with Furyondy having the edge and historical support.

Well, at least those are some of my ideas.


Nov 15, 2003 0:03:40
You could also make it a possibilty that Iuz's forces might have to ally themselves with Furyondy in order to keep their own borders safe. I would state that while Furyondy is weakened Veluna is strong and they may be forced into the fray because of the threat to their own borders and Verbonoc. Now if Veluna gets into it thier borders around Falsridge might be open to invasion by Ket.

As you can see any war has it's advantage's and disadvantage's. The out come as you can see is extremely varied. With all that said I would like to know what the dragons get in return for aiding the Gith raider's. After all dragon's are one of the most intelligent races of any game world and their has to be something for them to gain from all of this.


Nov 15, 2003 0:03:40
Sorry Double Post.


Nov 16, 2003 19:57:50
Hey Dragon Mage, if you like the idea of "forcing" Furyondy and Iuz to form an alliance of necessity, it may be better to have the invasion start in the Shield Lands.

Perhaps the Invaders first took Scragholme Island (see ItE 46) only then struck against Dyvers?

The image of the red dragons flying in low over the Nyr Dyv is striking, no?


Nov 18, 2003 9:58:45
I am trying to play the Gith's with the intelligence of the Lich Queen. She is aware of Iuz, and will use him to her advantage. I was thinking the best way to conjure the world would be to take the city of Greyhawk early. The plan was to use Dyvers as a staging area for the invasion of Greyhawk city, and at the same time control the trade in this part of the world.


Mar 28, 2004 11:01:28
Glad someone other than myself is planning on using the Incursion stuff for Greyhawk; I question why the githyanki would attack someplace like Dyvers without already having a foothold on Oerth already.

IMC, they invaded the United Kingdom of Ahlissa several months ago and have been fortifying their holdings since then, going so far as to take the fight to the Scarlet Brotherhood down on the Tilvanot. Having sent their psionic assassins in first, they decapitated the leadership of most of the "evil" organizations in the UKA region (including the SB and the Hextorian religion), which has forced these evil organizations to form an uneasy alliance with each other to seek artifacts of power to oppose the githyanki; this is the first clue that something odd is going on when my PCs fought a group of bad guys who should not be working together.

I then had a massive Flight of Dragons in which all of the red dragons on Oerth flew east; the destruction wrought by these creatures (who are unlikely to enjoy being forced to obedience) will cause all sorts of problems in the immediate future including the birth of a new apocalyptic cult that burns its victims alive in preparation for the "Return."

From the UKA, the githyanki are going to move against Nyrond in a couple of months; Iuz the Wicked, alarmed at the scale of the assault, moves through the Bandit Kingdoms to hit the githyanki which in turn forces the armies of the Theocracy of the Pale to get involved. This will cause the Battle of Four Armies; I'm going to try to arrange to have my PCs involved in this battle. Since the githyanki seemingly (at this point) have unlimited forces, they emerge victorious, toppling both Nyrond and the Theocracy.

After that, they will begin launching strikes against the two Urnsts and Greyhawk City, which forces the Circle to get involved. Four of the Circle, including Mordekainen, will be slain at this time to show the PCs exactly how much trouble they are really in.

Furyondy, responding to Greyhawk's cry for aid, will seem open for attack from Iuz, but the githyanki launch a massive assault against his empire before he can act. At the same time, they open up two additional fronts when they hit Keoland and the Furyondy/Veluna area.

It's going to be a fun ride...


Mar 28, 2004 19:11:37
The gith plan to use Dyvers as their foothold. Besides they will need food, something they are not use to having a great need for in the Astral plane. They will attack Dyvers in the fall when it's storehouses will be most full.

During this time they will have spies spreading rumors of the Gith attacking a mind flayer city under Dyvers. This will keep others guard down. But within days they will attack the city of Greyhawk. It is without a doubt the most concentrated area of power in the world and the best target to destroy quickly.

I question why the genius that is the lich queen would stop other factions in the world from attacking each other. She would allow Iuz to invade Furyondy, making her job easier latter.


Mar 29, 2004 10:36:10
The lich queen could have already made a secret alliance with Iuz (to be broken whenever she deems it). That would allow Iuz to attack Furyondy to the north when its forces start to rally against the gith in Dyvers. A second attack on the County of Urnst by Iuz would also keep the County and Duchy occupied for some time.

She could also have contacted Turrosh Mak and offered an alliance to the leader of the Pomarj, promising him Celene in exchange for help.

All of these secret meetings are a little dangerous and word might get out early but it's unlikely.

That leaves only Veluna and the City of Greyhawk as strong forces that could quickly threaten the foothold the Gith establish in Dyvers. I'm guessing that Celene will stay out of it (or might have troubles with her borders to the south if an agreement with Turrosh Mak can be reached by the gith).


Mar 30, 2004 13:45:14
Originally posted by Dragon Mage
I question why the genius that is the lich queen would stop other factions in the world from attacking each other. She would allow Iuz to invade Furyondy, making her job easier latter.

Just a difference in tactics, that's all. I think that your version of teh githyanki are using modern US tactics (hit them at their strongest point with overwhelming force) where my version is using WWII era Nazi tactics (move slowly initially, establish a foothold before launching a strike of overwhelming power.)

Further, your PCs are nearly 20th level and ready to jump into The Lich Queen's Beloved; I've got 10 levels to go before we're ready for that and want to slowly build the threat up - war in a distant land, spreading out toward the PCs, etc.

Besides, just because the lich queen is a genius doesn't mean she good at military tactics.

Let us know how your version turns out! :D