Gladator Training



Sep 09, 2004 12:50:28
New Feat:
Gladiator Training:Can only be taken by 1st level fighters
Character is marked as a gladiator (tattoos, branding, scarification), the character has been trained to utilize any weapon, (is considered proficient with all exotic weapons)

Some may say this is too powerful. But you forget the stigma attached to being an awesome gladiator slave. Everyone wants to own you literally. People will look down on you even in "free" cities. And besides, coupled with armor focus and armor specialization this makes it possible to make a 2nd ed Gladiator in 3.5, AND this is dark sun.


Sep 09, 2004 18:23:53
Personally, I always thought something that gave the Gladiator the all-weapon proficiencies but at the cost of a weekly training requirement - basically, they have to train X hour per week, with access to a range of exotic weapons, in order to keep the bonus.

I suspect that's not a 3.5-compatible way of doing things, though...


Sep 10, 2004 4:08:52
I do agree that it's a little overpowered. Gladiator or not, it would only take one feat for a fighter to become proficient in all weapons at 1st level. That seems a bit much to me.

However, have you taken a look at Monte Cook's Arcana Unearthed? That variant divides all exotic weapons into Heavy or Finesse (or something like that) - one type relies more on the wielder's strength and the other on his finesse. With those two feats (and they have prerequisites too) you could get access to all exotic weapons. It's still not quite balanced vs 3.5 rules but maybe something you could use...