Knights of Thakisis....



Aug 04, 2004 12:00:41
So i am running a campaign with the KoT are in. But i am not sure as to what time frame i was wanting to put it in. I need magic of the ToHS to still be available through the moons. Does any one have any idea's they would care to share with me?


Aug 04, 2004 12:09:28
The Knights of Takhisis were formed in 370 AC and the Gods didn't leave until 383 AC, so anytime during that time period would be a good time to run a "classic" Knights of Takhisis campaign, before the KoT devolved into a mass of brawling ruffians reminiscent of the old Dragonarmies. Also a cool time period because Ariakan was still alive. ;)


Aug 04, 2004 13:15:38
"The Second Generation" features an nice appendix about the Knights of Takhisis as they were before the Summer of Flame. It goes into great detail about their organization. Dragonhelm has informed me that that appendix was removed from more recent editions of "The Second Generation".

A tricky thing about using the Knights of Takhisis in the period mentioned by Iltharanos is, that very few even knew of their existance until just prior to the Summer of Flame. If I remember correctly only the top leaders of the various orders knew. I guess the reason I´m saying this is because I prefer running campaigns that stay close to Weis´ and Hickman´s books, and running a campaign prior to their "official" unveiling might expose them too soon. But that´s just me

If you´re interested (that is if you intend to use Lord Ariakan in your campaign), I can mention that I´ve created his stats for v3.5...



Aug 04, 2004 15:01:52
Basically this is what i have going a Knight of the thorn wizardis running an operation from inside of Neraka. He is searching for a dragon orb and has enlisted many to help aide in his search.


Aug 04, 2004 19:00:37
Independant operations like that are probably more suited to the 6th age, when the Knights break down a bit.

And they can still be powered by moon magic. There are renagade wizards as well as sorcerers amongst the ranks of the Thorn Knights


Aug 04, 2004 20:21:23
Originally posted by Khaibit_Ema_Neteru
Independant operations like that are probably more suited to the 6th age, when the Knights break down a bit.

I hate the 6th Age. What kind of chumps like that Age anyway?!?
Oh wait, there is no 6th Age. ;)

If you follow the timeline, the heads of the Knights of Solamnia, Temple of Paladine and the Orders of High Sorcery were all informed about the existence of the Knights of Takhisis in 378 AC. This warning was not heeded.

For your own campaign, the KoT wandering about Ansalon prior to the Chaos War would be fine. As long as they're not walking around wearing their KoT insignia they could easily pass for mercenaries or common adventurers. Even if they did walk around in their trademark armor and insignia, the fact that only the heads of the above-named organizations know anything about them means they're not likely to attract any particular amount of attention ...