Animals and Climate



Nov 15, 2003 23:41:08
A player in my group has expressed interest in being a druid in the upcoming Dragonlance campaign that I'm going to be running.

Two of his choices panther (jungle cat) and rhinocerous are hard to place as far as the geography section I skimmed through.

Are there jungles, et cetera, besides temperate forests and plains on Ansalon? I'm not all that familar with the setting... So forgive me any ignorance displayed in this post.


Nov 16, 2003 1:02:56
Ansalon sits in the southern hemisphere of the planet Krynn. As a result, you have to break from Euro-American thinking and look northwards to find the warmer climates.

Despite it's Scandinavian-sounding name, the nation of Nordmaar in the northeastern corner of Ansalon has a tropical climate and could easily support the kind of animals you're looking to use.