Language of Tarsis?



Oct 23, 2004 17:00:26
According to the WotL sourcebook, what language do people from Tarsis speak?

The DLCS lists Kharolian as a language in the Plains of Dust, among others. But no native Tarsian tongue. Is this correct?


Oct 23, 2004 17:03:53
I'd imagine given its location, the people of Tarsis speak Kharolian as their native tongue.


Oct 23, 2004 17:36:42
well, Tarsis was the capital of the nation of Kharolis....


Oct 24, 2004 1:12:36
1) I was under the impression that Tarsis was more a "City/State" at least before the cataclysm, in that it controlled the region around it but to the most part, did not dominate it.

2) Tarsis, at least before the Cataclysm, was very Cosmopolitan, in that it was a real melting pot of cultures and races and thus would have a lot of languages. Of course, the actual "founders" of Tarsis would have their own dialect, rather like Rome having hundreds of languages used in it, but Latin was the language of the Legionaires and the Senate.



Oct 24, 2004 22:06:04
I too think Tarsis should have its own language, considering its important history. I was just wondering if the War of the Lance gave any indication?...


Oct 25, 2004 0:13:55
Tarsis did have it's own language. It's called Kharolian.