Entering the Ordiri



Dec 21, 2003 9:42:35
At last. Legends to myths to rumors... to obscure journal entries, to late night tavern whispers, to ancient runes inscribed in various planar locales... to a rumor, then a discovery, then the most harrowing adventure I've known.

I am Matar Of The Mid-Light, Master of the Spell-Sworn, Apprentice of the Mage Of Failed Light. I have been in many places in many times. But nothing that could compare to what I have recently... survived.

Ah the grand tale of adventure, and discovery that I could share. But I know you have not come all this way for hearing myself waste air. So I won't. You want facts. You want the darks of the dark. You want the illumination of The Mid-Light, which is all I can offer on this study. For never before have I been inclined to share so much so freely. But I doubt it matters now, as your curiosity would too likely lead to an unpleasant demise. But so warned, if you are sure you are ready, come into The Mid-Light.

The rule of threes. Seems a fair place to start. And it seems to usually be factual enough. However, so rigid an organizing, and so absolute a rule, is impossible. How can any berk whos seen the raw chaos stuff of Limbo truly believe such a radically stable philosophy could truly hold absolute sway over our Multiverse? I assume that it will never cease to amaze me, that once some extremist starts touting such commonly accepted scree through out the planes that it will take such sway, only to eventually be disproved. Maybe once, a long time ago it was true. Maybe. But the planes, most of them at least, are ever changing. I've seen cultures, races, worlds, and even a couple of planes simply vanish. I've seen voids left behind, and I've seen many new things rush to fill those voids. But I fear I tarry over things which you've no mind to discover too long.

The Ordiri. The base. The primal origin. Too many theories of what it "was" cloud our expectations, and nearly destroyed me. But Now it's something different. In many places it seems the "Ordirians" are xenophobic beyond anything I could have imagined, then again, there are also "Ordirians" who seek egress to the planes we know even at the cost of their lives. But, though I hate to admit it, it would seem there is a base in the rule of threes, but itsn't what I always expected. Not in places. But in "POWERS".

To explain, there is the long sought power of "Quintessence". The base "Element" which is the building block of all others. It seems to be one of the strongest, and most mutable forces in the planes. But I've seen others expect god hood from it only to be consumed by opening gates that have unleashed Quintessence in volumes beyond their control. A dangerous thing, I'll leave it be.

Then the second power, the divine. Surely we all know well the powers that are. And I assume many of us have witnessed works that some of the most powerful and learned mages will never be able to emulate, from a soft spoken prayer conjured on the lips of the faithful. Indeed, it is more encompassing it seems, divine power, than the potentials of Quintessance, though much harder to come by.

But then there is the third power. But I can't begin to explain it as one form. It is as a polarity. The "Clueless" have, and to some "are" a power their own. It is said their beliefs fuel the Outer Planes. But their polarity, the Ordirians, have similar sway. The Ordiri Plane I've yet seen can be much like a prime world, and then over a hill can yield a valley the likes of which defy any rational catalog. It would seem the ethereal and astral planes, are not just the transitive planes we know. But they are also "buffers" they diffuse some of the effects the Inner and Outer planes have on the Prime, and the effect the Prime has on them.

The Ordiri, without any such buffers, is more radical in it's extremes. Encompassing things similar to what I've seen in all other planes, and things beyond my ability to define. But I suppose, the most informative being I've known for this was a most unlikely being who deserves mention here. But I must bring a few things to the Mid-Light to explain properly. Even if these thing will remain in the Mid-Dark it will help your understanding.

Many mages have stumbled to the dark that some magics, which in places should not work, do. Spells that draw upon the astral plane, have failed to function within the inner planes. And Spells drawing upon the Ether fail repeatedly within the Outer Planes. I was studying spell to bridge those gaps when I met my new friend. I was finding success in achieving these magics, but with many an oddity. Some of these spells would result in dangerous variants of the expected result. And some would work far better than their original counterpart, but without a degree of focus beyond the requirement of nearly any other dweomer would sunder large parts of a place to nothing.

I had a ttempted an etherealness spell from one of my home upon the Outlands when it happened. As I was concluding the spell however, my apprentice excitedly burst in and I lost my focus. Now I know that any so learned mage should never be so easily distracted, but I had been years waiting to hear his news. And so, in my joy, my focus wandered a little, and everything changed.

All about me appeared like nothing I'd ever seen. And I was alone, I thought, in this new place. When I met him. His for was vile beyond words, and it would appear he was either a fiend new to my eyes, or a form of undead. He regarded me curiously much as I regarded him. And for a long time neither of us moved. Then at last he ventured to speak. Now, I am fluent in 43 different languages, and more than one hundred variants and dialects of those. But the words he spoke meant nothing to me. We began speaking to eachother, in various languages, until we found one we both knew. The rasping, and hissing tongue of the plane of shadows was known to us both and so once we discovered this we introduced ourselves to eachother. He was a Kaorti. I was on my guard whence he disclosed this, but he did nothing to provoke my fury. And, at length through cautious speaking, I learned he to was a Mage, of no small importance to his own people of the Far-Realm. That place which lies beyond the planes. But here I will end. I will follow this with following letters to you. And I will share some of what he said to me. But following I will enter in depth to true discoveries of the things "Ordiri-an" we learned.

Your friend when light fails, and the dark must be rebuked.



Dec 21, 2003 10:24:14
Hello again, I find need, before we speak further, to bring some of the Kaorti darks into the Mid-Light. The Kaorti hail from a place called the Far-Realm my new friend informed me. As best I could discern by his explanations it is a place the wise should not want to visit, ever. From the locales, to the natives, to the elements there, it sounds like a place which is more lethal than is worth traveling to. Surely there are those treasure hunters who will not be able to help themselves, but I would advise any I care for against it. But the Kaorti it seem even have difficulties of survival within their home plane and thus ever seek to expand, primarily into the Prime I first thought by my friends words. (I must remember to warn some of my close friends among prime worlds to be alert for the Kaorti. I like the individual I met, but I want no involvement if possible with the race as a whole.)

The Far Realm it seems though is nested beyond the standard bounds of the Ordiri. Picture the Ethereal, connecting the Prime and Elemental Planes. But, substantially a different plane of it's own, the Deep Ethereal nested beyond it. The Far-Realm is nested deep in the Ordiri it seems in much the same fashion. And I suspect there are other dimensions hidden there as well. The translation I have found for Ordiri, from an obscure and forgotten language of millenia past, means "The Beginning". (The translation can be uncovered in a tome, old and dusty by a sage of an ancient people who I believe was called Mirriam. This tome can be found within the halls of Thoth's Great "Lie"brary, and was referred to me from Magnum Opus)

Another rumor I've uncovered, which merits investigation, but I can find no supporting evidence, is that many Planes, and even complete "Multiverses" stem from the Ordiri. I hope to see what I can uncover regarding this. But another time, when I am better informed we will discuss that.

On to it though, the Kaorti I met says their people have incursions that expand into many planes and worlds. And in opposite and variant directions from that which brough them to our Multiverse. Their race, vile intentions aside, are incredibly well accomplished Plane Walkers. He said that living with the Ordiri as a neighbor to his home, he has ventured there many times before. And he illustrated much of what I can and can not expect there on my own future visits.

I do hope that he will remain an associate of mine going forward now, and that we will be able to chart more of the Ordiri together. As he is a also a Mage, though I believe the Kaorti word for that is "Niethvhen", and powerful beyond what many mortals could hope to achieve.

It seems he and I share a scholarly philosophy and extensive talents for Arcana, so I believe we will acomplish much together.

So now you better understand my colleague who has played, and will continue to play, a large role in my discoveries of the Ordiri.



Dec 21, 2003 10:45:44
And now, more of what some of you were looking for. At last. The real power of the Ordiri. But to illustrate how incredible this find was, you should know some of what we've discovered.

Life, of all forms imaginable, has been seen there. Cities floating across acidic seas... caravans of steeds running "through" the essence of the fields of whey, rather than across the fields. And more things stranger than should be spoken here.

(DM's: The Ordiri Plane hosts all templates: celestial, anarchic, axiomatic, fiendish, Pseudonatural, and any other discovered. Even the divine will travel the Ordiri for it is a place of immeasurable power.

The Plane has realms in which time moves not at all, making all spells cast there other than the instantaneous duration last as permanent, so casters beware in these place... and Realms in which 1 day could pass that ages the character a year, or where the character moves through a day and the rest of the Multiverse advances a century. Gravity, as varying realm by realm as time. And realms can be "walked" into that bear traits of any minor or major planar traits as described in the Manual Of The Planes.)

But in the end, who really cares, unless there is something substantial to make ones own, right?

Before the essence of the Ordiri can be utilized one must first greatly understand the nature of the powers they would attempt to harness.

(DM's: The first prerequisite to all Ordirian Feats is Knowledge: Ordiri. Treated as a cross class skill to all except the "Ordirian" class. The class will be later detailed, and will be presented as an additional "core-class". Though as a starting class available to anyone, you should be selective of the history of characters who would have access to a class so elusive.)

But I will now at last begin detailing the powers I have seen, in a catalog-like format for ease of understanding.


Dec 21, 2003 11:46:07
Here are some of those powers catalogued in my travels:


Energy Bolt

Preq: Knowledge Ordiri 5 ranks, Knowledge Arcana 1 rank

This feat allows the character to fire a bolt of raw ordirian energy as a weapon against their enemies as a ranged touch attack. The bold deals 1d6 force damage plus 1 per rank of knowledge: Ordiri, to a maximum of +15. This is a Su Ability (Does not observe SR). The energy bolt has a range of 100'. Each time this ability is used it costs the character 125 xp.


Q'an (Pronounced con) Armor

Preq: Heavy armor proficiency, Knowledge: Ordiri 9 ranks

When used, this feat adorns the wearer in a shimmering aura of Ordirian energy, which grants an armor bonus to AC of +4. It alsts a number of rounds equal to the characters Knowledge Ordiri ranks. And each use costs the character 600 xp.

Divine Influence

Preq: Knowledge Ordiri 15 ranks, Knowledge Nature 10 ranks, Knowledge The Planes 10 ranks

This feat allows a character to gain a "Realm" within the Ordiri Plane when it's taken, and there after the character can affect their realm as Deities do (See Deities and Demigods).
~There is an edit for additional info which will be made on this soon~

(DM's: More will come, as playtest continues. But I don't want to post a lot of erroneous info just to edit it all later, but this seems a good start to share the ideas)


Dec 21, 2003 12:52:13
Far Realm Template = Pseudonatural.

For a cool use of it, check out the Ravenloft Gazetteer Vol. 2 with a pseudonatural dryad.


Dec 21, 2003 14:26:23
Thank you Drinnik.


Dec 21, 2003 14:42:37
On the Q'An. This has become a very common, as far as it can when speaking of the Ordiri, encounter. Though nothing of the encounter is common from one to the next, save the frequency in which these being are discovered. The Q'An, pronounced "con" or "quan" depending on accent, seem the oldest beings of the Ordiri willing to converse with my Kaorti companion and myself. Only 6 years into our studies and we have met nearly 3 score different Q'An locales. And some of those meetings were quite harrowing. It seems the Q'An are very sophisticated culturally, and intellectually. They appear physically to be atrophied, but a wary traveleer would be wise not to let that appearance lull them into a false sense of safety or superiority. And they seem to always believe they're the Q'An, and alone in that statement, or so they say. We wonder if that's right, and my Kaorti companion suggests that they may speak true, as far as they know, existing in long isolated clans as his people do. He has tempted me to take a Kaorti from one clan, subdue it and supplant it within a different group to better see what they know. I have disagreed fervently with his idea. I do not wish to be responsible for an end to anything of this place. There are strange sensation here at times, and many times... in this Mid-Light, I have suspected we have been watched. I have responded with many divinations to discern the source but with no success. We have met killers, and helpers alike amonst the Q'An but with no pattern from one group to the next what causes this radical range in personalities amongst their people.


Dec 22, 2003 20:15:01
By "Ordiri" do you mean "Ordial"?


Dec 23, 2003 7:30:03
Edited and accidentaly placed as a quote below.


Jan 13, 2004 9:46:37
Absolutely fascinating. Absolutely fantastic. Keep it up!


Jan 13, 2004 9:56:22
Originally posted by Harmony's Sorrow
No, the word I've heard it's locals use to define it is similar, but they do in fact refer to it as the Ordiri, and natives being referred to as "Ordirian". I know the word Ordial has drifted through taverns spilling darks in the cage for ages. But my findings were a bit off. Perhaps that is how the plane remained hidden so long. There are no gates to a non-existant plane called the Ordial, I spent decades searching for it. But open a gate to the Ordiri and be prepared.



Jan 13, 2004 11:28:35
I fail to see what your trying to say by quoting your own message.

But honestly, you are a very good writer, very expressive and colorful. So, any more Ordiri info you could share?

The Master of the Sword is eager to hear what you have to say little mage.