quick mimir question



Mar 04, 2004 16:34:07
where can these be found i assume at some formal mimir office on the outlands some where. so if some one can enlighten me that would be dandy


Mar 05, 2004 6:49:26
In the Introduction to "A Player`s Primer to The Outlands" a group of clueless primes buys a Mimir from a cutter in Sigil who mysteriously disappears after the deal is done.

I guess you might find some at the "Friendly Fiend", a shop in the Lower Ward where you can buy magical trinket and such stuff and

*looking over my shoulder to make sure that nobody is listening*

which is run by that other `loth, as Shemeska the Marauder might say.


Mar 10, 2004 14:17:02
According to the Player's Primer to the Outlands "The mimir also called a well of knowledge or speaking skull is a minor magical item for sale in Sigil or in gate towns. "