Extra-Planar entitys



Jan 06, 2004 16:30:26
Hello mortals. It is I the mighty Sword of Geddon, sentient mental projection of the demi-god Geddon which is speaking to you now.

Since I am speaking to you online, that means you have not earned my wrath so rest easy...

Despite all my vast intelligence, I have yet to figure out two of the most elusive creatures this side of the multiverse, the mysteryious Chososium and the even-more mysteryious Keepers.

I would like to know exactly what everyone else makes of these weird creatures.

From the data I have gathered all I know about the Chososium is that its projecting itself onto the Ethereal Plane from someplace else almost like its Ethereal on the Ethereal Plane, which is impossible, unless its from another unknown Plane.

As for the Keepers, they are obviously guarding something, whether treasure or something far greater is unknown.


Jan 06, 2004 16:57:39
First off, I'm assuming that you're using the Keepers which appear in the Fiend Folio, and not the ones who appeared in the PS Monstrous Compendium II. I'll fill you in on their story from the PSMC2, since it's a lot more interesting.

The story, such as it is, is that the keepers were originated by a high-up Guvner. This particular blood had discovered how to access alternate universes with mere thought. It would be possible for anyone with knowledge of this to achieve this same power, so he decided he would make sure there were no others with knowledge of it. He opened up a universe where the keepers lived and started bringing them through, with the orders of preventing anyone else from discovering how to reach the universes. Over time, he brought hundreds or thousands through, and set them to different tasks. He used them to find out powerful secrets and then silence anyone else who might come close to discovering it. Eventually, though, he got careless, and ordered them to "make sure no one ever discovers how you got to be here," and they killed him. Now, they're trapped in this multiverse, still guarding places of ancient power or appearing unexpectedly to suppress some new piece of dark.

Beyond that, they're extremely mysterious. One can never tell where they'll be, and they have been carrying out their missions for centuries. They avoid all socialization, and always travel in groups. Their hive mind links them all, and they will finish each others' sentences and perform all activities simultaneously.

One odd thing is why their alignment is Neutral in the FF. It was originally LN, and that makes much more sense. They were brought here by a Guvner, and they've been following their duties (to the letter, to the misfortune of that old berk) for hundreds of years. It even says in the FF that they will pursue the same tactic relentlessly if it seems to be effective, and they are driven to systematically find and acquire all knowledge, then guard it. Sounds pretty lawful to me.

What's even more unsettling is the uncanny resemblance of the PSMC2 illustration of a keeper to Mr. Freeze... makes you wonder...


Jan 06, 2004 18:01:14
The Keepers do have a resemblance to Mr. Freeze, they also look like something out of Dark City, or from some other Sci-Fi/Paranormal thing out there.

I too have the PCMC2 I was just wondering what everyone thought of these creatures, like what of where they actually came from.

The possibility of additional multiverses as they relate to the Keepers and Chososiums is fascinating, and somewhat disturbing, since what kind of Multiverse would spawn such bizzarre creatures?