Future release ideas -



Dec 22, 2004 7:30:58
Hi -as we know the Gazateer books are on hold for a while - I thought I would jot down a couple of starting ideas of books that would be good to see.
Obviosly everyones got a wish list. Still it might fire some discussions.

Firstly: it would be great to get a book on the secret societies that exist from the Baal versi, Kargatane, Malkens criminal empire, the brain etc.... The skys the limit on this one and Im wondering why its been missed since the small book in forbidden lore.

Secondly: A detailed city book would be good - Karg with its society above seems a good 'arkham' like choice. Again this opportunity seems to have been missed along the way. The gazateers sort of skim some and details others. The other settings all have city books -why not Ravenloft?

Thirdly: The kargatane released a lot of great web enhancements. A lot of this material could be neatly repackaged - into a best of or something similar.


Dec 23, 2004 5:31:06
More stuff on Gothic Earth would be nice!

And then, maybe they could detail some new domains - I am getting a bit tired of the Core.
At the end of *The Eternal King* my current RL campaign, my players are meant to escape Darkon, but I don't know yet where to...

On the web, I found info on some Viking - style domains. I'd really like to see them detailed.


Dec 23, 2004 6:31:29
Agreed on the gothic earth stuff. Im also looking forward to the next masque book - sounds very intriguing.

For Gothic earth - Im currently using the pagan publishing ' golden dawn' and the old 1890's call of cthulhu adventures as supplements.

As before the kargatanes netbooks had loads of great stuff in.

Yes new domains are normally always good. I liked the original islands of terror book and wouldnt mind seeing some new ideas ported in. The DMG did mention a few intriging ideas -such as domain based loosely around dark congo in 'conrads heart of darkness' or the amazon. I have one which is a degenerated battlefield from the first world war.

Plus im more keen to see adventurers going up against an island lord than a core domain lord. They typically have a bit more chance (or think they do)and the islands are easy to change, reappear or disappear.

Some of the core domains seem a bit samey so its good to give them something different.


Dec 23, 2004 22:58:36
I'm not going to ask to repackage Kargatane stuff as I am 100% confident that is impossible to do.

However I'd like to see more Masque of the Red Death. I'd prefer it set in the same period as the setting book. I'm not to sure how relevant Masque of the Jade Dragon is going to be for a 1980's game.


Dec 24, 2004 4:05:24
Yep, definitely MotRD supplements. The original Van Richten Guides hold a special place in my heart too. A monster manual including everything that was in the 2E compendiums would be a great book as well, and throw in some new beasties as well!
I'd also like to see a series of sourcebooks on all the novels from the line staring with Vampire of the Mists, maybe with short adventures that tie into each of the novels without actually having players and DMs recreating the events of the novels themselves. Maybe even have a twist thrown in to turn those adventures into a long-term campaign by somehow finding a way to tie all the adventures together (ie: each one ends leading into the next). It would take a bit of work, but I'm sure it could probably be done. I suppose by having each adventure ending with the mists swallowing up the PCs and depositing them into the land central to the next novel. It would be a neat idea.