Help: The Last Tower?



Jun 16, 2004 20:54:19
I posted this on, so far without any solid leads. Thought I would try here as well to see if the forum regulars here know more...

Hi all,

I am working on a new PnP campaign set in the War of the Lance, an alternate history campaign.

One location has intrigued me and I do not for the life of me recall what this place is. It is called "The Last Tower" and appears on a map of Solamnia in the Tales of the Lance. It is located in the Southern part of Nightlund, on the border of Throtl.

It is just down and to the right of the red dot, here:


I presume this location comes from some Preludes/Heroes/Villain/YaddaYadda novel that I am not familiar with.

In any event, it sounds like an intriguing place and the location is just about perfect for my campaign plans. Can someone enlighten me as to what "The Last Tower" is and where the reference is from so that I can get some more information on my own?

Much thanks.


Jun 16, 2004 21:05:29
its just a named dot on a map =)
Nothing has ever been done with it, so go buckwild and be creative =)


Jun 16, 2004 22:12:52
Actually, this may not be correct, but the location and its name seem to point that its the Tower of Palanthas.

In the Age of Mortals, there were only two towers left. One was inaccesible by all purposes, as the forest was avoiding everyone. That was the Tower of Wayreth. The other one, the Tower of Palanthas, was moved to Nightlund in that area. As it was the last tower accessible, it would make sense to call it The Last Tower.

Of course, you can easily check this by finding out whether that map is Post-War of Souls or not. If the Lake of Death is there, or the Desolation, then its Post-WoS and my theory could be correct. If neither of the above are there, then its Pre-WoS and I am incorrect. If I am correct, you may have trouble using it in the War of the Lance as it would still be in Palanthas at that point.

Edit: Hmm. I am checking my pre-WoS map (least I believe its Pre), and I see the Last Tower there too. So no idea what it is.


Jun 16, 2004 22:36:21
you'd like to believe it's the tower of palanthas, since the dots seem to match, but the Last Tower has been on maps since the earliest days, sorry =)


Jun 16, 2004 22:54:02
Are you sure it is the last tower or is it the lost tower (from the days of the wild mages)


Jun 17, 2004 3:17:21
raistlinrox advises:

DLCS, Page 183. The entry reads:

"Last Tower: This tower lies in the frontier between Nighlund and Throtl. Infested by shadow wights, the tower is dangerous to explore. A large pile of jewels, gold, and other precious metals is clearly visible from a ground floor window. The wights use this to lure foolish explorers to their doom."

Grrr. They put this in under Throtl?

In any event, while the explanation for all of this appears woefully lacking - some explanation and description is better than none and scant detail is another way of saying "flexible design".

My thanks to raistlinrox for the heads up.


Jun 17, 2004 4:33:34
Ahha. Yeah, I don't like the Geography section of the DLCS that much. It's far too hard to find things in there.


Jun 17, 2004 7:39:10
Originally posted by Steel_Wind
Grrr. They put this in under Throtl?

In any event, while the explanation for all of this appears woefully lacking - some explanation and description is better than none and scant detail is another way of saying "flexible design".

Well, the place is in the Throtl Gap, so that does make a little sense...

The Lost Tower's one of those locations they added to the Tales of the Lance map, expecting DMs to flesh them out. There were literally dozens and dozens of such places, and there never was any real plan to get to them all. At the time, this was one of those popular aspects to TSR's settings - they did the same in the Realms, setting Sembia aside as "DMs can flesh out this nation, we will never cover it" but they reneged on that decision some years later.

It won't have any shadow wights in it, prior to the Chaos War. It may have been a Solamnic outpost, given that it's on the very edge of the Solamnic plain, taken by Kitiara's forces when they crossed through the Throtl Gap; alternately, it was a ruin from the Age of Might, abandoned after the Cataclysm and inhabited by a succession of creatures from hobgoblins and kobolds to wraiths and shadows.
