Join Greytalk Tonight 6/3, 8pm EST until ????



Jun 03, 2004 20:17:03
Rumor has it PSmedger is otherwise occupied, so I will pinch hit for him.

If you truly are on a date, Good luck Gary!!!!!!

Weekly Greyhawk Chat Tonight (5/27, 8pm ET-Whenever)
The Weekly Greychat is tonight:
Thursday, May 27th, 2004
8 PM Eastern Standard Time / 1am GMT (friday) til whenever!

Come chat about any and all things Greyhawk. Discuss the recent Canonfire! events (got suggestions for the site?), Greyhawk in Dungeon & Dragon magazines, the latest GH bits in the D&D core rule books or anything else that's on your mind. (Within reason of course, it is a Greyhawk chat, after all)

Folks are there all night, so don't let being late scare you off.

As usual, the chat takes place on the irc server, and there are two basic options for those wishing to come by:

Point your irc client to:
Port: 6667
Channel: #greytalk

Irc clients are advanced chat programs, such as mirc, pirch, trillian,
etc. Visit if you don't have an
irc client and would like to download one for free.

If you don't have an irc client, and have
joined forces to make the chats accesible to you! Visit to use the handy Java

Once the applet loads, just replace -guest- with your desired nickname
for the chat and select -greytalk- from the drop down channel menu. Then
click the -Connect Now!- button and voila, you're chattin in Greychat!