Kender Fear and Wanderlust



Apr 17, 2004 15:05:35
I've been tinkering with my reimagining the DLCS, and I'm working on Kender. Now, I've been thinking about the paradox of the fact that though kender are not supposed to feel fear, we have afflicted kender.

Now obviously there is no point in giving kender fearlessness if the DM can just override it or afflict the kender when he wishes. So I think you can't have the kender being afflicted while adventuring.

However, why do kender adventure? There are many explanations, but the default is that they are in the throes of wanderlust. So that got me thinking. What if kender are susceptible to fear only before and after wanderlust?

That would mean that wanderlust is just a overpowering curiosity to "see what comes next" which overrides normal fear. That means those afflicted became such before wanderlust had a chance to take ahold of them.

I think this is a much better way to integrate afflicted kender into the overall kender mythos. Thoughts?


Apr 17, 2004 16:35:40
Dude it seems like you're thinking too hard. The only afflicted kender were the ones from Malystryx's realm. With Malystryx gone the only afflicted kender are the ones from there, or the offspring of those kender. No ordinary kender will just "become" afflicted. If that were the case we'd have seen afflicted kender a long time ago.


Apr 18, 2004 8:04:28
In the campaign I'm running, there's only one generation of afflicted kender. Their children are, much to the afflicted kender's dismay, growing up to become quite "normal". I believe kender fearlessness is a part of being a kender, and maybe severe emotional trauma can remove that, but you don't inherit it from your parents.

So afflicted kender are quickly becoming a thing of the past in my campaign. To tell the truth, I don't like afflicted kender, so that is part of the reason I'm "exterminating " them.