Havok in Furyondy



Mar 04, 2004 11:12:42
IMC Iuz is going to invade Furyondy (again ). I have a 15th level cleric to Iuz attempting to disrupt shipping and other activities in the city of Willip prior to the invasion. She basically needs to cause as much chaos as she can before getting discovered and Word of Recalling back home.

I need some help on how best to go about this. So far all I can think of is the Chain of Chaos spell (for DotF). Almost any sorce is available to me as far as books go. I am drawing a major blank here and I know the evil DM's here can help me.


Mar 04, 2004 11:52:46
Have the priets start the Vesve on fire! Furyondy most certainly would have to react. Talk about a distraction.


Mar 04, 2004 11:54:31
Maybe charm some water monsters in the Nyr Dyr to mess with the ships coming in and out of port.

"Accidental" fires burning down warehouses full of goods.

Deliver some cursed magical items to various government authorities of Willip.

Hopefully, this will start the ball rolling. ;)


Mar 04, 2004 12:00:13
How about tried and true bandits on the roads, trade routes; pirates on the water.

Raise some skeletons (especially war dead) in certain spots. Not to overrun, but to spread fear and concern.

Insert spies and petty political advisors (Grimma Wormtongue from LOTR)

spread disease

insert a charmed dragon (mage)

If you are looking for something major, how about raising a tarrosque (sp) to really do damage. Then send pc's on a mission to retrieve items that will ultimately force it up north or over the river to cause damage to Iuz forces.

Just about anything that disrupts daily life would do. Just don't make it obvious to most people (or the PC's) or it won't be much fun.


Mar 04, 2004 13:44:25
Doppleganger assassins to replace key members of the local

Conjure (Lesser Planar Ally) a few Skulvyn demons (FF) and let them loose in the Nyr Dyv. That will take care of merchant ships

Create Greater Undead will get him some mean shock troops to give nightmares to the natives. Nothing like a vampire to convince the local militia to stay at home ...

Control Weather: suggest high winds, rains (roads become mudholes), and cloud cover (undeads will love that)

Animate Object: ever been attacked by table?

And let's not forget the all-time winner: Insect Plague to ruin the crops


Mar 04, 2004 17:30:09
One of my personal fav’s is to have the evil cleric befriend the PCs (posing as a priest of a different god – usually acting like a lower level neophyte so that he/she can sneak under the radar of the priest’s enemies ). Then as he gains their trust he begins to manipulate them to do some of his dirty work.


Mar 05, 2004 11:33:21
The evil priest pretends to be your mentally retarded servant and all the other PC's know but you. What? That only happened to me?


Mar 05, 2004 12:29:01
Incite the Baron of Willip's half-brother (I think, check the LGG) to raise arms against Butrain under the delusion that he (the Bad Guy) will be backed by others.

During the chaos (or prior to it), eliminate the baron's son & heir, thus throwing into flux the legitimate ascendancy.

Create or fabricate a problem within the church of St. Cuthbert (which is dominant in Willip).

Begin rumors that the evil that resides in Bronzeblood Haunt is returning to reclaim their lands; a "lich" is a good idea for the false stuff here. This gives your BG a cover to do other bad things and blame the "lich". Terrified commoners are great.


Mar 05, 2004 16:10:57
Thanks everyone for your ideas. I am definently going to use some of them. A couple of ideas of my own however. The evil cleric is going to try to avoid any outward signs of her presence for as long as she can. This way she can get more use out the Chain of Chaos spell. Once the gig is up, the gloves will come off. Fires, diseases, sinking ships, and the all important political intrigue. The maybe even a few assinations of some important figures.

The party is going to have to try to stop her, and in order to do that they will need to find her first. They sooner they get to her the least damage she will cause.

What do you think? Any other Vile thoughts?