adventure help please



Dec 06, 2004 0:42:39
I'm in the process of converting a basic edition module for my war of the lance campaign. I wont post the name as some of my players browse here but the big baddie at the end is a magic user that specializes in necromancy(the closest example I can think of is Azalin from Ravenloft though only at level 8-10, and not a lich). This leads me to question two things: 1. Would I be better of mking him a priest of chemosh as the baddie has a lot of undead minions that serve him? and 2, If I leave him as a necromancing black robe, why would chemosh allow followers of nuitari dominion over undead creatures, such as the Shoikan Grove. Basically why would the lord of the undead allow followers of another god the ability to create and control undead? Would chemosh allow this hoping the wizard creates something too powerful that chemosh can twist to his own ends or does he just not care? Why would followers of nuitari create creatures that owe allegiance to another diety? I guess I'm just trying to reconcile the philosphies o9f these two gods(as if mortals wouldn't be driven mad by that prospect. as it is I'm already getting a headache :D ) towards the creation and utilization of undead. Any help is greatly appreciated, my thanks in advance.


Dec 06, 2004 4:02:44
Chemosh, as Lord of all undeads, would want to see more of them "produced". So, methink he wouldn't mind a Black Robe creating (and commanding) some. He would probably hope the Black Robe would become a lich some day and thus fall under his domination.