Need help: Cloud giant castle in Mystara



Dec 16, 2004 2:25:51
My players recently concluded the scenario with the cloudgiants from the AC10 accessory on giants and dragons. Basically, in the adventure a boy buys a "magical" urn from a peddler, takes off the cork and speaks the comand word and a silver ladder going up to the Cloud Giants' castle appears. The boy goes up, the heroes follow on a rescue mission and a huge fight ensues with the giant family living up there.

Although it cost the life of one and nearly another PC, the group was victorious and now they "have" a cloud giant castle. And so they have asked me this tricky question:

"Does the cloud with the castle always appear directly above where the urn is, when the command word is spoken? Or does the urn only create a ladder if the castle happens to be directly above at the time the comand word is spoken?"

The module does not mention anything about this, so what are your thoughts about this? It is generally known that Cloud Giant castles float on the wind and cross entire continents several times a year. That seems to contradict having the castle "teleport" to whereever the urn is whenever the commandword is spoken. On the other hand, if the urn and castle have to be directly above/below oneanother for the ladder to appear, it was one h... of a coincident that the castle was there that day when the boy tried it? :D

Any suggestions?

:-) Jesper


Dec 16, 2004 3:42:20
Maybe the castle is on the Elemental Plane of Air and the ladder created is a sort of wormhole to the plane.



Dec 16, 2004 6:25:45
Hmm, several possibilities...

1) The urn just goes up - it's up to luck if a castle is up there or not.

2) The urn is magially linked to that cloud island - so if you go back down by other means you could be anywhere, depending on where the castle actually is.

3) Hybrid of 1 & 2 - the ladder goes to the closest.

Also, it is often held that if the giant dies the cloud starts breaking up again (certialy losing solidity). This would probably be apparant at the edges of the island first, but the players could be in a race to loot their castle before it goes. Also if the castle is quarried stone, and not solid cloud someone could get very upset when it lands on them! Also if the players in removing the valuables leave an item traceable to them that can withstand the fall (OK or a divination spell "Who did this?") then the players could be faced with a bill for rebuilding someone else's castle...


Dec 16, 2004 16:35:29
Maybe the castle is on the Elemental Plane of Air and the ladder created is a sort of wormhole to the plane.

My initial thought was something along these lines, where the ladder acts like a wormhole or dimensional door type function that always leads to a specific location at the castle. However, in this senario the urn would probably have to have been created specifically for this purpose.

Maybe the giant had it made long ago to allow a trusted person to visit him from time to time. That person may have helped the giant at one time in the past and became friends. Since then that person has died, lost the urn, what-have-you, and (long story made short) ended up in the hands of the boy.